• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

News and Announcements

New proposed Rules Committee

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~The MCME Rules Committee~


Why have a Rules Committee?

Our Rules and ToS have been in place since the times of whitelist/age limits, with some minor changes since then, and could better reflect our server today. Also over the years it has regularly occurred that people were upset at a ban or other disciplinary actions taken by enforcers. Sometimes the reason for their anger is a disagreement between the way the enforcement team interprets the rules and ToS and the way others in the community do. When this happens there are discussion about whether the enforcers are too strict, or whether the rule that was broken should even exist in the first place.
We feel a way to alleviate these disagreements is through the introduction of a rules committee...

What is the Rules Committee?


Gondor RP merge

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Gondor RP merge is now underway. Server RP will behave weird in Gondor until it is done.

Block replacements are now underway in all of Gondor. This process will take a few hours. DON'T BUILD IN GONDOR!!! I'll announce here when the merge is done.

Block replacements by plugin are now done. Gondor RP version 2.4 is now the server RP for all regions of Gondor (except Paths of the Dead). Jobs for manual block replacements and derp checking are now underway. Better don't build new stuff in Gondor until these jobs are mostly done (we might have to undo).

The MCME Times Project Progress [15/07/18]

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The Official MCME Times


It’s Coming Home!
Sadly not England however 1.13 and hopefully our RP merge are!​


Editor's Note by BWOT and superlolster

Now I’m writing this the day before the final..*.super here so ye sorry about the delayed edition I have sadly been very busy with Irl commitments so it is very late, and BWOT France won!* so congratulations Belgium on 3rd place, Q should be...

The MCME Times General Announcements [15/07/18]

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~ General Announcements ~

Become a Donor

Hey guys! As usual, we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can!


Our Donors

Here are this week's latest donors. Good work guys! #MCMEdoesnotrunitself:

  • No one ??!

~ Rank Updates ~

Report by Henry

We have a few promotions about in MCME these days

Foreman Antecedence - Antecedence has been hard at work and has recently found himself with the role of foreman, welcome to the squad! Promotion

Designer Tyranystrasz - Tyran has returned finally to help out again, welcome back Tyran! Promotion

~ Interviews ~

~The MCME Times~ [01/07/18] Announcments

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~ General Announcements ~

Become a Donor
Hey guys! As usual, we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can!

Our Donors
Here are this week's latest donors. Good work guys! #MCMEdoesnotrunitself:

Our beloved q220 has now given us an amazing new command… *drumroll* /link, it links your forums account, discord account, and Ingame account together, so you are the same rank on all three platforms!
Nicely done Q, thanks for fixing all our rank problems haha :D

~ Rank Updates ~
Report by superlolster


~The MCME Times~ [01/07/18] Project Progress

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The Official MCME Times


A Busy Month Ahead!
With the Summer Here a Lot of Work is Coming Near!


Editor's Note by BWOT

Well I hope you enjoyed that little bit of rhyme in that sub-title, only took me 5 seconds of dedicated hard work. But anyway talking about work, we have a lot approaching, rp merge is going to happen this month which will spur on the completion of Belfalas...