• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

The MCME Times

The MCME Times
~The MCME Times~ #06/17 - Gondor pack 2.0 on the move...
Opening statement Almost half a year it has been since I started the revamp of the Gondor pack... I can only hardly believe it myself. At this point I'd like to thank everyone who has made contributions to it and I even dare naming names: @Eriol_Eandur, @Eaglz24, @_Luk, @Fireinferno13, @Ma5terMinD and @Beathaven. I hope I didn't forget someone! We're still not quite done with the technical stuff, but the end is nigh! And now have fun browsing the new blocks below, and all the other things that happened in the past two weeks! Project Progress Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Jacen has now really moved into detail work in northern Andrast. The terrain shapes are already...
~The MCME Times~ #05/17
Opening statement Yay finally an MCME Times again! As a general announcement I would say that tendencially I am rather going to continue with less editions (towards one edition every two weeks), and instead make it proper and add some extra content bits if I find any. That will prevent the quality from decreasing, and leave me with a little more time to work on other things! Currently we're experiencing a minor bug with the warp plugin, which prevents you from entering warp names that consist of multiple words the way you used to do it. Luckily @Emiel1000111 and @lw_spartan have found a fix to circumvent this bug until it's fixed: Simply put the warp name between single quotes, i.e. /warp 'minas tirith' On the merrier side, it is now...
~The MCME Times~ #04/17
Opening statement This week I'm gonna do something special for once; I'll be going with less words, and instead more images. For the project updates it shall be said that the images mostly cover progress over the past couple week, not specifically over the last week. With that said, have a nice read, or rather, a nice look! Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801 Dol Amroth (In Progress) - Lead: @Eaglz24 Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @_Luk Mordor Terrain (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz Moria (In Progress) - Lead: @Despot666 Tolfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz Valley of Erui (In Progress) - Lead: @Mandos
~The MCME Times~ #03/17: New ranks!
Opening statement It's only a matter of a few days now until the new ranks will be completely set up and functioning! For the first rank you have voted that it shall go by the name of Commoner again, so be it! The promotion from Adventurer to Commoner will happen automatically once the plugin is in place and you start getting votes. The command to vote for someone is /vote player and will be accessible by Artist, Guides, Foremen and Staff members. For the Foremen rank I followed both the votes you gave as well as what I deemed personally the best. The rank will be a permanent non-staff rank! If you are interested in obtaining the Foreman rank you can apply from now onwards! Use the newly created Forum for the Foremen applications...
~The MCME Times~ #02/17 - URPS Implementation in progress
Opening statement Eww the second edition of the Times is already late, now that is no good sign for sure, right? Well, no it's not! In fact the reason why this happened is simply because I was working day in day out on our new Resourcepacks, and by Sunday evening I was rather worn out which made me take an evening off instead of writing the Times on time! But I of course will not let you down, so here you go, with another edition of the MCME Times! As a quick foreword I'd like to explain something about our server rules. Recently we took notice of someone advertising a new server and specifically asked players from MCME to join it. As I hope most of you know we have a rule which prohibits such advertising. Now you may wonder why that...
~The MCME Times~ #01/17 - A New Year's speech
A New Year's speech Traditionally every year on january 2nd a new year's speech is held in my hometown which I accompany as part of the local orchestra. And during today's speech I thought for myself, who not do something similar for MCME? Thus I'd like to reminisce about what the year 2016 has brought us, and what 2017 might still bring. We started 2016 with the completion of the new Aldburg, lead by @Fireinferno13. By inheriting some textures from other packs Fire really added a very nice and shiny pearl to the already rather old and dusty Rohan region. Soon after that the Artist-lead project of Fennas Drúnin was begun and in july it was at last completed. It was not always easy with this large group of Artists, but the result is...
Opening statement Hello everybody and welcome to this weeks special christmas edition of the MCME Times! I hope everyone is having a lovely christmas, whether that be with family and friends, or on mcme. We have a bit of a special edition this week, (it's not really, it's just the logo that I awfully photoshopped and the date, but don't tell anyone) since I embarrassingly forgot the times completely last week, apologies for that, but on the positive note, the more information and updates for this week! But anyway, without further ado let's get into this weeks 'special' edition of the MCME Times! Whats Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Not much here as far as I know. Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead...
~The MCME Times~ #48/16 - INFINITE TEXTURES!11
Opening statement Wow, there is so much progress lately that it's getting hard to track and compile. But for the most exciting news this week, Eriol_the_Magician has somehow (idk even know anymore) found out a way for us to physically texture and use infinite blocks! For more detailed information on how this all works and is used, look down below for the texture development section. But for now here is a quick basic summary of how it works. So basically we have figured out how to edit the hit-boxes of any block, whether that be slabs, stairs, trapdoors, flowers etc.. Using the item durability, we can essentially have as many blocks as we like. But other than that, let's get into this weeks edition of the Times! Whats Up? Project...
~The MCME Times~ #47/16 - Gondor calls for aid!
Opening statement EVERYBODY STOP! Stop what you're doing right now. Ask yourself "am I a decent texturer? Do I want to help make some textures?", if the answer is yes then I want you to go to this. Seriously, I need every capable person to help make gondor textures great again! If you're already an experienced texturer, or interested in starting out and think you've got what it takes, please help out! The quicker we get these textures finished, the quicker we can start building. Anyway, welcome back to this weeks edition of the MCME Times! I will be your host for this christmas, as Mr. Fin is busy working away on his long to-do-list, he will be back again to join you as the host at around new years, in a few weeks! That's right...
~The MCME Times~ #46/16 - Staff Meeting #20
Opening statement So, once more, I am really sorry for not being able to delight you with a regular edition of the Times this week! As small compensation I can present you a short breakdown of the staff meeting we had last saturday. I happily invite you to voice your opinion on the mentioned matters, or even bring forth an all new topic you would like to voice your stance on! Everyone's voice, regardless of the rank, counts the same to me, as long as it is a seriously meant statement, so speak up! Summary of the 20th MCME Staff Meeting Guides As some of you might agree on, is that the Guide rank in it's current state does not live up to it's full potential. In this meeting we gathered and quickly discussed some new ideas to give the...
~The MCME Times~ #45/16 - TRIGGERED
Opening statement It was another week which we'll remember for it's technical changes. First and foremost is of course the new appearance of our website which now has some really fancy screenshots rather than a boring white background, and all that, as far as I know also most screenshots, were made by our technical host and leader @q220! Secondly we are already about to tackle some first actions to make us able to update to Minecraft 1.11! Furthermore we have again much going on in our plugin development section, but to find out more about that and what is up with this clickbait-y title, you'll have to read on... Whats Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Jacen's working area was once more the hillsides...
~The MCME Times~ #44/16
Opening statement Meh Forum crashes are annoying. So, first of all, the website downtime is of course the only reason why these Times are late (I even have to write a new opening statement because of it!!!). On a more serious note though, luckily we had no forum wipe as in 2014 (everything we ever posted was obliterated there) and thanks to @q220 who always keeps the MCME BUZZNEZZ up and running. (Ye.. that's the name of our super professional whatsapp group lol) So over the last week you have heard multiple times about new blocks, custom inventories and whatnot, all reported in a bit a messy way probably, and often not all information there would have been was written about. Thus I am trying to compensate that this week and put all...
~The MCME Times~ #40/16 - So many blocks we can't even...
Opening statement So recently I have gotten some remarks from staff members that there are some people - Adventurers - out there who show really good building skills or a very high level of activity. And I check the open applications, and can't find anything about them. Now here's the deal: We need EVERY single helping hand! Designers are (almost) literally screaming for more Artists. So if you want to really get involved in the building aspect of MCME, do apply! And even if you're building skills may not yet be at Artist level, the Designers and I will gladly give you tips on how you can improve and learn and eventually get promoted! Submit your application here: Artist Or lets put it like this: Only those who are already Artist...
~The MCME Times~ #43/16
Opening statement Phew it's busy times on MCME again, and almost every day brings new hypes when I am working together with Eriol on new plugin and texture features. Seriously, that guy has so many good ideas, its unbelievable. To be honest, it is a bit hard to reflect that hype in the Times, but at least I'll try to keep you informed where it's going to! Have a nice read, and may your week not be as rainy and cold as it's supposed to be here in Switzerland :(. Whats Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter This week, jacen has added some first materials to a very nice and long valley, and also the terraforming of the remaining part has made fantastic progress! Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801...
~The MCME Times~ #42/16
Opening statement I greet you all, who now have arrived in that time of the year again where we'll be using GMT instead of BST. Why do we use those timezones you might wonder now. Well, truth is, I don't know, so if you believe it would be more practical for us to use some central asian timezone instead, let me know below :p. So now, as you had one more hour of sleep, I bet you're all full to the brim with energy to enjoy this week's MCME Times! Whats Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter At last jacen's work is connecting to the rest of the White Mountains! All of Andrast has now been at least been started, and I am sure, that the terraforming soon will wind up! Oh and have you seen jacen's awesome update...
Opening statement Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to the first ever special edition of the MCME Times! Since the release of the regular Times earlier this week there were so many things that would have deserved mentioning that I thought it's way better making an additional superb special extra edition than fixing it all into the other edition and half of the people missing it! Winners of the Awards Ceremony 2016 Best Build 2016: Aldburg, lead by @Fireinferno13 Hardest working: @Eriol_Eandur Laziest Artist: @Toey_ Laziest Staff: @Darki190 Most jobs run: @Eriol_Eandur Most often asked for a job: @Darki190 Best Themed Build: Formenos by @Thijs1801 Sexiest voice: @BeatHeav3N Most welcoming to new players: @Will_em Most rank switches...
~The MCME Times~ #41/16
Opening statement Since our lovely Finrod has been busy with some IRL stuff, I've opted to do this weeks Times myself. Things should be back to normal in the Times office next week, when Fin (hopefully) finds some more time. But for now, sit down, relax, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy this weeks probably first ever morning edition of the Times! (Yes, my timezone is really that bad). Whats Up? Project Progress Dol Amroth (In Progress) - Lead: @Eaglz24 After an extremely long time of discussing, planning, and discussing some more, I present to you guys the new Dol Amroth Revamp! Many of you might have already been suspecting some suspicious activity (ie. a map in dynmap) but now it's time to spoil the beans and release the...
~The MCME Times~ #39/16
Opening statement Please forgive me for this belated and still rather minimalistic edition of the Times this week, but I am just feeling a bit overwhelmed and worn out by some IRL shenanigans currently. But hey, I think I can see the light at the end of this tunnel, so things should get brighter again very soon! But now, don't occupy yourselves with humble Fin's worries, I am sure everyone has his own burden to carry, and instead lean back and enjoy a short but hopefully still good read! Whats Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Jacen has started to apply the materials - snow, stone and grass, to a rather large area in northern Andrast, meanwhile Wrox has continued his terraforming in the south...
~The MCME Times~ #38/16 - Anniversary events!
Opening statement Almost six years our MCME server exists by now, a reason to celebrate! This year we are planning multiple events which will take place near the birthday date (10th of october), but probably not on the birthday itself, cause, well, it is a Monday. The following two threads will delight you with more informations about these events, and more will follow soon: MCME's 6th Anniversary Event The 4th MCME Award Ceremony 2016 Make sure to participate in the Awards Ceremony voting! You can also leave some categories blank if you have no clue who to name ;) Whats Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter This week, jacen has tackled an all new and big valley and has progressed a good distance in...
~The MCME Times~ #37/16 - New 3D models and more!
Opening statement Another exciting week with a lot of changes going on, just a bit unfortunate that they were a bit overshadowed for me by some rather unpleasant IRL events, but that is nothing you need to worry about ;). So without further ado, here's what happened this week! Whats Up? Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter While both Andrast workers have done their fair share of progress for this week it seemed clear from the number of pages prism yielded for me that they mostly took a break from voxelling this week. They well deserved it! Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801 From north to south: Eriol is still being strong lead in the terraforming of the northern part of Belfalas and now also has...