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The MCME Times

The MCME Times
The Official MCME Times Christmas Special! The holidays have finally arrived and 2018 is just around the corner, which means a very special edition of the times: Editor's Note by BWOT Hello MCME community its @BWOT and the Times team back with the Times for a special Christmas Edition! This editors of this edition are: @Eldar, @Arken, @Eriol and @Smaug. So to sum what's in store for this times, we have decided to have all the features from last edition but with extra specials. A reminder, the editions will come out every two weeks and contain a project progress part and then an announcements part. This edition includes an exclusive interview with @RubenPieterMark (Artist). Lastly, the ‘Lore of the Week’ which will include lore...
~ Rank Updates ~ Howdy folks! Arkengard here with some rank updates. It’s been awhile since our last edition of The Times, so this section will be a little bit longer than it usually is! Make sure you congratulate all of our newest promotions! Mandolore100: I would like to introduce to you all the newest admin on MCME! I believe he’s been mentioned in previous times, but I would like to reiterate that here. Mando has been promoted to Head Guide on the server. This takes many of the guide-specific responsibilities away from Dyno and better aids in the guide management process! Give Mando a congrats if you haven’t already! Not every day we get another admin.... BWOT: The new Chief Editor of The Times, BWOT, has recently been promoted...
The Official MCME Times Welcome Back! Wait no more! It’s finally here! We have heeded your cries and now humbly present to you: Editor's Note by BWOT It’s been awhile but we’re finally back! This week’s edition is brought to you by @BWOT , @Eriol_Eandur , @Arkengard and @Eldar_Telcontar . We have a lot of information for you to digest, so grab your favorite beverage, relax, and enjoy! Before we really get into it, you should know we’ve decided to give The Times a few changes. Basically, the editions will come out every two weeks and contain much more information and variety. We are introducing the topics ‘Media of the Week’ and ‘Theme Build of the Week.’ Entries for which can be submitted to @BWOT on either Discord or forum...
Opening statement Welcome back to The Times! It has actually arrived from me because I have had help from the Guides! The Guide that has wrote the article has been mentioned before the article and I would like to give them all a massive thanks for helping me to write this. Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter @mattlego has finished his terrain in Northern Andrast, which he has taken a great screenshot of. They have also been making some new textures for Andrast. Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Darki Almost all of the terrain in Belfalas has been smoothed now which means that there will be several jobs for digging streams on the way. @Daddlio has started to work on the area around the village of Ironmere...
Opening statement Last week @q220 moved the server to new, much more powerful hardware. This will improve stability of the server and also bring some very nice enhancements. First to mention the higher dynmap resolution and the awesome isometric map view. Many people have been on holidays during the last weeks, most are back now. There is a lot of progress in and around Dol Amroth, Belfalas and Ithilien. In Moria progress may be slow but it's going on. By the way I'm not going to overtake the Times, I just jumped in for this one: "I would like to apologise for the lack of The Times over the past 2 months. But I am working on a solution to get them out weekly again with some help from my little helpers!" -Smaug Project Progress...
Opening statement Last week @q220 moved the server to new, much more powerful hardware. This will improve stability of the server and also bring some very nice enhancements. First to mention the higher dynmap resolution and the awesome isometric map view. Many people have been on holidays during the last weeks, most are back now. There is a lot of progress in and around Dol Amroth, Belfalas and Ithilien. In Moria progress may be slow but it's going on. By the way I'm not going to overtake the Times, I just jumped in for this one: "I would like to apologise for the lack of The Times over the past 2 months. But I am working on a solution to get them out weekly again with some help from my little helpers!" -Smaug Project Progress...
Opening statement Yes, MCME has been slumbering for a while now. But now the great changes have been completed. Do you feel it? The server is awaking! Breaking News: Summer Events I won't lie that the planning of these year's summer events have been a bit rocky and that things could have been prepared earlier, but last friday we had a staff meeting and decided to not let all of you down and just continue MCME's slumbering days but instead get off our lazy butts and organize some fancy events! These year's events are brought to you by the Designers, the Foremen as well as the Guides, under the lead of Smaug! And here's the real surprise: As we are already quite a bit into the summertime the events will start as soon as the upcoming...
Opening statement This week we have seen the continuation of on hold projects and not so much progress in other places. We have also had progress going on behind the scenes to help get the server updated to 1.12. This week I have also included something that was brought up in the public meeting. Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter "No progress in Andrast this week as jace has been on a trip and I'm getting ready to leave for a trip." -mattlego Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Darki No progress this week in Belfalas apart from terrain smoothing in PlotBuilds. Dol Amroth (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801 No progress this week as we are waiting for 1.12 to continue. Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead...
Opening statement I'm back (Hello back, nice to meet you) with another MCME Times! The weather this week has been much too hot for me as the temperatures are going above 30 degrees Celsius and I am not used to it, particularly in the UK where it is always raining and cold, plus it is meant to continue like this for the rest of the week. However, that is enough weather forecasting for now, let's start to write this weeks Times! Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Jace has now started to voxel a new valley in Andrast while matt is working with Eirol on the new textures. Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Darki @Lindolas has been continuing to smooth the terrain over the pas week. Dol Amroth (In Progress) - Lead...
Opening statement Welcome back to The MCME Times! This week Minecraft 1.12 was released as well as some resource pack updates on the server. Sorry that this edition is a bit late but I have to revise for exams, which are ending on Friday; so, I will then have plenty of time to write it. Now, let's jump into the project progress and fall all the way down to the closing statement going through a mixture of plugin progress updates, upcoming things, and cats! Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter This week, there has been more terrain being done but with new textures. There are now sandstone cliffs. Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Darki More terrain smoothing... Dol Amroth (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801 There...
Opening statement What an exciting week this has been for 'Beren and Luthien' has been published! The normal hardback version contains the Lay of Leithian and stunning coloured drawings by Alan Lee. We have also had exciting things happening on the server where building has started in Dol Amroth (but not for everyone yet, you need to wait for the new pack and for thijs to say 'go'). Let's now see what else has been going on in MCME this week! Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Matt has made progress in northern Andrast this week on terrain. Jacen has not made much progress because @Thijs1801 has been getting him to work in Dol Amroth. Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Darki New players have been smoothing...
Opening statement Welcome back to the great mass of words, that sometimes make sense, which is known as 'The MCME Times!' This week, we have news from the past 2 weeks for somebody didn't get around to writing The Times last week as we were both very busy. But, never mind about that, because we can have extra information this week in one post, instead of two. Now, I have added a new section to The Times called "Smaug's Lore Fact of the Week", this will only be in my editions. Unless @MaDIIReD wants to make an inferior "Mad's Lore Fact of the week". This is located below. Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Over the past 2 weeks, Jace and matt have been working on the foothills of the mountains which have now...
Opening statement Hello everyone, I hope you've had a wonderful week, both on the server and outside. This week's edition of the Times is a day late due to a busy weekend and a day without internet. Thankfully everything is back up and running so without further ado lets get into this weeks happenings. Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter This week there hasn't been much progress in Andrast as exams are still keeping the project leaders busy. There has been some voxelling in the northern regions though. Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Darki Belfalas has seen quite a bit of progress this week. The terrain is still being worked on using building plots, but next to that there have been several stream building...
Opening statement Good day! Welcome back to another Times with msaug. This week progress has been happening but has been a bit slow for Dol Amroth is still on hold and exams have been creeping around the corner for several of us (less than 8 days left TI). But this doesn't mean plugin progress has slowed down as quite a good bit of work has been done on them! Now, let's get on with this week's MCME news. Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Only a little amount of work has been done in Andrast for Jacen and matt are studying for exams. Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Darki This week, Eriol continued with the terrain near Dol Amroth. There is still nice progress at Daddlio's terrain plotbuild which started...
Opening statement This week's edition of the MCME Times is brought to you by none other than me, MaD. Now I know what you're thinking: "What year is this, 2014?" but nay, you have not unknowingly travelled through some kind of tear in the fabric of space and time itself, it's just that after a long time I've decided to come back to help take some work of @Finrod_Amandil's plate. And what a good moment to return to writing the times indeed! Nothing like a calm uneventful week to get back in the swing of things without too much pressure. With that in mind... let's get into the news. Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter @Wroxxite has returned and is working on the tip of Andrast. Meanwhile @jacenpeter and...
Opening statement Happy Easter everyone! Welcome to this week's edition of The Times. We are sorry about that there wasn't an edition last week for I was on holiday and had awful Internet connection and Luk was busy. Also, I am sorry that this week's is a little late as I got carried away by the Egg Hunt. I would also like to announce that MaDReD will be joining The Times team and he will be writing some of them in the weeks to come. Now, let's jump into the news for the past two weeks... Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter @mattlego has been doing work along the coastline and has completed some things there and Jacen has been working on a geological map that looks amazing: Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead...
Opening statement Hello and Welcome to the second installment of the ever popular MCME Times after the Reboot. The first part is always better. Jokes asides, we have a lot of topics to tackle today so let's get right into it. I hope you can overlook my obvious writing stupidity in the process. To start things off The Dol Amroth Building Team is proud to announce the Dol Amroth Build Day, taking place on the 8th and 9th of April. Through it we want to get Dol Amroth up and running to create something we have never seen before on the server. Which directly leads us to the second topic. Yes, these are a hell lot of new textures. If you have not tried it yourself yet, or simply did not notice, get your hand on the newly designed Gondor...
Opening statement Greetings, now I bet you're all thinking where's Finrod? Well, he is taking a break from writing The Times for the next few weeks, or months, or even years. For now, @_Luk and myself will be writing it instead and we will be taking it in turns and alternating every week. In addition, The Times will now be published every week instead of every two weeks. So, I hope you enjoy my first edition of The MCME Times! Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Jacen has been doing more voxelling now he is more active again and @mattlego has been helping him quite a bit. matt has been making a beautiful river at the moment that goes down to the sea. Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801 @Lindolas has...
Opening statement Past saturday we had our 22nd staff meeting since the foundation of MCME. You can find a summary of what we talked about below. When making these summaries for the Times I always think about the idea that we could also make a sort of public meeting where everyone can listen in and also voice ideas. Generally most things we talk about in the staff meetings are not sensible and would require being secretive about it, only exception are plannings for events and a few issues related to specific players. For that reason I made a poll above to see whether the interest would be there to have such a public meeting. If that would be something you'd like to see once we could consider giving this a shot with the next meeting in...
Opening statement I am very sorry that you always have to read so much about the new RP, I hope I am not boring you too much with it :P Especially this week I will bore you with very unattractive graphics: A big flow chart with a lot of text, and a series of images with mysterious code in it. But now it's high time that you are getting excited about the new pack! We're almost there and the Dol Amroth team is already using the half-baked version of it to assemble some house concepts. As special feature of today's Times I want to introduce you a bit more closely to the behind the scenes of the new RP. Believe me, it really is revolutionary what Eriol developped here. Of course, mods with massively increased inventories are here since as...
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