• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

The MCME Times

The MCME Times
~The MCME Times~ #36/16 - NEW PLUGINS and Staff Meeting
Opening statement Dang my head hurts really bad. There were just too many things going on the past few days, but hey, all of them were awesome! First off, we had a very very long but also very very good staff meeting last saturday in which a lot of good topics were brought up and a lot of nice decisions were made. Find more details below! Then second of course on sunday we finally got all the new plugins! Some of them were still a bit unstable at first, but in record time q and Eriol fixed the most pressing issues. Instead of pasting what the new plugins are and include I will redirect you at this point to Eriol's announcement thread: MCME Launch of new plugins IMPORTANT!!! Do not forget to thank all who worked on these plugins when...
~The MCME Times~ #35/16 - Some survival memories...
Opening statement Yay I am back among the living and at last I can again indulge into MCME things without constantly having to feel bad about it and that I probably should be learning right now... I intended to put many many hours into Moria this week, but oh boy there were so many other things going on that now as I am trying to sum it all up in one post my head starts to hurt and I always have to think that I am missing something for sure. So if anyone still expects me to do something, please remind me, I might have forgotten... :p Additionally, our summer survival has been concluded past Saturday with a more derpy than epic closing battle whose winner I can proudly announce to be my teammate @Julien16o3! Congratulations on your...
~The MCME Times~ #34/16
Opening Statement Seems to have been a fairly quiet week again in terms of progress, I guess because survival is still running. That means progress should again pick up again next week! In other news, this is my last Times for the time being (pun intended), as Finrod is finishing up his exams now. What's Up? Seems media is still broken Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Jacen's section of South Andrast is done, except for vegetation, then he will either do vegetation or start working on North Andrast. Wroxxite has made some changes to Ras Morthil, but there hasn't been a lot of significant progress yet. Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801 Very nice terrain progress. We manged to connect the...
~The MCME Times~ #33/16
Opening Statement Why do we have to deal with DSE writing the Times again, you ask? Very well, I'll tell you: @Fireinferno13 is on a vacation right now. Lucky for you though, @Finrod_Amandil will be able to start writing the Times again on September 4! What's Up? Sorry for the lack of shaders - my computer still hates them:( (Working on it though) Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter So I built another beaver dam and house in southern andrast and hand built like 100 bushes in that area (I think sam helped me, I can't really remember), then i worked on some of the stone work around that area and that's about it. Also this monday I start school again, but looking at my schedule I actually might end up on mc...
~The MCME Times~ #32/16 - Valleys are Done!
Opening Statement The Valleys of Celos and Sirith are finished! The project was, in fact, finished just in time for @Fireinferno13 to kill his friends in the Summer Event Survival (coincidence?). With that done, we've moved even closer to the completion of Gondor! YAY! Other than that, it seems most people have been too busy playing survival, so there wasn't a whole lot of progress this week. What's Up? Sorry for the lack of shaders - my computer now hates them and I get 2 fps:( And if you can't see the album... it's an issue with all albums, as you probably can't see other ones either. Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Jacen was gone for most of the week, so there was no progress on Andrast...
Opening Statement BREAKING NEWS: Prepare to see Middle-earth like never before, the moment you have all been waiting for, MCME SURVIVAL SERVER! Everything is fair game! Join up with a group of buddies and prepare to destroy Orthanc for diamonds, dig a secret base in the middle of Edoras, nuke the Brandywine Bridge just because you crafted a ton of TNT, and kill staff members (wait what)! It is perhaps the most anticipated event of the summer so be sure to join. See more information below! In other news, while the rest of the world, as well as many of you, has been celebrating the Rio Olympics, many of you have had the great time of participating in the summer event! I hope everyone has had time in their busy schedules to attend at...
~The MCME Times~ #28/16 - Anfalas is Finished!
Opening Statement Anfalas is finished! If you haven't taken the time to fly through it, you should! @kisos did a fabulous job, and I have to say Anfalas is very high on my list of favorite builds. And with that, Keep Calm and Read the MCME Times (which, by the way, is from a British World War II propaganda poster, as I found out this week. Quite unexpected if I do say so myself). What's Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Work on North Andrast has jumped like a 78 year old on steroids. -jacenpeter I've been working on the area around Ras Morthil -Wroxxite Anfalas (Finished) - Lead: @kisos After 1 year, 4 months, and 28 days, Anfalas is finished! Go have a look around, because it is AWESOME...
~The MCME Times~ #30/16 - What do you think of the fanfictions?
Opening Statement Q did some stuff this week, including announcing a change to https for the forums and updating PVP to 1.10.2! (now @Kulmo can play). Other than that, things on the server have seemed pretty quiet this week, just as Bilbo would want them. That doesn't mean there was no progress though - read on to learn about it! Also, I've been including fanfictions in the Times for a few weeks and I'd like to know what you think of them. Please respond to the poll or post below! Aaanndd for the 3rd thing, the Durin's Day Summer Events were announced this week! Have a look at this thread for information! What's Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Even more work on Ras Morthil -Wroxxite Belfalas (In...
~The MCME Times~ #29/16
Opening Statement Welcome back to another edition of the MCME Times! Hopefully everyone had a nice week, as there is some great progress on the server to share. A lot of really cool villages and castles have popped up over the course of the past week so be sure to check them out. Otherwise, the server has been consistently moving forward after the massive 1.10 overhaul of an update. Hopefully this means that the new, unique MCME plugins will be implemented sometime in the near future to improve server and project functioning as a whole. This ended up being a relatively short edition of the Times, but still just as good. As always, sit back, relax, and enjoy this week of the MCME Times. Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) -...
~The MCME Times~ #27/16 - One Update to Rule Them All
Opening Statement You thought you could get away from my writing that easily? Not so fast! What a week! There is a ton of stuff that either happened or is currently happening on the server that should be reported. I will do my best to sum everything up in this edition of the Times without dragging on for several pages that nobody will surely read. I hope everyone is just as excited for the increased server progress and updates as I am. As always, sit back and relax with your favorite morning beverage (OJ is good), and enjoy this week's issue of the MCME Times with Fire! Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter I am proud to announce the nickname sandrast is no longer fitting, for about 80% of it is now stone...
~The MCME Times~ #26/16 - Fennas Drúnin is finished!
Opening statement Huh? Only four Times editions and the new editors are already burnt out of doing it again? Pff, Designers... Well, of course, luckily, this is not what did refrain Fire and DSE from writing you another edition, but everyone has a busy weekend once in a while right? As a special for today I'm gonna present you the MCME Builder School who is in the making since a few months now under the lead of former MCME staff @Will_em, Designer @_Luk and our new Guide @NicTheFifth. Read on to find out more about this place! Whats Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter While in the far north of Andrast @jacenpeter is throwing sand about in huge quantities, @Wroxxite has picked up his work on the...
~The MCME Times~ #25/16 - PVP is back!
Opening Statement Welcome to another edition of the MCME Times, and the first since PVP IS BACK! That's right, it was reopened to the public a few days ago! The games are a load of fun (if I do say so myself). And with that, you can sit back, relax, and prepare to be updated on the latest happenings in the community called Minecraft Middle-earth. What's Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter On the north side of Andrast jacen added some sandy peaks and also just completed one half of a large valley between two mountains (see imgur album above). @Wroxxite was in the process of moving this week, so he understandably didn't make much progress. -jacenpeter Anfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @kisos Kisos is on...
~The MCME Times~ #24/16
Opening Statement "And we back and we back and we back and we back, this aint the intro this the entree" Welcome back once again to another edition of the Times! At least here in the States, it seems as though most schools are winding down and giving way to the wonders of summer. Whether this means you are busier with summer work or have more free time than you know what to do with, hopefully you have a few minutes to catch up on whats happening on the server this week! So as always, sit back with your favorite cold drink (*sips beer*) and enjoy this weeks edition of the MCME Times! Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Both jace and wrox have been hard at working creating potentially one of the most...
~The MCME Times~ #23/16
Opening Statement Welcome to my very first edition of the MCME Times! That's right, it's not Fire or Finrod writing, it's DSE! As Fire mentioned last week, he and I are alternating weeks of writing the Times to give Finrod more time to study. Hopefully the Times have been written to your liking, and hopefully I've included a sufficient number of bad jokes. So sit back and relax (or don't, you might fall asleep), and read 2016's 23rd edition of the MCME Times! What's Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter On Wroxx's coast he has been working steadily on refining peaks and slopes to get the desired shapes. While on my side I have been working out some details and recently as of yesterday turned a few more...
~The MCME Times~ #22/16 - There has been an awakening...
Opening Statement I, Mr @Finrod_Amandil, have decided to change my minecraft name to be the same as my favorite designer. Either that or @Fireinferno13 has temporarily taken over the MCME Times once again! Spoiler alert, its the latter. Thats right, @DSESGH and I will be splitting the writing for the MCME Times during the summer while the ever studious Finrod prepares for his finals in August. We have decided to alternate weeks over the course of the summer to divide up the work load and prevent either of us from burning out. You'd be surprised how much time and effort it takes to write a decent issue of the Times. While we won't make any promises to reach the same level of lore spectacularness of the valar himself, we can promise...
~The MCME Times~ #21/16
Opening statement Thanks everyone who participated in last week's poll! Definitely something I will do more often if similar questions raise! Of course I will follow your votes; the Beacons will remain lit and I'll add @Wodleth's textures to the Resource Packs. To the additional question by @Ardelenia whether we want to keep the lore-inaccurate Beacons from Halifirien to Edoras: I decided by myself to remove these Beacons in the next few days and replace it with matching stables for the horse messengers at Halifirien, Aldburg and Edoras. I'd like to emphasize that the question about the Beacons came from @Mandos, and therefore I want to animate everyone of you to question everything and if you feel like something should be changed...
~The MCME Times~ #20/16 - Unlight the Beacons!?
Opening statement So as you may have discovered some of the past issues of the MCME Times have turned out a bit meagre in content. This may have been to some extent because of lack of available material (aka nothing significant has happened that week) or lack of time on my side, respectively me deciding a release at least as close to sunday as possible is better than a bit more content. Now for this week I really wanted to make again an issue stuffed with more... stuff. And things. An issue with more stuff and things! Are you already excited what the stuff and the things are? Yeah, sure you are, so read on already! Whats Up? Breaking News: Unlight the Beacons!? Today @Mandos approached me with that at the time our server is set the...
~The MCME Times~ #18/16
Opening statement Phew, summer is coming, at least here in Switzerland, and to be honest, I'm already a bit afraid it's gonna get a tad too warm for my taste :p What about you, do you prefer the cold or warm seasons, or does the summer still hide under a rock where you live? Anyway, dress up matching to your weather so that you can enjoy this week's Times without having to moan about it being too warm or too cold. Whats Up? Breaking News: 1.9 Update on the move! @q220 made a clear statement with his recent status update and also I saw that the Development Server has been updated and runs now on Spigot 1.9.2, in fact Eriol has already updated all of his plugins to 1.9. From what I have heard was the update from 1.7 to 1.8 a much...
~The MCME Times~ #19/16 - MCME goes 360
Opening statement And yet another week in which I have no clue what to open these Times with... Well we had weather last week, guess the only thing left is just wish you a great read of this week's Times! May the rest be less boring! Whats Up? Breaking News: 360° Videos of MCME! It has been touched more than once already, but now @Tyranystrasz, who is also taking care of our facebook account, has done a 360° video in 1080p resolution. This is yet only a concept video, other locations may work better, if there's rather a motivation to look around yourself and spy into the side streets of a big city or enjoy the panorama of a majestic piece of terrain. Check the Media of the Week for said video and leave your opinion below! Project...
~The MCME Times~ #17/16
Opening statement Welcome to another installment of the MCME Times! This week I got yourself some exciting news form the Plugin Development Department again. They have been slumbering a bit in the past weeks, but now things are starting to roll again, and many of the WIP plugins will, hopefully, very soon cross the line of completion and delight us all with many an awesome feature! Whats Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter As he was working on the foothills of Andrast last week he now moved even further down and worked a lot on the costs of southern Anfalas, trying some interesting ideas, depicting different layers of stone displayed on the coast's cliffs. Anfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @kisos lot more...