• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

The MCME Times

The MCME Times
~ The MCME Times ~ [08/09/2020]
Swinging and Singing! The Summer Events are in Full Swing! Editor's Note by Mapthor Hello again, avid reader, and welcome back to The MCME Times Editor’s Note by Mapthor! As I assume you all know, the Summer Events have been in full swing this past week and a half. So far, these events have been great. We’ve had great Soc-Football matches with Archimedes, a movie night with Arothir, and one hell of a karaoke session with Xmine. So far, so good if you ask me. But, we’re not done yet! Next Friday (hopefully), Awaywind and I will be hosting our Mini-Middle-Earth Race. Also, be on the lookout for D3’s PvP Event on the 11th and Archimedes’s Moria Race on the 16th. Thank you all for participating in these Events so far. Hope to see you all...
~ The MCME Times ~ [07/26/2020]
The Seven Stars are Shining Bright! Let Us Start the Games! Editor's Note by Mapthor Hey all, Map here! I just got back from a two week vacation in the lands of Wyoming so I’ve been distanced from the community for a bit. But nonetheless, it is my job to bring you the biweekly Editor’s Note so here I am! The Summer Events are finally upon us with the opening ceremony, hosted by our lovely therapist Soarz, being scheduled for the 31st of this month. Be sure not to miss his lovely speech or whatever he has planned. Once that is over, the Summer Events will last until the end of August so be sure to take part whenever you can. But if you can’t make all of them, that’s ok. Just make sure to attend Awaywind and I’s Mini-Middle-Earth Race...
~ The MCME Times ~ [13/07/2020]
It’s That Time of Year Again! Get your swimsuits ready, the Summer Events are almost here! Editor's Note by Mapthor Hey all! Welcome back to another edition of Mapthor’s Editor's Note. These past two weeks have been hectic with a lot of stuff happening. We had a lot of great promotions, a handful of jobs, and even a teaser for the upcoming Summer Events! But, in the end, the good can’t exist without the bad. We saw the resignations of both LeBlanc and Dave, who both stepped down from their Staff positions. Thank you both for your hard work on the server, we’re all gonna miss you. To quote Harvey Dent: “The night is darkest just before the dawn.” While we may be going through tough times both on the server and in real life, we’re...
~ The MCME Times~ [06/28/2020]
Summer Fun in the Sun Go outside and play safely… or just stay inside and play on MCME I don’t care Editor's Note by Mapthor Hey all, Map here! I just watched Inception for the first time and now my head hurts thinking about it. Go watch Inception by the way, it’s a great movie. Plus, it’s got Leonardo Dicaprio as the main character and everyone loves Leo… right? Remember when he won his first Oscar for Best Actor in The Revenant? That was a happy moment. Ah, the good old days. Anyways, I gotta act professional here. This is the MCME Times we’re talking about here, the newspaper of the server! These past two weeks have been a joyride for the community. We had a few promotions and resignations, lots and lots of tours, and planning...
~ The MCME Times~ [15/06/2020]
It's nearly Mid-Summer's Night! Half way through 2020! Editor's Note by Mapthor Howdy gamers, how y’all doing? Another week, another Times edition where I gotta type some stuff up for you wonderful people. Lots of work is getting done both on and off the server. Just in these last two weeks, we had a few promotions in the community, lots of jobs have got the commoners involved in the community, and the Guides kinda took over the News channel with minigame and audiobook announcements. Speaking of the Guides, they went on a “vacation” to Disneyworld for some team bonding which was a wonderful experience. Granted that happens tomorrow on the 14th, by the time you read this it’ll already have happened so there’s that. As the world...
~The MCME Times~[05/31/2020]
Summer's Here! Lets make the most of it! Editor's Note by Mapthor Alright, this is my third week doing the editor’s note so I’m gonna change it up a bit. This time, I’m going to tell you a story. “There once was a tiger-striped cat. This cat died a million deaths, revived & lived a million lives, and he was owned by various people who he really didn't care for. The cat wasn't afraid to die. Then one day the cat became a stray cat which meant he was free. He met a white female cat & the two of them spent their days together happily. Well, years passed & the white cat grew weak & died of old age. The tiger-striped cat cried a million times, & then he died too. Except this time, he didn't come back to life.” It’s a nice story when you...
~The MCME Times~[05/17/2020]
Streamers and Chicken! We are back and viral once again! Editor's Note by Mapthor Hey there lads and lasses, Mapthor here again for round two of the Editor’s Note! Two more weeks of Quarantine have passed since the last edition of the Times which means MCME got a lot of special attention. Our donations have been going through the roof recently, a whole bunch of promotions from Artist all the way up to Manager, and lots of new players due to some certain Twitch Streamers. The Server is back in full motion and it doesn’t look like it’ll stop anytime soon. Keep up all the great work everyone! It will all pay off in the end, trust me :) Happy Sailing -Mapthor ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by...
~The MCME Times~[05/03/2020]
May Mayham! MCME is Booming! Editor's Note by Mapthor Hey guys, Map here! Soarz let me write the editors note for some reason so here we are. First off, it’s finally May! A new month means new progress for MCME and we got some cool things coming your way. The server got updated to 15.2, the PVP server got revived, and the Gondor RP trilogy is finally complete. Ooits began hosting the “official” MCME Workout Session which is open to the public (just ask him) and Q made the website look very very shiny. All in all, the community is rallying right now with new things due to this quarantine and I couldn’t be happier. The last time I saw the community this active was back in 2017, so seeing this puts a huge smile on my face. Anyways, I’m...
~The MCME Times~[04/19/2020]
MCME Times! Quarantined Edition! Editor's Note by Soarz With all this free time it's hard to know what day it is, but that's where your favorite Times Team comes in to tell you its Sunday again! Time is flying by as we all stay home, but for us hardcore MCME players it feels like a normal day. As for this week, we have some new cool additions that are interactive and for all to participate in as well as updates on all our event winners. I hope you have your popcorn and tea nearby as we jump into this weeks edition of the MCME Times. ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by Monster_Duck The Entwash and Fenmarch are being reworked in a project led by Darki. Multiple jobs have been run to create...
~The MCME Times~[04/05/2020]
Stay inside! Minecraft is more fun anyways! Editor's Note by Soarz With all that is currently going on, it may affect many people. But for those of us who are involved with MCME it has given us all the free time we could ask for. Over the past few weeks we have been moving more then ever nad pursuing our goal even more. Even so i would still like to urge everyone to stay inside (and play Minecraft). We have a special edition for the Occasion so don't let me keep you too long as we move straight into this Fortnights edition of the MCME Times! ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by Soars Not much has changed for the most part, progress has continued at a steady pace, terrain is being put in...
~The MCME Times~[03/22/2020]
Here comes the Heat! Winter is almost gone and warmth is on its way! Editor's Note by Soarz A lot has changed in the past few weeks, and i cant say its for the better. But that is why your neighborhood Times team is here, we belong to brighten your day and show you all the wonderful things we can do as a community. Even though changes are happening in the world we can still count on MCME to be here, for when we are bored and want to build and for the community to push us to be our best. This weeks edition is packed with tons of info that you don't want to miss. So once again i must ask that you grab some tea and a good snack as we push right on into this weeks edition of the MCME Times. ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead...
~The MCME Times~[03/08/2020]
Shamrock Sunday! Make a Wish! Editor's Note by Soarz Dang, has i really been three months already, time flies when your on the best Minecraft server in existence. Every week is a new adventure, or a challenge to take on and we push for the best. In MCME there is always something to do, it doesn't matter if that is building great big things or helping new players around the map, there is always something that you can do. In this weeks edition i urge you to look at all the amazing things people have done and put there love into and try and find something that you would enjoy doing, because if you aren't having fun then it feels more like a job then a passionate hobby. Not to put anymore time away, lets move into March's first...
~The MCME Times~[02/23/2020]
Love is in the air! MCME is the only true love! Editor's Note by Soarz It may be passed valentines day but that doesn't mean we can just love something for one day. MCME has a special place in all of our hearts especially those who have been here for a while. We can see all those who have brought us this far, and the things that we have achieved and know that this was not just a solo effort, but of a community and one that has one drive and passion, and that is the singular love for Middle Earth. This edition will be a bit smaller as we transition our projects and move forward with the new 1.14 patch. So not to keep you waiting any longer, lets dive right on into this weeks edition of the MCME TIMES!!! ~ Project Progress ~...
~The MCME Times~[02/08/2020]
Time Flies! One month down, a few to go! Editor's Note by Soarz Welcome back Dwarves, Elves, and Humans alike. We hope you enjoy your stay this week as week we talk about the tales of MCME, from projects to the news that has spread across the land. With January out of the way we only have a few months to work with so lets make then count! We have a lot to talk about and even more to show you, so without a further due please sit back at a 70 degree angle and get a good glass of water as we dive straight into this weeks edition of the MCME TIMES! ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by Monster_Duck Anorien awaits new textures before it can continue building. Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter |...
~The MCME Times~[01/26/2020]
Moving Forward! January is almost over! Editor's Note by Soarz January has rushed by, but time does fly when your chilling waiting on the good ole patch. This week is going to be a bit smaller on the project side as not much did happen as we watched from the sidelines as Eriol, and the team dealt with all the conversions and derps. We have added a bit more news for you to enjoy and look over to compensate for the lack of projects. Now relax as the edition is about to start, grab a seat/chair, and a snack as we show you the wonders of the MCME Times. ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by Monster_Duck Anorien is waiting for new textures before it can resume building. Till then, its artists are...
~The MCME Times~[01/11/2020]
New Year New mcME! Happy 2020 Everyone! Editor's Note by Soarz Happy new year MCME, last year was a bit wild, but fun. Time just seems to fly so fast when your having fun with friends and building amazing projects. With this new year we have the 1.14 update that is very close to being done, meaning more projects to report on. No more "Not much here this week" from us, as tons of work will be started shortly. I hope everyone is ready for another year with the community, because there is more fun to be had. So if your popcorn is ready with all the butter you can muster, lets get into this weeks edition. ~ Project Progress ~ Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress Report by Monster_Duck Andrast lies in wait for the server...
~The MCME Times~[12/29/2019]
Happy New year! Just kidding, only two more days to go! Editor's Note by Soarz This year is coming to a close and with that many achievements along the way. Alot of progress was made this year, not just within our server but in our community as well. We see as Lag - i mean Dol Amroth is finally finished putting us closer to our true goal of making all of Middle Earth in minecraft. We also see as roles are changed around as Valar pass off there tasks to new upcoming talent to make way for a new generation of MCME Valar. As well as more people join the team, of course we have also lost some along the way, but they will always be with us. With that this year has come to a wrap, as well as our memories we will carry with us...
~The MCME Times~[12/15/2019]
Chilly Season has set in! The season of lights, fires, and Middle-earth builds! Editor's Note by Soarz We are officially halfway through December, and boy has it flown by! It felt like two weeks ago we just did this, oh wait we did. That's OK though because we have all new information for you and more progress on our usual builds. Not even the cold can slow us down from having fun on MCME as we have our winter events coming up, and this time around we will not be visiting Bree but SNOWY BREE!! Bet you didn't see that coming. Anyways, don't let me keep you! Please enjoy this weeks edition and watch out for the mistletoe out there. ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by Soarz The cold weather...
~The MCME Times~[12/1/2019]
Merry MiddleEarth! It's that time of season again! Editor's Note by Soars Another two weeks and another edition to showcase your favorite content! It's the first of December and the weather is getting chilly, meaning blankets and tea. Work around the server is going smoothly and efficiently, there is always room for more builds. Not to mention the upgrade to 1.13, which means we are going to have a lot to look forward to in the coming days! This week we have our usual's and some good information in our development section, so be sure to check that out. Anyways, grab a buddy and a hot drink and enjoy what we have for you this week! ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress Report by Soars As the season...
~The MCME Times~[11/17/2019]
It's finally cold season! Anywhere is cold if you just believe it is! Editor's Note by Soarz It's your favorite news letter of the week back again with some spicy new content. We had a slower couple of weeks this time around but none the less its still all good stuff. New projects are starting and 1.13 is in full view but sadly isn't touchable yet. That's ok though because there is still more to do around here. With it being more cold as of late that means finals and end of classes for some of us, giving us both stress and at the end free time. Anyways lets get on with this weeks edition, i hope you have a good read and don't forget to smash that like button. ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress...