• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

The MCME Times

The MCME Times
~The MCME Times~ [22/04/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times Happy Middle Earth Day ! Roses are red, violets are blue, Minecraft is blocky… and so are you! Editor's Note by BWOT Well done all :D ! What an amazing two weeks, lots of events, jobs, and players! We have better managed our projects, organized loads and there is a lot moving forward. I am really proud of how things are going, so don’t stop now ;) . I wish everyone a great weekend as we move into this week with some big changes. ~ Project Progress ~ Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress Report by superlolster No progress in these last two weeks, as far as I am aware. Belfalas – Lead: @Darki /@Eriol_Eaunder | In Progress Report by superlolster There have been tons of new farm fields made in southern...
~The MCME Times~ [22/04/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Badges We have a couple badges coming out soon in the coming days: WE: Unrestricted FAWE WE-: World Edit, limited to i.e. 100’000 blocks per operation. VX: VoxelSniper T: Hosting tours MG: Hosting minigames More info about each, how to apply will be in a separate post. The MCME public meeting #no.3 As you are all probably aware there was a public meeting last night where we discussed some very important topics and changes that will be implemented into the server in the near future. Notes and recording will come out as soon as possible. Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/donate/community-costs.1/campaign...
~The MCME Times~ [08/04/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Become a Donor Hey guys! As usual we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can! Community Costs | Minecraft Middle Earth Looking for experienced builders to revamp Builder School BWOT here looking for experienced builders, so that I can form a team with the objective of revamping the builder school. It is going to work with a program which will be released soon by the staff team. Contact Liz or Super if you are interested! Keralis Video Release / Spring Events The long-awaited Keralis video is coming out today! Yes today! At 5pm BST! So everyone get ready for the spring events to begin! There will be some jobs and tours by the designers, foremen and guides so everyone...
~The MCME Times~ [08/04/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times Easter, Spring… Bah Humbug! Here comes the onslaught of the new players! Editor's Note by BWOT Hello everyone, new, old and everyone in between to the 08/04/18 Edition of the Times! An amazing last two weeks it has been for sure. Keralis and Docm visiting, Spring Events starting, Mordor planning beginning. Just so much has happened! We are finally finishing up on our big projects in Gondor and with the jobs hopefully finish Dol Amroth, Belfalas and Tolfalas in the coming weeks. From there we will have a sub-project of Osgiliath vegetation revamp led by ooitsbirdo and Dav3ck. Also, if you read more into this edition you can see we will be implementing our new Rank system soon and have lots of promotions...
~The MCME Times~ [25/03/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times The Big Waste Of Times! Spring is coming right around the corner so get your shorts and hat on! Editor's Note by BWOT The reason I love this job is that I can put my own name in the title :p . However, on the serious note: we are making a lot of progress. I am so glad to see the change which is about to come (you might not know it yet but trust me… its good). Even though we had some bumps this week, and we have lost two staff members we are looking at problems in our community and addressing them so that we will have a more productive, a more coherent and most importantly a stronger community. ~ Project Progress ~ Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress Report by LegoCellist and BWOT No progress has...
~The MCME Times~ [25/03/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Expansion Update: Here are all the current updates that have been released so far: The first part of the Expansion update was the introduction of the server partners. Yes, those pink guys that y'all have been seeing on discord recently. These server partners are heads from other servers that MCME are now working with, and NO this is not a merge with any other servers, for more information read this: ~Server Partners~ The next part to the Expansion update is the Promotion programme, this is about making a Promotion for MCME that can be used to promote the server, hence the name promotion, for more information read here: ~Promotion Program~ Next up is the Realism guides! This is the 3rd part to the...
~The MCME Times~ [11/03/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Expansion Update: Here are all the current updates that have been released so far: The first part to the Expansion update was the introduction of the server partners. Yes, those pink guys that y'all have been seeing on discord recently. These server partners are heads from other servers that MCME are now working with, and NO this is not a merge with any other servers, for more information read this: ~Server Partners~ The next part to the Expansion update is the Promotion programme, this is about making a Promotion for MCME that can be used to promote the server, hence the name promotion, for more information read here: ~Promotion Program~ Next up is the Realism guides! This is the 3rd part to the Expansion...
~The MCME Times~ [11/03/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times Happy Mother’s Day To All (except America)! Spring is coming right around the corner so get your shorts and hat on! Editor's Note by BWOT A bit of progress has passed this week however I think we are in a bit of a stagnation period at the moment. We do not have as many Designers on in this period of time, which I want to stress: Designers are the core to MCME life, the more planners and staff on then the more lively everything seems and this just builds on itself. Artists are the core building force for sure but without guidance not much progress is made. Hopefully this instructor program will prepare more people to be able to take a bigger role on the server; as one of the most important factors which can...
~The MCME Times~ [25/02/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times Warm Days to Come (Hopefully)! Some pretty cold weather everywhere and some stagnation in carrying out plans due to a majority of things however hopefully some more progress soon now that most of the planning is done. Editor's Note by BWOT Sorry for such a late Times, but ladies and gentlemen it is finally out! We have had one Build Day this week and two more to come same time, one in same place next week. Hopefully we can finish New Town off by then. Sorry for not being as active as usual. I am in America currently deciding some major things but anyway; back to Europe very soon and some big things coming up for sure. Thank you so much @superlolster for all the great work you did in this edition. It helped...
~The MCME Times~ [25/02/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Build Days Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, there will be ANOTHER build day in New town Dol Amroth! Yes, more lagg for our computers! Time and Date: The event will be hosted at 9:00 AM GMT on Saturday morning, until 6:00 AM Sunday Morning (21 hours in total). The date is the 3rd of March! Concept and House guide: As New Town is a different section and outside the walls of the main city of Dol Amroth, it will have a slightly different style. /warp NTtemp to see the concept and the house building guide. The foreman/co-supervisors will help you in building the houses. Rules: As we are opening this to the public there are some rules you must follow or you will not be allowed to participate. The...
~The MCME Times~ [11/02/18] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ Staff Meeting Yesterday saturday the Designer team sat together to discuss a large number of things. This here is a quick summary of that over-3-hour-long meeting we had. Artist promotion committee: We were able to state that so far the newly formed committee (currently consisting of BWOT, Eriol and Darki) is working quite well in reviewing and deciding on which Artists to promote. A vital part of it is however that all Designers take notes when an Artist applicant is doing a good job, so for all the applicants: Whenever you are really putting some effort into something, ask the Designer you got the job from to note down some positive feedback on you! Artist and Designer buddies: We have decided to...
~The MCME Times~ [11/02/18] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times The Month Of Change Starting the month of February with a very grand edition of The Times. Read up and get to know what changes we have in store! Editor's Note by BWOT Well I didn’t have so much help on this edition as last week so sorry for the delay. However, I did have Finrod and Eriol contributing on some parts so thanks a lot to you guys. I would also like to thank Unicode who wrote a part as a trial editor and I would like to congratulate him to the Times team. Another group who I should thank is the photography team who did a superb job as always. We haven’t introduced any new sections, however go to the General Announcements sections and see what was discussed in the Staff Meeting and how it will...
~The MCME Times~ [28/01/17] Announcements
~ General Announcements ~ A new way to promote Artists! In the past few weeks, there has been some discussion about the Artist promotion process. There was also a poll on the public and staff forums. Most agreed that there should be a committee of Designers to review Artist applications and decide about promotions. This committee will meet every two weeks beginning this weekend. For now there are @BWOT, @Darki and @Eriol_Eandur but this is not fixed and other Designers may join. All Designers and Formen are asked to put their observations about Artist applicants into a spreadsheet to help the committee. Royal Town build day for Artist+! “To all Artists, Foreman and Designers ... Dol Amroth Royal Town is calling you. We are having...
~The MCME Times~ [28/01/17] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times End of January Wrapping up January with this edition of The Times. Can’t wait to see what February has in store for the server! Editor's Note by BWOT A lot of changes have occurred in the last two weeks... One thing that hasn’t changed, however, is the hard work of the Times team! Thank you everyone who worked on this edition: @Arkengard , @Eriol_Eandur , @Finrod_Amandil, @Smaug_Niphredil , @superlolster. I would like to welcome @superlolster to the team as an editor and photographer. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Team yourself, please message me (BWOT) on discord. Also, thank you to our other photographer @Pants_of_Sindar who did an amazing job with the screenshots you see in this...
~The MCME Times~ [14/01/17] Announcements Part 2
~ Breaking News from Middle-earth ~ MISSING PRINCE DISCOVERS NEW HITCHHIKING BUDDY Earlier today, recently-arrived prince and intrepid explorer Findekáno, well-known harpist and first son of current High King Ñolofinwë, unexpectedly returned to camp on the back of a giant eagle while carrying most of his cousin, also current High King Nelyafinwë Maitimo. “I was wandering around the mountains near Thangorodrim, looking for a nice place to sit down and maybe hitch a ride with a passing Orc patrol, when suddenly this great shadow descended upon me and Thorondor showed up,” Findekáno said earlier, pointing to the giant eagle he rode in on. “He even showed me where Cousin Russandol was, which was pretty nice.” Findekáno, fifty-second...
~The MCME Times~ [14/01/17] Announcements Part 1
~ Staff Meeting Overview ~ Report by BWOT and Finrod As many of you know a staff meeting took place on January 3rd, Wednesday 2018. If you don’t know what a staff meeting is; it is a meeting done over voice chat primarily with all staff of MCME (Designers, Enforcers, Valar). We discussed a variety of topics and to keep you guys in the loop, we would like to give you an overview of what we discussed and also what you might expect: A new Head Designer??? The first big topic of this staff meeting was a reaction to that I (Finrod) have basically constantly been completely overbooked by the many, many tasks that have happened to fall onto my plate during the past months. The one task that I had most trouble finding time for was properly...
~The MCME Times~ [14/01/17] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times Two Weeks of Reflection With the beginning of the New Year behind us and all the Holidays over, we now head into another year of potential! Editor's Note by Finrod Quick, while BWOT isn’t here, let me sneak in my own opening statement and hope he does not notice… I want to take this opportunity to applaud everyone’s amazing contributions from the past year, especially those among you, who have really gone the extra mile and have put incredible amounts of passion and time into this community and its project. I am once again tremendously honored that I am allowed to contribute myself to this community. 2018 is a year I am very eager to move into, because I foresee many great things to come. For MCME, it...
~The MCME Times~ [31/12/17] Announcements
~ Winter Events ~ We had a great time but they are over, sadly. Thank you for everyone who helped out especially the enforcers and guides. Also @BWOT is hosting a Christmas Tree building competition in plotworld. Warp ChristmasTreeComp and grab a plot to enter in the competition by grabbing a plot. Winners will be announced next Times. ~ Rank Updates ~ Here we are in edition three! Give a round of applause to our new artist promotees! reycraft: Big shout out to reycraft for making it into the purple legion! Already they’ve helped tons with their new string of slightly more important jobs! Can’t wait to see what great builds they plant here on MCME! Congrats! superlolster: Well I think I can say this for everyone, (this is...
~The MCME Times~ [31/12/17] Project Progress
The Official MCME Times New Year Special! Time to start the New Year with a new edition of The Times! Editor's Note by BWOT Happy New Year MCME Community. It has been an absolutely great year of 2017 and that means an equally great edition of the Times. The editors of this edition are: @Eldar_Telcontar , @Arken, @mapthor and @TI. We have a great edition this week so as usual in this edition is included all the regular sections but because it's the New Year edition we have some specials parts. A reminder, the editions will come out every two weeks and contain a project progress part and then an announcements part. This edition includes an interview with @ryttyr (Artist). Lastly, the ‘Lore of the Week’ which will include lore...
~The MCME Times~ [17/12/17] Announcements
~ Winter Events ~ The Winter Events are back and we have got loads of fun filled events for you this year. “I’m going to update the snowball fight plugin for winter events,” said Eriol. This means that we will be able to have snowball fights on the server. For the full schedule leading up to Christmas Day, please check this thread: ~MCME Winter Events 2017~ Also @BWOT will be hosting a Christmas Tree building competition in plotworld. Warp ChristmasTreeComp and grab a plot to enter in the competition by grabbing a plot. ⛷ ~ Rank Updates ~ ⛷ Why hello again my MCMEnites! Say congrats to your fellow promotees! Looks like there’s only one promotion this week, which means you need to be extra congratulatory! Mapthor: Another...