• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

The MCME Times

The MCME Times
~the MCME Times~ #44/15
Sunday, November 22, 2015 Opening Statement Hello! Another week, another Times, and this time it’s time to time the Times. What does that mean, you may ask? I don’t know. I would like to draw attention to this thread, not in an attempt to continue its argument here, but merely to praise and commend @Lady_of_Rohan for finding a relevant issue and decisively act upon it. (P.S. this is the author’s position, not that of the Times or the server) As I’m sure you’ve all noticed, we are pushing donation again, with pop-ups and banners and the like. It is not really the duty of the Times to proselytize MCME, and no doubt many of you, like myself, do not have the financial independence to donate, but please keep a thought about it...
~The MCME Times~ #43/15
Sunday, November 15, 2015 Announcements Me (@Artie_) have joined the Times Editing. @DarthRagnar has left the team due to irl obligations ): . Thank you for the time you spent in writing the Times, mate! Project Progress Made by @kisos ! Aldburg Revamps(In Progress) - Lead: @Fireinferno13 A literal ton of work completed this week on houses, walls, and shops. There are still a small handful of houses that need building in plotworld. Also, a competition was started ;) : Aldburg Keep Contest The community wide contest to make the best possible keep for Aldburg is now open! Be sure to register your team for the contest as soon as possible in order to maximize your amount of time planning and building - @Fireinferno13...
~The MCME Times~ #42/15
Sunday, November 8, 2015 Opening Statement Hello everyone. The MCME Times collectively apologizes for the lack of an edition last weekend and the brevity of this weekend’s edition. We hope you will accept our excuses of guide meetings (except for myself, of course), real-life commitments and deadlines, and Halloween preparations and activities, which you all hopefully will agree were worth it! Announcements We are awesome, even the Guinness Book of World Records thinks so! Project Progress Aldburg Revamps (In Progress) - Lead: @Fireinferno13 Building is back up to speed with many new shops and houses. Check out the plotbuild detailed below! Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter More terraforming (I know huge surprise). I...
~The MCME Times~ #41/15
Sunday, October 25, 2016 Opening Statement Hello and good week, friends! I invite you to kick back with a nice glass or mug of your favorite liquid refreshment (orange juice? coffee? tea? miruvor?) and read all about your favorite server with your loyal MCME Times. Announcements PVP is back! :) Project Progress Sorry for the light picture amount; it was getting late. Aldburg Revamp (In Progress) - Lead: @Fireinferno13 Some more houses and shops have been built, as well as the quarry outside. Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter Terraforming continues. Also, you may notice there was a change in leadership. Anfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @DSESGH More terrain. Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @_Luk Can you guess? Lond Daer...
~The MCME Times~ #40/15
Sunday, October 18, 2015 Opening Statement Good morning, you wonderful people! It has been another productive week on MCME -- although maybe for you, like myself, that means it hasn’t been very productive with real-life things. :p Nonetheless, take a few minutes to sit back, relax, and read this week’s Times. Announcements Nothing to announce this week. Project Progress Aldburg Revamp (In Progress) - Lead: @Fireinferno13 Housing layouts have been prepared for the entire outer most ring, palisades are almost done, and work on planning the main keep has begun. Plotbuild houses should begin soon for the poor district! - @Fireinferno13 Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz More voxelling was done by @jacenpeter, including a...
~The MCME Times~ #39/15 - Happy Birthday MCME, Happy Deathday PVP-ers
Sunday, October 11, 2015 Opening Statement Happy Birthday to MCME, Happy Birthday to MCME, Happy Birthday dear MCMEEEEEEEE, Happy birthday to you all!!! If you haven’t guessed it was MCME's 5th Anniversary yesterday and the grand opening of our permanent pvp server (that is currently down, #blame @Dallen). Time to get revenge on whoever has wronged you, so ready your bows and your blades -- it's hunting time. Announcements We have PVP!!! The ip is pvp.mcmiddleearth.com and it is a public server, no NPW required! Invite your friends! More information >>here<<. Project Progress Thanks to @Durtalathion who proved a photographer as well as a reporter. Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz Some more terraforming happened...
~The MCME Times~ #38/15 - Mt. Gram Finished!
Sunday, October 4, 2015 Opening Statement Hello again, welcome back to another edition of the Times. In this week much progress has been done. I would like to draw special attention to Lamedon, and with that commend Finrod and Eriol. It was a great idea to have scheduled jobs, and as seen in Lamedon they have been very productive so far. I only hope that the excitement of the community does not begin to wane as scheduled Saturday (or otherwise) jobs become SOP. Announcements No announcements this week. Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz Some more terraforming, including another glacier by @jacenpeter. Anfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @otho More voxelling. Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @_Luk More farms...
~The MCME Times~ #37/15
Sunday, September 27, 2015 Opening Statement Another week has passed in our beloved world of MCME. Some new promotion here and there, sadly some demotion as well but all is well in our community and will continue to stay that way (unless someone crashed the server again). Anyway sit back and relax and enjoy the 37th edition of the MCME Times. -ooitsbirdo Announcements Nothing to announce this week. Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz More voxelling happened. Anfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @otho Reporter - @Durtalathion Hello one and all, this is Durtalation with your latest Anfalas news. Let me begin with saying that it is an honor to be taking this job as reporter and hope to bring information and a...
~The MCME Times~ #36/15
Sunday, September 20, 2015 Opening Statement Good morning, MCME! We have here another installment of the new and exciting Times for you all to read. I didn’t have anything profound to say (not necessarily a bad thing, eh?), so have a fantastic week, and start that off by getting up to speed on your favorite online community! -Ardelenia Announcements The server is on 1.8! This actually happened two weeks ago, but in the wake of the freebuild closure we forgot to report about it last week. You can see all around Gondor that people have quickly seized upon this, with banners and armor stands sprouting up everywhere. If you find any issues, please post them in >>the Issue Submission subforum<<. Project Progress I had to take pictures...
~MCME Times~ #35/15 Changes with Changes
Sunday, September 13, 2015 Opening Statement Hello ladies and gentlemen, we would like to welcome you all to the MCME Times Issue #35! Many of you are not new to the Times, and enjoy having a place to get some quick updates on the server operations and happenings. Since the Times first launched, @Fireinferno13, @MaDIIReD, and @Finrod_Amandil have done an excellent job of sharing their personalities with their writings. Now, for the first time ever, the Times is a work of collaboration! With the assistance of Finrod, @Ardelenia, @DarthRagnar, @ooitsbirdo, and @Speeder45 will be ushering the next generation of Times writers! We, as a writing team, are in the early stages of making our approach to the Times. We hope that you continue to...
~The MCME Times~ #34/15 - A new age
Opening Statement Sooo if you have not been living in a sealed-off cave throughout the past week you have of course heard about the changes that have happened: Our Head Designer Credoo has resigned from his position after many years as MCME staff member. His list of contributions is long, but his most well-known ones are doubtlessly two of the hugest projects we ever had: Minas Tirith and Pelargir, aswell as the new MCME map which he created with Homie over the course of many months in WorldPainter. These creations made you, Credoo become immortal in the annals of MCME and especially because you ensured me that you won't move to the moon now but stay a part of this community we will never forget you! There are no words, neither in...
~The MCME Times~ #33/15 - bender400 promoted to Designer!
Opening Statement Today the idea was brought up the bring the "meet the staff" section back once more to the Times, but as both I wanted something more innovative aswell as seconds after that suggestion "meet the artist" was brought up aswell and Trex urged not to forget about the poor droogs I got something new: #WeAreMCME; probably bit a sketchy title, but you will have to deal with it. The concept is really simple: I made a google form with a few questions in it where everyone can fill in his answers. The submissions with the most funny / entertaining answers will get featured in the Times, completely irrelevant of the rank. Here's the google form: MCME Times survey Everyone is more than welcome to submit! I also very gladly take...
~The MCME Times~ #32/15 - Pelargir & Lothlórien finished!
Opening Statement For quite some weeks we did not have any newly completed projects anymore, but this week we can announce right away two of them! And even better they are probable the biggest projects of 2k15 so far! So quickly read on and enjoy the project leaders' last statements about their fantastic work! Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz @jacenpeter continued his large-scale terraforming project that is the White Mountains, this week featuring one of MCME's biggest glaciers, along with a lot of additional terrain work. Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @_Luk Still a lot of hands are being layed upon this region and a lot of progress is to be observed therefore. We have two new villages with yet no...
~The MCME Times~ #31/15
Opening Statement You all, especially the younger ones among you, know the ever present stereotype of the lazy gamer doing "nothing" all day long. Many of you know the situation that five minutes after you turned on your PC (or whatever device it shall be) you already get blamed by someone to be doing it for hours already. I can't straightly deny the stereotype as I guess there are many out there on which it may fit, but for your all easing I can tell you that with chosing MCME as one of your games to play you definitely made no bad choice in terms of whether your virtual activities are now useless or not. Once you get a bit into it there is so much knowledge and brainwork that flows into such a project that you can indeed profit from...
~The MCME Times~ #30/15
Opening Statement Yay the 30th edition of the Times this year! and therefore also the 30th edition written by me, however the first one didn't get published in the end as I and Mad were similarily working on it without knowing it xD For the next 30!... oh wait we'll never see #60 cuz the year has only 52 weeks :D Have a nice sunday and upcoming week! Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz @jacenpeter has continued the terrain work on the southern part of the Ered Nimrais aka the White Mountains. And that also already concludes the changes in Andrast in the past week. Anfalas (On hold) - Lead: @otho Anfalas is currently on hold and will receive again proper attention once Pelargir is done. Lamedon (In...
~The MCME Times~ #29/15 - Fire down, Mando & Speedie up
Opening Statement *yawn* even though these are the first lines you read, they usually are the last ones I write, and this time it kinda fills me with relief as it means I can at last travel towards the land of dreams; probs I just should schedule a bit better so that its not 3am when I can finish the Times :P There were some rank changes again, read on for some exclusive news from our #1 reporter Stig Burgundy! Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz We've been going through the books and wikis again and have therefore revised some work and plans done to match the lore better. Practically this mainly means less buildings on the western shoreline aka Drúwaith Iaur, the fortfication Golf Rovlug has been removed...
~The MCME Times~ #28/15 - Fords of Bruinen getting a facelift
Opening Statement Long I have been promising to finally fill in the gap in the route of the fellowship between Rivendell and the Argonath. With the the current progress of myself and @Emilio_ we finally got a huge step closer to that being reality. And similarly we can soon almost complete the footprint tracks through Gondor, then the only thing missing will be Mordor (will probs take about a week to finish... :p). In case you have not gave these footprints a try, warp to Bagend and look at the ground, they will lead you to many small locations you usually don't come along, like farmer Maggot's farm or Tom Bombadil's house, but first, read up on this weeks happenings on MCME! Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead...
~The MCME Times~ #27/15
Opening Statement This week's Times offers once more insight into a lot of new things on the server, but some of them were so admirable that I once more got inspired to take quite a lot of those fancy (and arduous) far-render shots. I hope you enjoy them just as much as I do, and to all who have been working on all these projects: Please do not forget to look back at what you built, and do not forget to be very proud of yourself. Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz With Annúminas being done aswell as the Summer Events being over, @jacenpeter has now joined the staff team of Andrast. Together they made some very remarkable progress this week, including large chunks of terrain both on the eastern and the...
~The MCME Times~ #17/15 - Breaking News: Eriol_Eandur promoted to Designer!
Opening Statement The reaction on the Reporter shoutout from last week was rather underwhelming :rolleyes:, well anyway, the offer persists and maybe someone feels like bringing his name into the Times ;). Instead I take the opportunity to thank all those who are submitting updates quite often! I don't call specific names as luckily there's quite many of these nice guys, but that does not mean that I am less thankful for your contributions! Please keep doing this, it's not only helping me, it's aswell a much better addition to the Times as if I would write the updates myself! And now, have a nice read, and a nice week! >========================================================================< Breaking News @Eriol_Eandur (formerly...
~The MCME Times~ #26/15
Opening Statement The Summer Events were a really big deal for me, even though I initially intended not to get involved into too many things this year. Well after I literally worked the entire sunday for the Awards ceremony I can say with certainty, I totally failed at staying true to that intention. However due to that I in fact totally forgot about writing the Times, thus thanks to @TSGroot who reminded me, else these Times would still not be existant for some time... Project Progress Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz @Mandos and @BeatHeav3N are working hard on the buildings in southern Andrast. The lazy T-Rex is doing Voxel everywhere so if someone crash the server, ye it's me (sorry). South and East Andrast are going...