• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

The MCME Times

The MCME Times
~The New MCME Times~[11/3/2019]
Spooky Seasons Over! Now the cold can set in! Editor's Note by Soarz It has been a wild month to say the least! Starting with the Anniversary and progressing through events everyone had a good time. All of them were put together by our guide team with help from selective builders and of course our Valar. This week your favorite times team brings you another wonderful edition showing off all our building efforts from what we saw last week. We also see the introduction of our new Bungee Network, this was put in place just in case of another big out break of popularity in our beloved server. So without a further or do please sit back, grab your hot chocolate, slap in your favorite Lord of the Rings movie and have a good time reading...
~The New MCME Times~[10/20/2019]
Happy Birthday MCME! Its been a long journey! Editor's Note by Soarz Welcome back fellow readers, we have a special edition this week! We celebrate nine years since the start of MCME! Its' been a long path and we have lost many great people, but in return we've gained many talented people. We couldn't have made it this far without their determination to building what they loved and now that we have the torch they passed down, it's our task to continue what they started. With that in mind we started our events for the Anniversary, and like every year they are going great! Sit back and enjoy another great edition, and don't forget to check out the new theme build! ;) ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress...
~The New MCME Times~[10/6/2019]
Nine Years and Counting! Its been a journey but its not over just yet! Editor's Note by Soarz It's all coming full circle once again and we are ready for it. Nine years doing anything can be hard and we have gained and lost many people over the years. But we take what they left us and move forward starting were they left off. With Eriol handing Head guide to Raffy and Credoo giving the crown to Smaug we have more traction the ever before. We were moving at a good pace but i see that we will be going even faster with the new lines of leadership we now have. Anyways this edition is full of twists and turns that I'm sure you aren't ready for. Sit back and enjoy another exciting new edition of your favorite news letter!! ~ Project...
~The New MCME Times~[9/22/2019]
Chilly Seasons Approach! We near the end of September and October weather follows! Editor's Note by Soarz Another two weeks have come and gone, and to say its been hectic would be an understatement. This past week we finally held the Helms Deep Battle for Node, it had an amazing turnout with many new players coming to check it out. A big majority of the credit goes to our beloved @Eriol_Eandur who put in many months of hard work to make this amazing battle possible. And how could we forget about @TotiGonzales who also spend a substantial about of time making the skins we got to wear and see. That is just a brief glimpse of what has been going on, much more has happened and i guess you'll have to read to find out what. So enjoy...
~The New MCME Times~[9/8/2019]
Fall is Coming! The cold will not stop our progress! Proofreader's Note by _Lord_Of_Squids_ Welcome back to the times, everyone! This marks another 2 weeks of progress and fun, and the beginning of another! I've started to feel a change in the air as the year wears on, which is great news for us winter lovers. But, as summer ends, more and more of us are falling to the great beast known as education, and while this may hinder build progress for a little bit our spirits are never daunted! Besides, what better thing to do after a long day at school or university than relax and explore (or build) Middle-earth? So sit back, put your reading glasses on, lower your chair, raise it because you lowered it a little bit too much, get up...
~The New MCME Times~[8/25/2019]
We can rest MCME! The hype has finally started to go down! Editor's Note by Soarz Another great two weeks have just flown by and lots of progress has been made. Things have begun to slow down but work is still being done all around the map. Many are off to school and that means less time for what we love, but regardless MCME players will always find a way to get on and have the time of their lives. Be sure keep a look out for jobs and different activities that happen on the server, and don't forget to have a wonderful day! ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien – Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by _Lord_Of_Squids_ Terrain is being finished all over Anorien. As of now, there are no sandy spots left! Streams are being checked and...
~The New MCME Times~[8/11/2019]
MCME Community! Everyone is helping out! Editor's Note by Soarz As we see old faces return from their long rest, there are a lot of people doing what they can to help with the progress. Everyone from Commoners looking for jobs to our great Valar, looking over our projects and helping out themselves, no one is left out! The influx of players is still coming and isn't looking to stop, but that's ok!, there is plenty to do and we have all the time in the world. Through out the next weeks be on the lookout for jobs to join and many fun games to partake in, within this community there is never a dull moment! ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien – Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by _Lord_Of_Squids_ Great progress here! The terrain outside...
~The New MCME Times~[7/28/2019]
Media MiddleEarth We've gone viral Editor's Note by Soarz The last two weeks have been pretty crazy, to say the least. After Node came on we have had a consistent one hundred people on at a time. We have been on not just YouTube, but Reddit, Instagram, and Facebook! We haven't seen these kind of stats in years and progress has boomed! More is being worked on and many adventurers are joining in. To all new players, welcome to MCME! We are glad you could join us in our great feat, and I hope you find a place in the community. Whether its building or sharing your knowledge with the world, I hope you have the time of your life. ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien – Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by _Lord_Of_Squids_ Good progress...
~The New MCME Times~[7/13/2019]
Event Season Preparations are made and work is being done Editor's Note by Soarz First off lets give a shout out to _Lord_of_Squids_ for his amazing tour for Node! He did a stellar job and helped boost the server with an influx of people. Despite the server being overran things were controlled and there are only positive things said about all the work done. Speaking of Events, we have our very own summer events just around the corner! Work on the server is going great with jobs going on left and right. Join a job and make MCME great again! ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien – Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by _Lord_Of_Squids_ Oberanio was too busy raiding Europe to give me any progress updates, but it looks like some farms...
The New MCME Times [6/30/19]
Mid Summer Middle Earth! There's nothing like Summer Minecraft! Editor's Note by Soarz Were half way through the summer and its still as hot as always, so I hope all the workers are getting enough water. Projects are advancing and work is being done all over. Moria has made immense progress with halls going up and jobs being ran - but don't worry! Revamps are happening too. The new JobBot has helped in making it easier for Foreman to make jobs more available and open. Be sure to be on the look out for them, they are fun and open to all! ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien – Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by _Lord_Of_Squids_ Great progress in Anorien! The terrain around Osgiliath just needs a bit more smoothing and it will be...
~The New MCME Times~ [16/6/19]
Scorching Summers Heat It may be hot but progression hasn't slowed a bit on MCME Editor's Note by Soarz Progress hasn’t stopped over the last few weeks, and with school and testing being done we are starting new projects. Many things are coming up and everyone is super excited. We have summer events, new jobs, and fantastic theme builds to look forward to over the next few months. ~ Project Progress ~ Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress Report byMonster_Duck There have been some beautiful plant life added to Andrast in these past two weeks, and Andrast is as beautiful as ever! Anorien – Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by _Lord_Of_Squids_ Pretty good progress in Anorien, fields around Dol Caranthan are...
~The New MCME Times~ [6/2/19]
The Turn of the Times! We come back to you now, at the turn of the tide! Editor's Note by Soarz Hello Fellow MCMER's! It has been a while, so we are proud to announce the return of the MCME Times! There is no doubt that this is a good time for this to happen with BWOT stepping down following Arkengarde's Resignation. They were a big part of MCME for many years and many looked up to them. I thank them both for the time and energy they put into their work on MCME, and hope we can take what they left and move forward. They both worked on the times and set high goals for it, so we aim to do the same and show the community what we can do. ~ Project Progress ~ Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress Report by Monster_Duck Although...
Revive the MCME Times
It's been some time since the last edition of the MCME Time came out. I'm missing it a lot and I know many of you do as well. So let's not wait any longer! Let's revive the MCME Times! If you are interested in helping with writing articles about build projects or other community aspects let me know ;) If you are good with taking screenshots and want to help with that tell me as well. If you are good with proof reading english texts your help is very welcome too.
~The MCME Times~ [21/01/19]
The Official MCME Times New Year Chills! Welcome to 2019 MCMErs! Editor's Note by BWOT Wow is it really 2019? Seems so, and I will be doing a State of the Union Server in the next couple of days where we will look at what we have coming this year. Where we are at with projects and what is our goal this year. I can tell you we have a lot coming. We started this year with the release of the Mordor Plans. A lot of work is being done to make it so that we can start with public building in the project. However, more information on everything will come in this edition, so I will stop holding you up. ~ Project Progress ~ Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress Report by Didi45 I have no progress to report here. Jacen has been...
~The MCME Times~ [20/12/18]
The Official MCME Times Hytale Middle Earth! Jokes, jokes… but, we are now back on the Times! Editor's Note by BWOT Hello, my good friends, enemies and people I don’t even know of MCME. We are back with the Times, and I take full blame for not posting sooner. It's not like I ignored the reminders Didi, Toti and Eriol sent me constantly on posting it. Well, looks like it got to me finally. If you didn’t get the joke in the title, you are living under a rock and need to get on our discord! I have been working really hard on something, and it has been taking a lot of my time, it's called the MCME Mordor Pack. A lot of work still to be done, but at least you know I’ve been trying. If you want to complain about something: annoy all the...
~The MCME Times~ [04/11/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual, we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/donate/community-costs.1/campaign Our Donors Eriol_Eandur TotiGonzales #MCMEdoesnotrunitself #NEWS A late Happy Halloween!: Updating the server?: The server updating process is moving very nicely thanks to Eriol! (You The Man!) Other than that there is not really much to say, we are making progress. Lots of folks on the watchlist! Wishing good luck to all those who are waiting and being watched… welcome to autumn lads! ~ Rank Updates ~ Report by Jonatanknalle Fraspace5: Another brave member has fallen to our old enemy real life, thanks for all the help...
~The MCME Times~ [04/11/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times November Chills! Tis the Season to be Building (next season is to be jolly)! Editor's Note by BWOT Wow and the Anniversary Events are over, phew… Great job to all who won, and thank you guides for playing a large role in organizing the events. I think we made a bit of progress in these last two weeks and I am happy in the direction we are currently moving. I realize November is a hard time as there are a lot of people in school, prepping for exams. Anyway, hopefully some big progress on the server in these next two weeks like we have been having. Good luck all, and I now will let you read the Times in all its glory. ~ Project Progress ~ Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress Report by Didi45 Jacen...
~The MCME Times~ [21/10/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual, we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/donate/community-costs.1/campaign Our Donors ]Eriol_Eandur ]TotiGonzales #MCMEdoesnotrunitself #NEWS MCME’s 8 year Anniversary Closing Ceremony: Ocotber 27th (7pm GMT) Summer Events 2018: A great video made by TotiGonzales highlights all the spectacular events we held during the Summer Final Voting Rounds for Winners of MCME: Vote on the Google Form: Finals Voting Guide Promo Video: @mapthor has recently put together a Guide Promotional Video which I am using to advertise the start up of the Official Guide YouTube Channel! On here we will post tour videos, minigame...
~The MCME Times~ [21/10/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times Spooky Season! And it's getting chilly! Editor's Note by BWOT Sorry for the massive delay, it has been a long time since I have posted one of these. But, now with a template these will be a lot faster t o post! A bit of progress has also been made. However, I would like to clarify some things with the project aspect: there is going to be no Bree Revamp, that was a joke by Slowlex and the Anorien Project is just at the idea stage right now, no building on it should be happening on the server and whatever is being built right now are concepts, a thread hasn’t even been made so don’t worry. Our main focuses are Dol Amroth, Belfalas and Moria. It is also great to know we have been running for now 8 years. What a...
~The MCME Times~ [23/09/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual, we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/donate/community-costs.1/campaign Our Donors Genexos Jesia Kjolsen #MCMEdoesnotrunitself #NEWS Survival Server: It has been taken down as well as the chat which went with it! Mordor Textures: A Mordor texture forum has been opened as mentioned earlier! Builder Meeting and Designer Meeting: Went well and recording and etc will be out asap! Builders Purge: A lot of Builders being reshuffled, cross fingers it's not you! MineCon: Yeah, you know that big Minecraft Event, it’s happening this week!!! The Great Timelapse Extravaganza (DA Destruction DAY) Yes you are...