• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

News and Announcements

Badge Update

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Badge Update
Mini Game/Guidebook
Mini Games Badge:

The Mini Games Badge is getting an update! You may have noticed that over the past month on MCME, the activity of the Guides has seriously decreased. Certainly new players haven't seen much Cyan on the server lately. This is entirely intentional as I retracted the Guide Monthly Requirements for the month of November as it is an intense time of studying for all of us. I know exam season continues into mid December for several Guides as well.
Anyways, in light of this lack of Guides, we've come to the democratic decision that Commoners should be allowed to apply for the Mini Games Badge so that new players across the spectrum of timezones can have more of a chance at something to do. That said, as stewards of this badge, we have very high standards for those who are even considered to hold this ability. So all...

Upcoming changes to the forums

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Hey everyone, this is quick summarisation of the changes coming in the latest forum update.

Push notifications
Push notifications allows you to be notified in your browser or mobile device (with the exception of Safari on macOS and any iOS based browser)

You will have the ability to chose for what type of content you want notifications for. If you click on one of those notifications you will be taken directly to the content and it will be marked as read.

Font Awesome 5
This is the framework that handles 'stuff' when you write or add text or images to the website, basically it will look like this:

People who write wiki's or pages on Github will be already familiar with this. Markdown is a simplified formatting language. When you use markdown in a post, it will...

Rank Update

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Rank Update
Assistant/Lead Builder Merger

What? Another Rank Change???

That's right! The Valar held a meeting (Sunday, November 11th) wherein we discussed several topics. One of these topics was the current state of the Assistant and Lead Builder Ranks. As you all know, the ranks caused quite a bit of controversy this year as they are unprecedented in the traditional MCME Rank System. So, during the meeting, in an attempt to simplify the Build Team a bit (As per requested by several staff members) we analyzed the Assistants/Lead Builders and their role/niche on MCME.
We've came to the conclusion that:

1. The two ranks on the server have too few people to constitute an individual...

Minecraft 1.14 snapshot week 45

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This is mostly bugfixes, but there was a feature that was very interesting for us:

Block: Scaffolding

Scaffolding allows the player to move up (by jumping) or by going down (by sneaking). When the bottom part is destroyed...

~The MCME Times~ [04/11/18] Project Progress

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The Official MCME Times

November Chills!
Tis the Season to be Building (next season is to be jolly)!

Editor's Note by BWOT
Wow and the Anniversary Events are over, phew… Great job to all who won, and thank you guides for playing a large role in organizing the events. I think we made a bit of progress in these last two weeks and I am happy in the direction we are currently moving. I realize November is a hard time as there are a lot of people in school, prepping for exams...​

~The MCME Times~ [04/11/18] Announcements

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~ General Announcements ~

Become a Donor
Hey guys! As usual, we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can!

Our Donors
  • Eriol_Eandur
  • TotiGonzales

A late Happy Halloween!:

Updating the server?:
The server updating process is moving very nicely thanks to Eriol! (You The Man!) Other than that there is not really much to say, we are making progress. Lots of folks on the watchlist! Wishing good luck to all those who are waiting and being watched… welcome to autumn lads!

~ Rank Updates ~
Report by Jonatanknalle

Fraspace5: Another...