• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

News and Announcements

Forums running Xenforo 2.2

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This will be a short (or at least attempt to!) article with the new features that are now available on the forums.

In fact, this post is now of the article type (more about this later).

Xenforo 2.2 main changes are user improvements, content type, media handling and the improved 'textbox'.

If you would like to read full-featured demonstrations about these new features, you can view Have you seen...?

I'm going to stick to smaller pointers :-)

Richer content types

Forums can now be much more than just a simple thread.
Depending on the forum node, the administration can set the allowed types of content.

  1. Articles are more focused on the 'first' original post, with minimalist controls and a accentuated thumbnail in the overview. It's perfect for...

MCME 10th Anniversary Celebration and Awards

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Minecraft Middle-earth
10 October 2010 - 10 October 2020

10 Year Anniversary Celebration and Annual Awards

On Saturday 10 October Minecraft Middle-earth will be celebrating its ten year anniversary. This event comprises of the Annual Awards as well as a celebration of the past ten years, including speeches from long serving members and a Fireworks and Lights Show by myself! The celebration starts at 6pm UTC on Saturday 10 October (1pm CT, 7pm BST, 8pm CEST). Following this celebration, the Anniversary Events will start and a post detailing these events is coming soon...

The voting for the Annual Awards will be split into two rounds. In the first round you may nominate any member you like for the award. In the second round you can...​

~ The MCME Times ~ [09/20/2020]

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The 10th is Coming
Get your party hats ready!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Howdy everyone and welcome back to another edition of The MCME Times! We’re so close to the server’s 10th Anniversary which means some great things are around the corner. Old players are returning, big events are being planned, and something you won’t see coming. So make sure to stick around until October 10th to see all the surprises in store for the server!

Happy Sailing,

~ Project Progress ~

Anorien - Lead: @barteldvn | In Progress
Report by Mershy

Anorien is still awaiting the new textures...

~ The MCME Times ~ [09/06/2020]

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Fall is Upon Us!
It all comes tumbling down...

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Hello again fellow reader, welcome back to another edition of the MCME Times! I’ll be honest with ya, not much has really happened these past two weeks. With the Anniversary Events on the horizon, The Events Team is hard at working getting ready for October. In the meantime, be sure to stay active and stay happy on the server.

Happy Sailing,

~ Project Progress ~

Anorien - Lead: @barteldvn | In Progress
Report by Mershy

Unfortunately, with the departure of Oberanio, Anorien has been taken up by...

~ The MCME Times ~ [08/23/2020]

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Summer Ends, Classes Begin!
Ya hate it see it happen

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Hey all, Mapthor here! As Summer slowly starts to come to a close, the Summer Events must do the same. All in all, these Events went extremely well and I’m very happy everyone (hopefully) enjoyed them. But do not fear, the Anniversary Events are currently in planning stages, so make sure to be on the lookout for those in October. Other than that, I don’t really have much to report on, so I’ll leave you all with some advice from good old Odin. When you have some free time in the next few days, dedicate it to yourself and spend some time alone. Whether that time be you playing games for three hours or just going on a bike...

~ The MCME Times ~ [08/09/2020]

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Swinging and Singing!
The Summer Events are in Full Swing!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Hello again, avid reader, and welcome back to The MCME Times Editor’s Note by Mapthor! As I assume you all know, the Summer Events have been in full swing this past week and a half. So far, these events have been great. We’ve had great Soc-Football matches with Archimedes, a movie night with Arothir, and one hell of a karaoke session with Xmine. So far, so good if you ask me. But, we’re not done yet! Next Friday (hopefully), Awaywind and I will be hosting our Mini-Middle-Earth Race. Also, be on the lookout for D3’s PvP Event on the 11th and Archimedes’s Moria Race on the 16th. Thank you all for participating in these...