The Mordor Resource Pack
Greetings, this is your captain speaking. We are on an indirect Flight to Mordor. Our first stop will be Alpha, our second Beta and lastly we will arrive to our final destination. Of course inbetween those stops we will be serving three courses of: improvements, bug fixes, and additions. However, the majority of that we will get at each stop. We might experience some delays due to some severe issues with server moving to 1.13.
Okay, back to your lovely Head Builder: BWOT
Well, it is certainly an understatment to say it has been a while since any mention of the Mordor RP. But, after countless hours of hardwork we have been able to get somewhere. We are certainley far from finished, but what we have now we can only build on and improve. So here it the plan:
Mordor Pack Alhpa
- Planning out of what will go where
- Establishment of the structure
- Some textures done
- A majority fo textures in the work