Expert Stream Digger

For those who remember me (and I bet they're not many) I'll have to say I'm extremely glad to see you still here. For those who have no idea why this thread is here, and they're starring at the screen wondering "why I'm I reading this?" "Why am I wasting my life?" And "why don't I have a pet lizard?", I'll go ahead and answer all of your questions (not really though): My name is George(Mas) and I used to be an artist on the server for 3 years.
“And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for one and a half years, GeorgeMas passed out of all knowledge.” But the dreadful years of unending exams are over, and I'm Back. Now that I've wasted some more time of your lives I must cut to the important part. I made this thread to ask you all:
Can I have a brief timeline of what has happened since last summer?
Just go crazy! Make it short or huge, humorous or dead serious (why so serious though?). And just write what you think it's worth mentioning! Any offer is appreciated!Sincerely,
Your friendly next door neighbour, George le Mas