• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

The MCME Times

The MCME Times
~The MCME Times~ [23/09/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times Falling out of September! Autumn approaches, Builder Purges appear and we have two events coming soon! Editor's Note by BWOT A lot of activity is happening, surprisingly. Two meetings: one builders (notes, recording and presentation will be out shortly) and a designers. With the meeting was a promised Builders Purge (Artist, Foreman, Designer, Lead Builder), I am very sorry to see all the demotions, but its for a better cause of higher standard, and working to unify the team! We got two great events coming up, first, The Great Timelapse Extravaganza and the Builders Workshop. Information on both of those will be later in this post. I hope for it all to go well, but it will only succeed if you the Builders...
~The MCME Times~ [09/09/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual, we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/donate/community-costs.1/campaign Our Donors This week we did not have any donations :( and that is why we need a bigger push from all of us! If we want this server to live we must help out as best as we can! #MCMEdoesnotrunitself #NEWS Builder Meeting and Designer Meeting: Happening on the 22nd of September! Last Tolfalas Untamed has surpassed: Thank you Raffy and Samfries Taranoc Silmarillion Primer Reading Every week I (LegoCellist) will be reading an installment of Jeff LaSala’s Silmarillion Primer. Join me next Sunday for the 3rd installment of The...
~The MCME Times~ [09/09/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times A Midnight Summers Dream! Summer is waning as I speak, but that doesn’t mean the building or progress on the server is! Editor's Note by BWOT It's been a good two weeks, I am currently working on planning two big meetings which will hopefully set us on a good start for post-summer work and get us rolling back into full swing soon enough. I am excited with all recent promotions, participation and the whole lot. I hope to see a lot more of it these next two weeks as well! ~ Project Progress ~ Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress Report by mapthor No report to give yet again, but here’s a nice picture :) Belfalas – Lead: @Darki/@Eriol_Eandur | In Progress Report by mapthor No report is give sadly...
~The MCME Times~ [26/08/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual, we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/donate/community-costs.1/campaign Our Donors This week we did not have any donations :( and that is why we need a bigger push from all of us! If we want this server to live we must help out as best as we can! #MCMEdoesnotrunitself #NEWS Breaking News! Survival at its finest! Out there we will find the strongest player to survive the cold of the winter beyond The Wall! Wait… that is not the right reference… Ah! The games have begun! With two fighters from every district they will battle until the end with only one winner! Wait wait wait… still wrong type of...
~The MCME Times~ [26/08/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times TITLE! (Yeah I couldn’t think of anything better)! Editor's Note by BWOT What happened? You guys tired of getting killed in survival? Anyway…. Us admins have a lot coming as usual and a lot to do. Also with the leaving of the Mandalorian and the coming of an Owl, we have had to rejigger things a bit and it will take a few weeks to get back into the swing of things. Also we are going to have a couple things coming which I promised which are new so bear with me. Osgiliath Vegetation Update Started and we will have a project progress next week on that but for now read this for information: In Progress - ***Osgiliath Vegetation Upgrade*** ~ Project Progress ~ Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress Report...
~The MCME Times~ [12/08/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times Survival of the Blockest! Happy Survival Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor! Editor's Note by BWOT Well what an "eventful" week (Summer Events Pun Am I Right). Closing Ceremony is coming up and that will be the start of a 2 week Survival. This will hopefully give the development team some time with some things as well with Project Planning and once Survival is done we can start with some new phases of projects or new projects in general. I’m glad of the fun and progress we made in the last two weeks and thanks for everyone's cooperation on the Summer Events. Great stuff! ~ Project Progress ~ Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress Report by BWOT Matt and Jacen have been, you guessed it...
~The MCME Times~ [12/08/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual, we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/donate/community-costs.1/campaign Our Donors Here are this week's latest donors. Good work guys! #MCMEdoesnotrunitself: @Kjolsen @NicTheFifth @Jesia- Who just reached $1000 dollars, thank you so much Jes! @q220 this man deserves like a hug!!! @PumkinVision #NEWS Good news everyone! Finally the clutter of a million discord channels telling you the same things are gone. Please welcome the #News channel where you will get updates from Staff, Assistants and Guides about events and whatnot. Make sure to not mute it otherwise you may miss some important community...
The MCME Times Project Progress [29/07/18]
The Official MCME Times The Hottest Point of the Year! 1.13 Release, RP Merge Done, Summer Events Started, and lots more! Editor's Note by BWOT Hello all, this will be a severely reduced version due to the amount which is currently going on. Summer Events, RP merge, 1.13 and many other things. We will hopefully have a very fun summer and two weeks ahead. Building events are in the planning so keep your eyes peeled for announcements! ~ Project Progress ~ Not a lot of individual progress but a lot of work behind the scenes. I am currently going through each project and working with the leaders, setting up announcement threads and properly getting everything to finish some of these projects off or to continue them at a steady...
The MCME Times General Announcements [15/07/18]
~ General Announcements ~ Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual, we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/donate/community-costs.1/campaign Our Donors Here are this week's latest donors. Good work guys! #MCMEdoesnotrunitself: No one ??! ~ Rank Updates ~ Report by Henry We have a few promotions about in MCME these days Foreman Antecedence - Antecedence has been hard at work and has recently found himself with the role of foreman, welcome to the squad! Promotion Designer Tyranystrasz - Tyran has returned finally to help out again, welcome back Tyran! Promotion ~ Interviews ~ Now as it is custom we have two interviews; the “First Impressions Interview”...
The MCME Times Project Progress [15/07/18]
The Official MCME Times It’s Coming Home! Sadly not England however 1.13 and hopefully our RP merge are! Editor's Note by BWOT and superlolster Now I’m writing this the day before the final..*.super here so ye sorry about the delayed edition I have sadly been very busy with Irl commitments so it is very late, and BWOT France won!* so congratulations Belgium on 3rd place, Q should be proud! Sorry to England but anyway congratulations to whatever team which wins(France). Now back on MCME related stuff, Summer Events are coming in hot and so are many other things. I hope you enjoy your two weeks of fun and hopefully good weather. Lots of hard work is coming together in this time so thank you to those that have worked so hard for...
~The MCME Times~ [01/07/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times A Busy Month Ahead! With the Summer Here a Lot of Work is Coming Near! Editor's Note by BWOT Well I hope you enjoyed that little bit of rhyme in that sub-title, only took me 5 seconds of dedicated hard work. But anyway talking about work, we have a lot approaching, rp merge is going to happen this month which will spur on the completion of Belfalas and Dol Amroth and kick off a new “Job Run” orientated project on Osgiliath Vegetation. Once done with Belfalas and Dol Amorth we can finally start building in Mordor which is planned for the most part. I hope you guys enjoy what we have in stock for you and hope there will be a lot of building on MCME this month. Enjoy the two weeks until I see you again! ~...
~The MCME Times~ [01/07/18] Announcments
~ General Announcements ~ Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual, we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/donate/community-costs.1/campaign Our Donors Here are this week's latest donors. Good work guys! #MCMEdoesnotrunitself: @Kjolsen @q220 @Jesia @DynoDaring @ViggyIggy A NEW LINK? Our beloved q220 has now given us an amazing new command… *drumroll* /link, it links your forums account, discord account, and Ingame account together, so you are the same rank on all three platforms! Nicely done Q, thanks for fixing all our rank problems haha :D ~ Rank Updates ~ Report by superlolster Well, these last few weeks have seen the introduction of two, yes two new ranks to MCME...
~The MCME Times~ [17/06/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! Oops! We ran into some problems. Our Donors Here is this week's latest donors. Good work guys! #MCMEdoesnotrunitself: @Kjolsen ~ Rank Updates ~ Report by Raffy Designer _Luk: I guess Luk’s awesome work as a designer before was missed too much! Congrats Luk and we look forward to seeing your work continue! promotion Guide RedAnaran_2022: Not another one… Red decided to resign from Guide to focus on real life involvements. A very bold and commendable ability and decision that few possess. Good luck Red! resignation Guide Samfries_Taranoc: Where 1 shall fall, another shall rise! Sam did a...
~The MCME Times~ [17/06/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times Summer is finally in full swing! Sun, Sea, Final Summer Events planning? What's not to love?! Editor's Note by Raffy Note by Raffy? Am I blind? Nope you're not, although you may need medical help to deal with the sheer awesomeness of this edition! Well, your beloved BWOT was busy on other ventures, And the other 2 next in line decided to have a much earned rest. So you're stuck with me! This is going to be fun isn't it! Well, enough about yours truly, let's talk server stuff! And we have ourselves a familiar face in the designer team! Not to mention the illustrious Summer Events have had even more work done! Badges seem to finally be coming together too, and, perhaps the pinnacle of excitement on the...
~The MCME Times~ [03/06/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! Donation Drives Become a Donor Recent Donators will now be listed here, #MCMEdoesnotrunitself: @Eriol_Eandur @q220 (didn’t know you could donate to yourself) @BWOT @dav3ck @ViggyIggy @DynoDaring @Jesia ~ Rank Updates ~ Report by Super Artist Julius_the_Great: Julius is back again after quite a while, we are very glad to see him back on MCME ready to build once again :)promotion Guide Aaria: To many peoples dismay one of our resident female guides Aria has decided to step down from Guide due to real life issues, we hope to see her come back soon as she will be greatly missed by the community...
~The MCME Times~ [03/06/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times The Rush! This is the last month of stretch in preparation for usually the productive Summer! Editor's Note by BWOT Hello everyone, not so much new these two weeks as it has been a lot of behind the scene work. However, we hope to get some stuff done for you guys soon enough. Summer is arriving which is our most productive season. Hopefully we can get all prepared and planned this month so for July and August we can really bang out some big things. I hope all of you the best, I know there are some who still have finals, so good luck to that and I hope to bestow upon you all announcements of new things soon enough! ~ Project Progress ~ Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress Report by LegoCellist A...
~The MCME Times~ [20/05/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times Spring Cleaning Building! FINALS ARE COMING! Editor's Note by BWOT Hola amigos, not as much progress as last time as lots of us are now studying for exams or putting on their spray tan for the Summer. But that doesn’t mean we do not have some good things coming: Summer Events, Summer Survival, New Projects, New Badges and some other important things coming soon. It might just take a while to kick them off as I mentionned before: everyone has been slaved to the real world for the past weeks. I hope you all luck for those with exams, those finishing work and those who are just building on MCME! ~ Project Progress ~ Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress Report by LegoCellist No progress the last two...
~The MCME Times~ [20/05/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Badges We have a couple badges coming out soon in the coming days: WE: Unrestricted FAWE WE-: World Edit, limited to i.e. 100’000 blocks per operation. (not settled upon) VX: VoxelSniper T: Hosting tours MG: Hosting minigames More info about each, how to apply will be in a separate post. Discord vs. Forums Discord vs. Forums, Where is the line? Please read up on this post! Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! Oops! We ran into some problems. ~ Rank Updates ~ Report by Super and BWOT Head Developer Eriol_Eaunder: We would like to give a heartly welcome to Eriol in coming into this new position as an Admin promotion Read more...
~The MCME Times~ [06/05/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Badges We have a couple badges coming out soon in the coming days: WE: Unrestricted FAWE WE-: World Edit, limited to i.e. 100’000 blocks per operation. VX: VoxelSniper T: Hosting tours MG: Hosting minigames More info about each, how to apply will be in a separate post. @q220 people are getting very badge hungry. :P Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! Oops! We ran into some problems. ~ Rank Updates ~ Report by Super and BWOT Lego_Cellist: Congrats must be said to Lego who has recently been promoted to guide, yay! I hope to see some more minigames and tours now, hehe :P promotion Emparra: Wow, I am actually shook, another...
~The MCME Times~ [06/04/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times May the 6th be with you! Two days over but like… close enough! Editor's Note by BWOT MCME has seen some great progress these last two weeks: promotions, building, texture development however we have also had the resignation of @Finrod_Amandil from Head Designer and the Admin team. Namárië We will miss you Finrod and we thank you for all the amazing work you did on this server. We will all have to take this burden and move on to the best of our abilities. Right now, we are sorting out some behind the scene problems and delegating Finrod’s old tasks to others. However, don’t worry, we will soon be back on track. In this edition we have also removed the Breaking News Section as the source stopped producing new...