• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Long time no see!

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  • No idea!

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Faintly...

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Are you the guy from the Strongbow commercial?

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Yes, wb!

    Votes: 6 42.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Expert Stream Digger
:cool:Hello members of the MCME,

For those who remember me (and I bet they're not many) I'll have to say I'm extremely glad to see you still here. For those who have no idea why this thread is here, and they're starring at the screen wondering "why I'm I reading this?" "Why am I wasting my life?" And "why don't I have a pet lizard?", I'll go ahead and answer all of your questions (not really though): My name is George(Mas) and I used to be an artist on the server for 3 years.
“And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for one and a half years, GeorgeMas passed out of all knowledge.” But the dreadful years of unending exams are over, and I'm Back. Now that I've wasted some more time of your lives I must cut to the important part. I made this thread to ask you all:
Can I have a brief timeline of what has happened since last summer?
Just go crazy! Make it short or huge, humorous or dead serious (why so serious though?). And just write what you think it's worth mentioning! Any offer is appreciated!
Your friendly next door neighbour, George
le Mas;)
Well, new Moria has begun, people started redoing Dol Amroth and there were a few bans *cough* unnecessary drama *cough* also the pen is still there, yet the owner (me) was one of the bans, cuz I was stupid. Also MCME's managment is a bit better in my opinion (thank you fish for assisting them heads).
That is what is important, wb george. Never forget the pen!
There has been a lot of work on andrast

Misty mountains have had a lot of glaciers and other additions to them

Methrast got done, a lot of work in Belfalas

New Moria has been started, about 7% done I heard

Dol amroth is being revamped, (second attempt)

Tolfalas is finished

Valley of Erui is finished

Lamedon had some work (on hold now)

There has been quite a lot of work on the new terrain for Mordor (almost finished I believe)

A new resource pack for Gondor, which basicly adds 'infinite' textures with a custom inventory

The Foreman rank got added, aswel as the commoner rank (again c; )

Euh that's most I can remember really

Welcome back !
Welcome back @GeorgeMas,

I have to correct @barteldvn in one point. The basically infinite textures (item blocks) were quite a disappointment as they cause a lot of lag. We will use them for detials only, mainly interior. But witht the custom inventories we still can use all the technical blocks that are not available from creative inventory. Did you know a cactus block has 16 states which can be textured completely independently from each other? There are many other blocks like that so the custom inventories enlarge the amount of avaiable blocks and textuers a lot.

Welcome back @GeorgeMas,

I have to correct @barteldvn in one point. The basically infinite textures (item blocks) were quite a disappointment as they cause a lot of lag. We will use them for detials only, mainly interior. But witht the custom inventories we still can use all the technical blocks that are not available from creative inventory. Did you know a cactus block has 16 states which can be textured completely independently from each other? There are many other blocks like that so the custom inventories enlarge the amount of avaiable blocks and textuers a lot.

Why Does cactus have 16 independently textureable blockstates?
I think Freebuild have been reset and the pvp server returned within that timeframe as well but please don't quote me on that.
I'm not sure if cactus grow in survival. But the age stages are used for technical stuff like that. Other blocks with age stages are sugar cane, chorus flower and frosted ice. There are other such "technical" states, redstone repeater for example has 32 (orientation, powered state, delay) and redstone wire has 15 power levels.

I found more than 200 potentially usable technical states and Finrod already used a lot of them for the Dol Amroth pack.
I'm not sure if cactus grow in survival.
Yes it does. That's how you can make self harvesting cactus farms.

I found more than 200 potentially usable technical states and Finrod already used a lot of them for the Dol Amroth pack.
I think I've heard somewhere that minecraft currently have a set maximum for the number of potential block states that can actually be coded into the game. I seem to recall that number as 255 or something but that can't be right if you've fond over 200 "hidden" ones.
The amount of block ID's is limited to 256 currently (will be raised with 1.13). But each block ID can have up to 16 states aka data values. So currently 4096 block states are theoretically possible but not all are realised.