• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

News and Announcements

~ The MCME Times ~ [11/15/2020]

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Chilling out!
Colder Weather with Warmer Tea!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Hey all, Mapthor here! Hope you all are having a fun time on MCME lately, but it’s about to get better. The Winter Events are just on the horizon and let me tell ya, it’s gonna be good. I asked Soarz about what we should be looking forward to this year and he replied with, “Snowy build.” What could that mean? Where could it mean? How could that mean?! Guess we’ll just have to find out this December. Hope you’re still around by the point, we love all our players here…. right? I hope so. Anyways!

Happy Sailing,

~ Project Progress ~

Anorien - Lead: @barteldvn |...

~ The MCME Times ~ [11/1/2020]

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Spoopy Season!
Scary Norir Noises!

Editor's Note by _Luk, GingerlyGinger, Mapthor, Smaug, Soarz, Jona.
Hello Everyone, Welcome back to a "outstanding" edition of the MCME Times. There has been alot of interesting things going on since the last edition. Keep your eyes out for the podcast that will come out soon, where toti talks about texture for half an hour! The guides held many events for the spoopy season, hope you didn't get too scared. All in all we have a fantastic edition of the times for you so make sure to read it all!

Quotes made while writing this editors note:
"What color is smaug's underpants" - From the podcast

"When we going to Disney"
"Let me Deliver my Pizza" -...

~ The MCME Times ~ [10/18/2020]

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BOOOO! Did i scare you?
Spooky Season is almost here!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Another anniversary, here and gone just like that. Even though the 10th has passed, I think we can all agree that it was one hell of a night. The whole community came together to celebrate one decade of MCME. We got to see the premier of the 10th Anniversary Video, made fun of Arch for being the most AFK player of the year, and even got to kill each other in survival. Many old members came back to celebrate and we even got a shoutout on Instagram from our friends over at Ardacraft (Thanks guys, keep up the great work!). MCME is a very special place right now. It has the power to bring people together in these hard times and never...

MCME 10 Year Anniversary Events

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Minecraft Middle-earth
10 October 2010 - 10 October 2020

10 Year Anniversary Events
Hello MCME'ers new and old, I am proud to present to you the MCME 10 Year Anniversary Events! That's right, we have been building for 10 years now after founding the project in Minecraft Alpha 1.1. There are only a few people who can say that they have been here from the very beginning, but if you were we would like to see you at these events so we can celebrate the past and success of this project...

~ The MCME Times ~ [10/04/2020]

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MCME Turns Ten!
But in like six days!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Howdy everyone, welcome back to the Times. We are so close to the 10th Anniversary of Minecraft Middle-Earth. I’ve been on here for almost four years and it’s crazy to see how the server has changed since 2017. I’ve seen so many new builds, unique players, and one hell of a community change. If you’re an old player or just a newbie, be sure to cherish this chapter in your life. MCME isn’t just another server, it’ll become a part of your life, just like it’s done for so many players on this server. Go out and have fun. Meet some friends, learn how to build, and hop in some tours because you’ll regret it if you don’t.

Happy Sailing,

Forums running Xenforo 2.2

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This will be a short (or at least attempt to!) article with the new features that are now available on the forums.

In fact, this post is now of the article type (more about this later).

Xenforo 2.2 main changes are user improvements, content type, media handling and the improved 'textbox'.

If you would like to read full-featured demonstrations about these new features, you can view Have you seen...?

I'm going to stick to smaller pointers :-)

Richer content types

Forums can now be much more than just a simple thread.
Depending on the forum node, the administration can set the allowed types of content.

  1. Articles are more focused on the 'first' original post, with minimalist controls and a accentuated thumbnail in the overview. It's perfect for...