• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

News and Announcements

MCME Public Meeting - January 5th

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MCME Public Meeting
January 5th 2019, 7:00 PM GMT

Everyone! It's time to discuss your issues and concerns again. Now we'll, of course, update you all on our ongoing projects and what you can expect in 2019 but I've been hearing lots of things lately and I feel like there is a need to discuss. As you might not already know most of the problems that arise in and around the community usually start from misunderstandings, so let's clear things up!

Mark the date: January 5th, 2019 7:00 PM GMT! I'm announcing this over a week in advance hoping that as many of you as possible will show up so don't let me down!

As always we have our lovely...

~The MCME Times~ [20/12/18]

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The Official MCME Times

Hytale Middle Earth!
Jokes, jokes… but, we are now back on the Times!

Editor's Note by BWOT
Hello, my good friends, enemies and people I don’t even know of MCME. We are back with the Times, and I take full blame for not posting sooner. It's not like I ignored...

In Progress The Mordor Resource Pack

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The Mordor Resource Pack
Greetings, this is your captain speaking. We are on an indirect Flight to Mordor. Our first stop will be Alpha, our second Beta and lastly we will arrive to our final destination. Of course inbetween those stops we will be serving three courses of: improvements, bug fixes, and additions. However, the majority of that we will get at each stop. We might experience some delays due to some severe issues with server moving to 1.13.

Okay, back to your lovely Head Builder: BWOT

Well, it is certainly an understatment to say it has been a while since any mention of the Mordor RP. But, after countless hours of hardwork we have been able to get somewhere. We are certainley far from finished, but what we have now we can only build on and improve. So here it the plan:

Mordor Pack Alhpa
- Planning out of what will go where
- Establishment of the structure
- Some textures done
- A majority fo textures in the work
MCME Winter Events 2018
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MCME Winter Events
December 15th-30th

Alright Ark, what's the plan?
Well, random MCMEer, I'll tell you! Basically we're running some classic events for the server over the next half month. This is generally a time of holiday and break so the Guide Team is taking full advantage of that to give the community some Holiday Cheer :)

What are the events?

-Opening Ceremony: December 15th @7pm GMT +0
-Holiday Karaoke: December 16th @7PM GMT+0 w/ @mapthor (NSFW!!!!!)
-Ice Skating Race: December 23rd w/ @LegoCellist @Arkengard @Waterice_Man
-Snowball Tournament: December 23rd w/ @Arkengard...

MCME Year in Review 2018 Memory Submission

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We need your help!

Hello Players of MCME. As you may know, last year I made a Year in Review video for MCME. And at the end of that video, I had a little segment for my favorite memories that I had experienced on the server during that year. This year, we want to open this segment up to you and have you submit your favorite MCME memories of 2018!

To submit a memory, just comment down below to this thread with the memory. It can be a screenshot of chat, a funny discord post, or whatever you want. I kindly ask that these memories be appropriate and don’t go against our Terms of Service. Everyone is welcome to submit a memory

Thanks :)

Badge Update

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Badge Update
Mini Game/Guidebook
Mini Games Badge:

The Mini Games Badge is getting an update! You may have noticed that over the past month on MCME, the activity of the Guides has seriously decreased. Certainly new players haven't seen much Cyan on the server lately. This is entirely intentional as I retracted the Guide Monthly Requirements for the month of November as it is an intense time of studying for all of us. I know exam season continues into mid December for several Guides as well.
Anyways, in light of this lack of Guides, we've come to the democratic decision that Commoners should be allowed to apply for the Mini Games Badge so that new players across the spectrum of timezones can have more of a chance at something to do. That said, as stewards of this badge, we have very high standards for those who are even considered to hold this ability. So all...