• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

News and Announcements

Dwarven Cave

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#03/19 - Dwarven Cave

This weeks theme-build is a dwarven cave. This cave should be filled with systems used for mining. Most of these should be made out of wood.

Dwarven Cave (concept)

Reference: [/to MoriaMines]
You can also look at de dwarven caves that can be found in Moria.
Resourcepack: Dwarven (moria)
To change to Dwarven resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp d.

Themed Builds can be used in Artist applications.

Off-topic plots will be removed


  • No tag - Normal Themed Build. Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts.
  • [Project Build] - Project Build. Project Builds are Themed Builds that run for more than one week. Start and end is at sunday evenings (GMT)....

#03/19 - Gondorian Farms

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#03/19 - Gondorian Farms

Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts. (sorry for it being a little late again, but @ooitsbirdo can't join the sever because his rank is to low).

Gondorian Farms (concept)

Reference: [Medieval Farms]
You can also look at de Rivendell style on our server (to go to Belfalas do /to Silverbay)
Resourcepack: Gondor
To change to Gondor resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp g.

Themed Builds can be used in Artist applications.

Off-topic plots will be removed


  • No tag - Normal Themed Build. Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one...

We open the Staff Meeting to the public?!

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Yeah you heard that right! In order to increase transparency we decided to open part of the staff meeting to the public.

The date is the 27th of January (this Sunday)
The time: 7pm GMT

Nonstaff members will be able to listen in but the discussion will be reserved to staff members only. If you'd like to get a glimpse at how staff works then I advise you to attend.

#02/19 - Elvish House (Rivendell)

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#02/19 - Elvish House (Rivendell)

Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts. (sorry for it being a little late, but a bird pooped on @ooitsbirdo house and now he has no internet connection)

Elvish House from Rivendell (concept)

Reference: [Rivendell]
You can also look at de Rivendell style on our server (to go to Rivendell do /to Rivendell)
Resourcepack: Gondor
To change to Gondor resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp g.

Themed Builds can be used in Artist applications.

Off-topic plots will be removed

  • No tag - Normal Themed Build. Themed Builds run weekly, starting on...
#02/19 - Elvish House (Rivendell).

~The MCME Times~ [21/01/19]

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The Official MCME Times

New Year Chills!
Welcome to 2019 MCMErs!

Editor's Note by BWOT
Wow is it really 2019? Seems so, and I will be doing a State of the Union Server in the next couple of days where we will look at what we have coming this year. Where we are at with projects and what...

#01/19 - Dead Marshes

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Themed Build [Concept]
Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts. (started a bit early, sorry)

Dead Marshes

Reference: [Tolkiengateway]
Resourcepack: Gondor
To change to Gondor resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp g.

Themed Builds can be used in Artist applications.

[INFORMATION]Off-topic plots will be removed.[/INFORMATION]

  • No tag - Normal Themed Build. Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts.
  • [Project Build] - Project Build. Project Builds are Themed Builds that run for more than one week. Start and...
New Themed-build - Dead Marshes.