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    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

The MCME Times

The MCME Times
~The MCME Times~ #4/15
Opening Statement This week I got the pleasure to meet the flu, as did pretty much whole Switzerland recently. While I was mostly incapable of escaping my bed, progress on the server went its normal way at its normally crazy speed. However the big event this week was doubtlessly the release of the name changing ability. My only option would have been to change to plain "Finrod", without any underscore or similar, but of course thats already taken. What about you? Did or do you change your name? So, as whoever you read these Times now, enjoy it! >========================================================================< Project Progress Dol Amroth (/warp Dol Amroth) Annúminas (In Progress) - Lead: @Wollip666 The first time since...
~The MCME Times~ #3/15
Opening Statement Aaaand its Sunday again, and a new edition of the Times is ready to be read. Progress is again at a normal pace, and overall this week was a rather quiet one. But I don't want to annoy you with many more empty words, enjoy this weeks Times and have a good start in the upcoming week! >========================================================================< Project Progress Ethring (/warp ethtemp) Annúminas (In Progress) - Lead: @Wollip666 The first time since Wollip joined back in 2011 he was granted some time off from his server duties. As he's currently enjoying his holidays, so does his current project. Calembel (In Progress) - Lead: @Ivan1pl The sand is gone and instead a fantastic site for this city at...
~The MCME Times~ #2/15
Opening Statement Good thing there's the MCME Times! Else most of you (and neither me) would not be capable of keeping track of all the progress thats happening in this oh-so-busy 2015. It's purely amazing what... wait a second, who is writing this thing at all?! Yes, it's not our chief editor @MaDIIReD this time! But have no fear, MaD is neither forever lost in the Paths of the Dead, nor got he swallowed by the Old Man Willow. He's just dealing with a certain individual by the name of "Real_Life" who infringed the server rule #1: "Hindering anyone from being on MCME 24/7". The weekly ThemedBuild will still be managed by him, aswell as all the other Enforcer duties. Merely everything will stay the same for the Times, the only thing I...
~The MCME Times~ [01/11/15]
__Opening Statement I hope you all had a wonderful time during the winter holidays, with delicious food and merry company (depending on wether or not you like your family). I know I had which, combined with some school work, has resulted in some missed editions. I've been all over the place around the year change and, except for watching the hobbit with @Credoo which of course was horrible, it was great. Now that I have finally found some time for myself I can write this weeks mcme times. I hope you enjoy. __Project Progress Annúminas (In Progress): Progress on Annúminas is slow but steady. This week we saw the addition of some new canals making their way though the future residential area. The military district is almost done and...
~The MCME Times~ [12/22/14]
__Opening Statement We're another week closer to christmas and for many of us the winter holidays have started and we're school free for a few weeks. We're seeing the first signs of christmas on the server as well. Read up on the christmas event posts if you've missed them, there'll be links further on in the article. With that said, sit back and enjoy another edition of the times. __Project Progress Annúminas (In Progress): Progress on Annúminas is slow but steady. This week we saw the addition of some new canals making their way though the future residential area. The military district is almost done and the 'administrative building' has also seen some work and is now practically finished. Dol Amroth (In Progress): Unfortunately...
~The MCME Times~ [12/14/14]
__Opening Statement It's been an interesting week for MCME with lots of things happening, both happy and sad. Projects have been finished and new ones have been started. There have been rumours about a reboot of Pelargir though that would still be a while off. I've seen the many, many, many suggestions you guys made. And I will take them to heart. __Project Progress Annúminas (In Progress): The front gate to the city has been finished and the 'administration building' (I assume the town hall or a court of some sort) has seen vast improvements. The underwater segments have now also been completed, though @Wollip666 is pondering whether to make some changes to these areas as he is not entirely satisfied with them yet. Dol Amroth (In...
~The MCME Times~ [12/08/14]
__Opening Statement It has been a good while since the last MCME times due to my absence and the fact that afterwards I had to do some catching up with school. Thankfully I have found some time to work on a new edition of the MCME times this week. The missed editions were of course very sad but they did show some flaws in the way the times is produced. As such I'll be asking some questions about the future of the times in a later segment. For now though, sit back and read up on the not so recent happenings. __Project Progress Annúminas (In Progress): The wall layout and roads have been fixed and should be done now. Unfortunately there's not much going on in Annúminas for non Artists, as both the ruining jobs in the flooded part of...
~The MCME Times~ [11/09/14]
__Opening Statement Another week has gone by and I'm sure you would all like to know what has been happening on the MCME servers. Well, we've made some advances when it comes to projects with quite some projects hitting small landmarks with the completion of subsections of the larger project. Additionally this MCME times was written before the eyes of our watchful staff meaning some of the project updates are much more detailed (Finrod even wrote a personal report on the misty mountains!) This week I would also like to introduce you to a new segment called 'The secrets of Khazad-dûm' which is a written tour of moria with background info on the lore and the server side of the project. __Project Progress Annúminas (In Progress)...
~The MCME Times~ [11/02/14]
Opening Statement HO HO HO, merry belated Halloween everybody. And to all of you who didn't celebrate the Americanised version of this quite serious day: I hope you had a good Halloween. As for me, I do neither. I don't dress up, I don't put chairs around my fireplace (if I had one) or hide my kitchen knives, and since the average age in my neighbourhood is in the triple digits there were no children at the door either. Aaaanyhow, if you didn't have a good Halloween I hope this edition of the MCME times can cheer you up. Project Progress Annúminas (In Progress): The job creating houses for the flooded part of the city is still going on. Make sure you read the post before you start building though, there's some very specific...
~The MCME Times~ [10/26/14]
Opening Statement Due to real life obligations and some other shtuff last weeks Times was never finished. A tragedy of a scale unparalleled by anything in recent MCME history, or indeed... all of MCME history. However this week we've got the presses running again and we're printing these babies faster than ever before. So step right up and get to reading. Project Progress Annúminas (In Progress): The job creating houses for the flooded part of the city is still going on. Make sure you read the post before you start building though, there's some very specific guidelines since the houses will be submerged. When you've read the post and are up to speed you can /warp Flood to start helping out, or talk to @Wollip666 if he is online...
~The MCME Times~ [10/12/14]
Opening Statement Another week has passed, filled with exciting things such as Oktoberfest drinking events and staff meetings. Other than that people have been working hard to further our progress and make this server a better place. Read all about it now in the MCME times. Project Progress Annúminas (In Progress): The job creating houses for the flooded part of the city is still going on. Make sure you read the post before you start building though, there's some very specific guidelines since the houses will be submerged. When you've read the post and are up to speed you can /warp Flood to start helping out, or talk to @Wollip666 if he is online. Dol Amroth (In Progress): Some roads and more of the general layout has been put into...
~The MCME Times~ [10/05/14]
Opening Statement Another week has passed and it is already October. They say time flies when you're having fun but even when you're surrounded by the worst people in the world it still moves along at a solid pace. *where is my sarcasm font* Anyway, sit back and relax and enjoy this week's edition of the MCME times. Project Progress Annúminas (In Progress): There is a new Annúminas Job building houses for the flooded part of the city. Make sure you read the post before you start building though, there's some very specific guidelines since the houses will be submerged. When you've read the post and are up to speed you can /warp Flood to start helping out, or talk to @Wollip666 if he is online. Dol Amroth (In Progress): The boat...
~The MCME Times~ [09/28/14]
Opening Statement Unfortunately this one is a little late as my mother was throwing her birthday party, and I had to amuse the attendees with my acrobatic feats and displays of archery (not really). Despite me being otherwise occupied for much of the day, the times is all finished and ready for the presses. So sit back and enjoy! Project Progress Harithilien Part 3 (In Progress): General terraforming is still ongoing. Also @iSMiTHz has mentioned he will create plots for some watchtower concepts soon. If you are interested follow this thread to get an update on that situation. Misty Mountains (In Progress): There's still a lot of work to be done, we won't see this one finished for a long time. Unfortunately this week not many...
~The MCME Times~ [09/21/14]
Opening Statement Some cool stuff has been happening this week, a lot of it has been set up for the big projects to come like Dol Amroth and Annúminas. It's all in here so sit down, relax and learn all about this weeks happenings. Project Progress Harithilien Part 3 (In Progress): The Haudh in Gwanûr competition is finally over and @KlemensPlusLukas has won, find out more here. There is still a lot of terrain work to be done though so expect more jobs in Harithilien. Misty Mountains (In Progress): Section 1 of 26 of section 1 of 8 is done... so... YAY! Only 25 more to go to finish the first section, and then that'll just have to be repeated 8 times. In all seriousness though, a lot of progress has been made and I can't wait to see...
~The MCME Times~ [09/14/14]
Opening Statement Ah, another wonderful sunday and time for the MCME times. Microwave yourself some soda, pour a glass of popcorn and settle down to read up on the latest happenings in MCME. Let's get right to it! Project Progress Harithilien Part 3 (In Progress):Lots of terrain work has been done in Harithilien over the week, a bunch of rivers and cool terrain features have been added. Additionally if you want to join in in the Haudh in Gwainur build competition you have to do so quickly, as it will close in three days, on the 17th of september. Misty Mountains (In Progress): /warp mirrormere, that's where the magic happened. @Finrod_Amandil has done a terrific job creating the valley and surrounding mountains. There's also some...
~The MCME Times~ [09/07/14]
Opening Statement Over the last two weeks lots has changed. Four staff members and two rangers have resigned due to the new schoolyear starting. As a result of this the MCME times has seen a change in writer, along with some project staff filling in the gaps left behing in Harithilien. All of these changes pale in comparison to the recent changes to rank names and structure though. We'll start this edition of the times by taking a look at these changes. Rank Name Changes & Merges As all of you who have been on in the last week have noticed the rank names have been changed and some ranks have been merged together. Here is a simplified overview: Oathbreaker: This rank has stayed the same in name and function. Droog + Commoner: These...
~Fire's Last Edition of the MCME Times~ [08/31/14]
Opening Statement This week marks a special occasion in so many ways. First of all it marks an end to the illustrious Summer Event that has taken place over the past few weeks. Thanks to the hard work of people like Lizzy and Iru, this past month has been a widely viewed success that has brought a level of fun and attention to this server that may not normally be present on a day to day basis. Furthermore, this marks the last edition of the MCME Times that I will be writing due to the time conflicts that college is presenting me this upcoming Fall term. Luckily for all of you, the wonderful and handsome MaD will be taking over more permanently in the future in order to keep this wonderful news letter alive. And lastly, this edition...
~The MCME Times~ [06/22/14]
General Update Though it may be hard for you to turn your attention away from the FIFA World Cup that is happening right now, I for one can say thanks for taking the time to read this edition of the Times! I apologize for not having more country options above as unfortunately the poll only lets so many options. I will be sure to post another one when we are down to the quarter finals and such. Otherwise, there are a lot of project developments to post as always as well as community updates concerning MCME media and its upkeep. So sit back, turn on a soccer match, and enjoy the Twelfth Edition of the MCME Times. Project Plans Minas Tirith (Done) Osgiliath (In Progress): Work to the left of the palace is continuing in the Rich...
~The MCME Times~ [07/06/14]
General Update Have you voted for MCME on Planet Minecraft yet? If not it will take you just 20 seconds to vote for MCME as a top server. Like every week, there was a lot of progress on the World Cup server this week as teams were eliminated projects were worked on. There have also been significantly more jobs for everyone to partake on this week thanks to the hard work of our foreman and other staff members. Otherwise it is time to dish out the progress report for MCME for this past week. I will be gone for the next two weeks so there will be NO Times for the next two weeks. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Fourteenth Edition of the MCME Times. Project Plans Osgiliath (In Progress): Jobs are being constantly run in Osgiliath this...
~The MCME Times~ [06/29/14]
General Update Vote for MCME here! It takes 20 seconds on Planet Minecraft to vote for MCME as a top server and the more votes we get, the more recognition and attention we can draw as a community. Now that we got that out of the way, welcome to the FIFA 2014 World Cup MCME for another edition of the sunday times. This week we had, as always, a bunch of different project and community updates that are to be summed up on this page for your viewing pleasure. Rather then rambling on in the intro, lets get down to business. So sit back, relax, turn on your recorded FIFA match on DVR, and enjoy the Lucky Number Thirteen Edition of the MCME Times. Project Plans Osgiliath (In Progress): With most of the houses in the rich district...