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On Hold Belfalas


Finally, after I got the task to finish Brazen's beautiful city in Belfalas: Methrast, we managed to finish it.
Of course, most of the work lies in the hands of @Brazen_Helm (and @kisos ) who built the main city of Methrast, but after he resigned, I took the responsibility of finishing Methrast, which meant to finish off the poorer part of Methrast (the densely inhabited area outside the city walls), some parts (storages etc) under Methrast, removing the eastern dock and replacing it with a small and lovely garden, and leading a bigger farm outside Methrast (mostly built by @P1eter).

I personally think Methrast turned out really well, and you can visit it on /warp Methrast !


I especially want to thank @Thijs1801, for handing me this task and for helping me taking decisions and doing voxelrelated stuff; @P1eter, for building the huge wheat- and fruit/wine/apple farm; and @thomasd_17 for helping me out a lot on the poorer part, with building several houses and interiors!

I also want to thank @Patrick_0901, @Daddlio, @Ganderp, @ZarukAcerbus, @ooitsbirdo, @ReniMarus for doing houses and/or interiors, @jacenpeter for voxeling beautiful trees in P's farm, my fellow norwegian @Darki190 for voxelingstuff, and last but not least - @NicTheFifth for being the best<3.

+ @Finrod_Amandil, for being such a great mental supporter. kappa123! I really hope I did not forget anyone.


Screenshots of Methrast -

( More screenshots here - (http://imgur.com/a/Ojg7Z) )

Have a lovely evening, eveyone!
Thank you for your attention.

- Kjolsen
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wtf i started it

So as many of you know, myself and @Darki have been working on the northern Belfalas terrain and vegetation. As a quick update, we've been working extensively on the lake. We have also been working on some several revamped forest trees, which feature less dense leaves, and leaves higher up on the tree. Some of these trees also feature the new chorus fruit block, which looks exactly like a wall block, we've retextured them to look like oak logs to act as variation for trees, and more realistic pines.

The trees have been completed, along with stencils. I have forested a small section, as an example:

Look out for a lot of vegetation jobs by the upcoming Foremen. The ground work of the forests all need to be done by hand.

Check it out for yourselves at /warp north
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So you want some work I heard?
You think our Designers are lazy I heard?

Well... guess what: We can do something about both!!

I present to you the NorthBelfalasTerrain-Plotbuild

Our Designers arent lazy at all (not all of them at least), in fact they could use some hands. Your hands!
There is an area of Terrain in north Belfalas, that needs to be worked on.

-> If you want to use ur time other than walking around on the server, just hit me up via PM/Discord or ingame, so I can assign you to a plot.

Some notes on the plotbuild:
- Get there with /plot warp NorthBelfalasTerrain
- Have a look at the little Terrain-Guide South of the warp
- Additionally to the Guide: Dont change the terrain at the border of your plot too much, as it still has to connect to the next plot nicely

So ya, just message me and you can work on it.
Ok so i'll use this thread to state some issues and an evaluation about the vegetation (trial) job.

Firstly, there was a bit of a misunderstanding about what to make in patches, I was meaning the flowers to be made in patches, and the leaves to be evenly spread around the field as you can see on the other side of the river. It's no big deal, it can be fixed using voxel albeit less nice looking.

Seeing as it was a trial job so the job info was given through an in game PM and not a formatted post in this thread, it's not a real issue. It at least shows that using a format above works a lot better.

@Daddlio @thomasd_17 @FireFuss @ooitsbirdo

So for the next section, it seems to already be marked out in white wool, i'd like to request a (one, or two at most) Foreman to work on the rest, reply to this thread so I know who will work on it. The vegetation is a long process and requires the rest of the terrain to already be grassed, so the faster us designers and apparently some plotbuilders now finish the smoothing, the more sections we can then add to be vegetated. Please leave the section marking to me and my team, we don't want to make some vegetation and find out it's in the wrong spot and needs to be removed.

Also @Finrod_Amandil do you want to keep you're Belfalas vegetation post, or do you want me to make an updated one (preferably i'd like to make a new one).
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I apologize for the misunderstanding @Eaglz24. It did seem odd to me that the section of the trial job was going to look completely different than the completed section right next to it. However, I totally agree that given a posted job with description in the forum there would be far less mess ups. I take credit for this last goof and I hope to show you that's not "par for the course" for me if I make foreman.

Whyyyyt am i not mentioned
@Eaglz24 / @FireFuss / @ooitsbirdo I moved the threads, the Foreman Jobs list should only be used for the actual job descriptions, else we need to outsource it to yet another google doc. I'll also remove my example, it was really just an example, no actual job!

To eag: Thijs meant there's more flaw to that job we did than just the wrong thing in patches; seems like it was planned that this area would be forested instead... So before you post a detailed job description sort this out please.
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