• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

News and Announcements

Builders Meeting! (April 27th 2019)

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MCME Builders Meeting
April 27th (This Saturday), 7:00 PM BST

Since BWOT can't make it I've been given the responsibility, or burden, to take care of it.

Anyone can listen in, but only MCME team members will be allowed to talk.

Main points:
-Dol Amroth
-Other /more specific stuff may be suggested in the Agenda (<--- Click)

Any other questions related to the meeting, please dm me here or on Discord.

#06/19 - Lake-Town

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#06/19 - Laketown

Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts. (sorry for it being late again, but Darki has been very busy lately). This theme build will last for 2 weeks.

Lake-Town (concept)

Reference: [Lake-Town]
Resourcepack: Gondor 2
To change to Gondor resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp g.

Themed Builds can be used in Artist applications.

Off-topic plots will be removed


  • No tag - Normal Themed Build. Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts.
  • [Project Build] - Project Build. Project Builds are Themed Builds that run for more than one week...


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Howdy Folks!

This is being hatched pretty suddenly perhaps... but hey! Everything comes to an end eventually!
I didn't expect my time as Head Guide to come to an end so soon (after only 7-8 months), but I just feel that now is the right time. I haven't spoken with many people about this yet, so I understand this may come a bit unexpected. So allow me to explain myself!

I have been on MCME since December 2011. I remember a time when I had to dig great ravines across a default minecraft world for rivers such as the Adorn and Anduin. I remember the secret base in Caras Galadhon and sneaking into Isengard before it was complete. I've seen almost every iteration of ranks MCME has produced over its long history (for a minecraft server) and I gotta say: I'm pretty happy I've had this server and its members in my life!

MCME remembers a time when I was but a 12/13 year old kid with a squeeky voice. MCME remembers my awkward sense of...

Anorien House

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#05/19 - Anorien house

I am very sorry that their hasn't been any new theme builds sooner. This weeks team build is a Anorien House. A concept can be found at this warp /to Anorien Darki.

Anorien House (concept)

Reference: [none]
You can also look at de Rivendell style on our server (to go to Gondor do /to Anorien)
Resourcepack: Gondor
To change to Gondor resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp g.

Themed Builds can be used in Artist applications.

Off-topic plots will be removed


  • No tag - Normal Themed Build. Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts.
  • [Project Build] - Project Build. Project Builds are Themed Builds that run for more than one week. Start and end...

Website updates March 4

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Hey everyone!

Just dropping the latest changes here in this thread, mostly bugfixes and small functionality changes.

Donation system
  • Unconfirmed donations will now be hidden
  • Fixed issue with pagination when a user clicked on pages on the bottom, resulting in misredirects

Conversation search
Now works again with the Xenforo 2.1 update. It allows you to search through conversations you are part of

Plugin updates for the Build server

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This is not yet the 1.13 release you've been hoping for, though 1.13 is in the foreseeable future.

I was going to update the plugins with the 1.13 release, but some of the new stuff was just too nice to wait for. Here we go:

2.9.1 > 2.9.2
Technical update. Increased compatibilty with older minecraft versions and few bug fixes.

2.14.2 > 2.15.1
Many bugfixes and changes. Does not add any major new features.

CoreProtect v2.14.4 [Spigot 1.11, Spigot 1.12]
  • Release for Spigot 1.11-1.12. This build contains the following changes, backported from CoreProtect 2.15.0.
  • Added additional data validation checks to reduce NullPointerExceptions triggered by other plugins.
  • Added check to prevent database corruption if a newer version of the plugin has been previously used.
  • Improved...