• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

The MCME Times

The MCME Times
~ The MCME Times ~ [02/27/2022]
Finished Project February! Two projects done on the same day? That’s crazy! Editor's Note by Mapthor Yes you heard it right. Both Xmine’s Dead Marshes and Swe’s Pelennor Fields were all wrapped up with a bow on the 18th, marking three projects done this month! This now begs the question, what’s next? Tharbad revamp? East Gate? Mordor? I sure hope so because I might take Smaug up on the $75 bet that it’ll start this year. But who knows, guess we can just wait and see. Until next time, keep on keeping on :thumbs_up: Happy Sailing, mapthor ~ Project Progress ~ Anduin - Lead: @Wyattrox03 | In Progress Report by Wyattrox03 Progress is still happening - trust me - sauce: just trust me bro. Maski finished connecting the tributary east...
~ The MCME Times ~ [02/13/2022]
The End of Ambition New Builds Completed and Old Friends Say Farewell Editor's Note by Mapthor Now I know I'm always upbeat and cracking jokes with these Editor's Notes, but I'm gonna hold back today because this one is bittersweet. As most of you know, Soarz and Iru stepped down from Mod and left MCME this past week and I just wanted to say a few words. These two, along with awaywind and Shen, have kept this server so fresh the past year with the Reunion Events, Nuggie Nights, and most importantly the ASIS. This place is going to be a whole lot quieter without you two and I'm gonna miss all the fun times we've had together. To Iru: Thanks for all the crazy stuff you roped me into. Granted I just went along for the ride while you...
~ The MCME Times ~ [01/30/2022]
It’s Time For an Upgrade! MCME Gets Ready For 1.18! Editor's Note by Mapthor G’day chaps, it’s time for another edition of the Times! As per usual, the past two weeks have been pretty quick apart from the fact that we might be moving to 1.18 soon! I know it’s crazy, but we’ll have to wait just a little bit longer until Eriol sorts out all the issues. In the meantime, take a quick peek at the new height limit increase as shown by our wonderful Designer Drao! Happy Sailing, mapthor ~ Project Progress ~ Anduin - Lead: @Wyattrox03 | In Progress Report by Wyattrox03 The time has come: two vegetation jobs have taken form on the east bank of the Anduin, during which American night Adventurers and Commoners tried their hands at...
~ The MCME Times ~ [01/16/2022]
Is 2022 Over Yet? Nothing interesting has happened yet, I want a refund. Editor's Note by mapthor Howdy y’all, welcome back to The Times! The past two weeks have been fun to say the least. While Build Battles returned and some fun tours took place, the best thing that happened was the addition of MCME’s first piece of modern art. I call it “The Great Divide.” Added by ex-Designer Patrick0901 a few days ago after Voxel went brrr, this brand new structure encompasses the entire map and cuts it in two. I know it’s gonna disappear soon, but I’m gonna enjoy it as much as I can. Regardless, I’m mapthor signing off till next week. ~ Project Progress ~ Anduin - Lead: @Wyattrox03 | In Progress Report by Wyattrox03 Progress has slowed...
~ The MCME Times ~ [01/02/2022]
New Year, New mcME! At least i thank that's how it works! Editor's Note by Mapthor Welcome to 2022 ladies and gentlemen. Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year’s Eve. With that being said, we sprung into the new year with like no events apart from a banger Lore Hour and the Year in Review. Speaking of that, it's a funny story. A day before the premier, I had to quality check the jokes beforehand with Smaug to make sure it wasn’t too spicy. In the end, only two things got cut (by me, not Smaug), but I wanna shout him out for keeping the good stuff in :D. Censoring stuff is weird, I'm not gonna lie. Like imagine if people wanted to censor the MCME Times, what kind of world would we be living in? Regardless, happy New Year...
~ The MCME Times ~ [12/19/2021]
It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year! Christmas is Upon Us! Editor's Note by mapthor Ho, Ho, Ho. Merry Chrysler ladies and gentlemen. The chilly season is upon us and the winter events have officially begun. Truly a wonderful time to be on MCME. Now I won’t lie, there isn’t much to update you guys on this time, so I’ll keep it brief. I hope you all have an amazing holiday season and stay safe. Don’t do anything too stupid :) Happy Sailing, mapthor ~ Project Progress ~ Anduin - Lead: @Wyattrox03 | In Progress Report by Wyattrox03 Who let the dogs out! ? ! ? And of course by dogs I mean w0rld and I being released upon the Anduin. That's right a new project, how crazy is that, 0wOw0. And like dogs being let out of my basement...
~ The MCME Times ~ [12/05/2021]
I Got One Question!! Who put Soarz back in charge of the Times?! Editor's Note by Mapthor You read the title correctly. Soarz returned to post the Times once more. Maybe Shen just got lazy, who knows really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Regardless. The past two weeks have been very hectic to say the least. We witnessed the 24 hour Charity Stream go down exactly as we would’ve expected it to, raising over $100,000 for the kids. While I didn’t get to hear it, a 3 hour staff meeting was held yesterday which will be interesting to see the outcomes of. And finally, the end of the year is upon us which means many things. Finals week, Winter Events, Year in Review, and a whole bunch of other Christmas things on MCME. Hope you all pass your finals and I’ll...
~ The MCME Times ~ [11/21/2021]
The Beans Have Been Spilled! Minecraft Middle-Earth x No Kid Hungry! Editor's Note by mapthor After 8ish months of keeping my mouth shut, I can finally talk about the Charity Stream! It’s crazy something like this is actually happening on our server. I remember back in 2017 where we were lucky to have a Youtuber make a video about us. And now here we are, a major charity organization with a huge Minecraft Youtuber raising money for the kids. You truly love to see it. Regardless, I hope everything goes smoothly this Friday. And if it doesn’t, we got a drinking game to keep us occupied. Good luck to all the team members helping out and let’s help the kids! Happy Sailing, Mapthor ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @draonic_slayer...
~ The MCME Times ~ [11/08/2021]
It’s Time to be Thankful! Turkey is overrated btw Editor's Note by Mapthor Howdy do gamers, it’s your boy Mapthor back with another Editor’s Note. I’ll save the MCME updates for the sections below because I have to advertise something. As for today, November 7th, our Head Builder Bart has deleted the legendary Osgo tree. This is just a horrendous act and we cannot stand for it. I invite you to sign the petition made to bring back the tree from the endless void of World Edit. Other than that saddening news, the server’s been pretty silent publicly. Behind the scenes however, hooo boy is it a doozy. You’ll find out soon, don't worry :) Happy Sailing, Mapthor ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @draonic_slayer | In Progress Report...
~ The MCME Times ~ [10/24/2021]
A Storm is Approaching! Winter Events are officially in development! Editor's Note by Mapthor Hello again and welcome back to another edition of The MCME Times. After the anniversary, the past two weeks have been somewhat quiet. However, there is a lot of planning going on behind the scenes and you’ll all find out soon enough. God, Black Friday can’t come any faster :p. Anyways, keep an eye out for upcoming events, jobs, and maybe even a little info on the Winter Events. Who knows, Soarz is a mysterious person. Happy Sailing, Mapthor ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @draonic_slayer | In Progress Report by Draonic_Slayer Yet another 2 weeks of great progress in Anorien. w0rld and his helpers have finally finished creating...
~ The MCME Times ~ [10/11/2021]
The 11th Cometh! Here We Go Again! Editor's Note by Mapthor You know, this time last year I was stressing over the anniversary video. Damn, time flies because that felt like yesterday. Anyways, welcome back to The MCME Times. Our server’s anniversary is upon us once more so I want to take this time to thank everyone for their hard work and contribution to MCME over the past year. We could not have gotten this far without you. Whether you're creating music, designing Moria Halls, leading tours, editing videos, or even taking part in jobs as a commoner, your time and dedication is greatly appreciated. Here’s to another year of MCME! Happy Sailing Mapthor ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @draonic_slayer | In Progress Report by...
~ The MCME Times ~ [09/19/2021]
Chief, it’s time to wake up The new Mods are here! Editor's Note by mapthor Hello again and welcome back to The MCME Times! What happened the past two weeks? Well, we got yet another musical score from the music team, Shen and w0rld finally got promoted to mod after who knows how long, and Smaug still hasn’t made an announcement post about them. Just another fortnight on the server, nothing too spectacular. But you know what is spectacular? Next month. October is a special month of the year for MCME because on the 10th, MCME will be turning 11 years old! It’s crazy that we’re still kicking. But anyways, we’ll be hosting a bunch of events as well as the iconic Anniversary Ceremony. Be there or be squared. Anyways, that’s all my stuff...
~ The MCME Times ~ [09/05/2021]
You got Tiktok on yo phone! ’cause I got Tiktok on my phone! Editor's Note by Mapthor Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, to The MCME Times! These past two weeks, especially this week, have been full of surprises! First off, Music Team is back with a new theme for Rivendell, some people couldn’t find the Ring because there were three posts in #news about finding the damn thing, and TikTok slapped us in the face. As of now, it’s still blowing up with almost 1 million likes and over 4 million views (Check it out for yourself down below). It’s kinda crazy how fast things can blow up on social media. Anyways, that’s the news recap. Hope you enjoy this brand new edition of the Times :D Happy Sailing, Mapthor ~ Project Progress ~...
~ The MCME Times ~ [08/22/2021]
Textures and Videos! Duke didn’t “no texture” the pack this time! Editor's Note by Mapthor G’day! Welcome back to the MCME Times! It’s been a hot minute since we last spoke, but that’s what college will do to ya. Anyways, the news! We got a brand new texture update, Effie rolled out a stunning new video with a clickbait thumbnail, and another Guide stepped down. Truly intriguing times here on Minecraft Middle-Earth! Hope you enjoy :) Happy Sailing, Mapthor ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @draonic_slayer | In Progress Report by Draonic_Slayer Another 2 weeks go by in Anorien. More of the Pelennor has been built, with the fields finally passing the great gates of Minas Tirith. Additionally, more of the farmland has been...
~ The MCME Times ~ [08/8/2021]
Revamp Time! But sadly not Breevamp 2k21 Editor's Note by Mapthor Looks like it's time for round 3 of Mapthor's MCME Times journey. But hey, it's whatever. The past two weeks have been spicy to say the least. We saw the ending of the Summer Events, a brand new revamp announcement, and some actual promotions after weeks of having none. I don't wanna spoil too much, so you'll have to read this edition to find out more. What I will talk about though is shameless self-promotion. Next week, a brand new mapthor video will drop regarding the most recent Summer Events. If you thought last years video was long, just you wait because this might be longer. I'm not sure, I'm just guessing. Anyways, hope you enjoy this edition and I'll see you in...
~ The MCME Times ~ [07/25/2021]
Delays! But the show must go on! Editor's Note by Mapthor G’day mates, and welcome back to another edition of The MCME Times. So I’m currently typing this at a grad party that I can’t escape, but I gotta do my job or else Shen will mald. So let’s get my job done, shall we? Tonight on our Minecraft server: Givet pushes back the Summer Events, I go insane building the Mini Middle-Earth race, and Effie exports the 15th edition of the newest YouTube Showcase. All of this and more on The MCME Times! Happy Sailing, Mapthor ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @draonic_slayer | In Progress Report by Draonic_Slayer Big progress in Pelennor Fields with the last of the old buildings being removed and the terrain underneath it being hand...
~ The MCME Times ~ [07/12/2021]
Lettuce Be Thankful! Also, It's Coming Rome! Editor's Note by Mapthor Well here we are again. It’s always such a pleasure to post The Times once more for you all. As of today, I’m happy to announce the kickoff of the Summer Events! Long in the making, the games have officially been kicked off with a stunning opening ceremony in Lettuce Land. We also had the skin contest right after which I can’t really speak on since I had to leave right before it happened. Regardless, there are plenty of events to participate in over the next week or two, so come on out and participate! Hope you enjoy the Mapthor Times Edition Part 2 :D Happy Sailing, Mapthor ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @draonic_slayer | In Progress Report by...
~ The MCME Times ~ [06/27/2021]
Texturing Tuesday! But on a Sunday! Editor's Note by Mapthor Welp, it’s time for another Editor’s Note. I’m currently on vacation so I thought Shen would give me a week off but I guess not. Anyways, onto the news. The cats out of the bag and the Summer Events have officially been announced! We got one hell of a line this year and let me tell ya, Mini Middle-Earth is gonna be a banger. Granted we only have 10% of it done, it’s gonna be a banger. In the meantime, get lost in the new textures put out by Toti and Company and I’ll see you all in the next one. Happy Sailing, Mapthor ~ Project Progress ~ Anorien - Lead: @draonic_slayer | In Progress Report by draonic_slayer Progress has been smooth in the Pelennor. More of the older...
~ The MCME Times ~ [06/13/2021]
The Knockoff Edition! Mapthor Takes Over the Times! Editor's Note by Mapthor Well here we are. After months of typing up the Editor's Note for months, I finally get the chance to lead my own Times Edition! Shen is on vacation right now so he put me in charge of this, so sorry if I miss it up somehow. Regardless, lets get right into the news why don't we! Toti and Mershy held their last Texturing Workshop, Luk put out a new video for the Youtube channel, and the MCME3 watch parties are in full swing. It's safe to say that there are too many events going on right now for me to handle. You also know what is too much for me to handle? Putting together the Times. All this formatting is hurting my head. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this...
~ The MCME Times ~ [05/30/2021]
Voice Chat Shenanigans! I’ve used over 100 gigs on Discord this month -Map Editor's Note by Mapthor G’day mates, welcome back to the MCME Times! Gonna be honest with you all here, I’m not entirely sure what’s been going on the past two weeks. I’ve been off MCME playing other games so I haven’t been paying too much attention. Regardless, that won’t stop me from reading #news and recapping what happened! First off, we lost our good friend Mithrilled from the Mod Team. It’s a shame to see you go, I’ll miss you buddy :(. Next up, Q failed to give the server hard drive some steroids so the update got pushed back to early June. And lastly, a new theme build! All in all, it’s been pretty slow, hopefully it’ll speed up soon. Until then, all...