• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

News and Announcements

MCME's 9th Anniversary Events and Awards!

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I am proud to present to the MCME community:

~MCME's 9th Anniversary~
~Fall Festival~

MCME's 9th WHAT?!

You heard correctly random citizen! Next Thursday (October 10th) MCME will have seen 9 years of building, rebuilding, and uh... yeah more rebuilding. There are few now who can say they've seen how MCME has grown and developed over this time and I'd just like to applaud all those who have stuck around and committed to this wonderful project and community. I'd also like to show deep appreciation for those who join and contribute anytime they're online as this server wouldn't prosper without each and everyone of our enthusiastic members and guests! In honor of this appreciation, the MCME Team has decided to put on a show and celebrate with a series of events and festivities! Without further ado, I'm proud to announce the start of MCME's 9th...​

7th Public Meeting!

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As promised and by public demand, I organized the next public meeting. Now, this took a bit longer than anticipated as we had to have a couple of Valar Meetings and a Staff Meeting before.

The date is 12/10/2019! The time 8:00 pm CEST; 7:00 pm BST; 2:00 pm EDT and 11:00 am PDT!
You all know the drill: here is the Agenda where you can also add your own topics in the designated area. I'm still looking for a scribe, so if you are interested please let me know. For any additional questions please pm me here or on Discord. I hope as many of you as possible manage to show up. There are many important topics we would like to discuss. For the people that are not able to make it there will be, as always, a recording posted after the meeting...

~The New MCME Times~[9/22/2019]

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Chilly Seasons Approach!

We near the end of September and October weather follows!


Editor's Note by Soarz
Another two weeks have come and gone, and to say its been hectic would be an understatement. This past week we finally held the Helms Deep Battle for Node, it had an amazing turnout with many new players coming to check it out. A big majority of the credit goes to our beloved @Eriol_Eandur who put in many months of hard work to make this amazing battle possible. And how could we forget about @TotiGonzales who also spend a substantial about of time making the skins we got to wear and see. That is just a brief...

~The New MCME Times~[9/8/2019]

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Fall is Coming!
The cold will not stop our progress!

Proofreader's Note by _Lord_Of_Squids_
Welcome back to the times, everyone! This marks another 2 weeks of progress and fun, and the beginning of another! I've started to feel a change in the air as the year wears on, which is great news for us winter lovers. But, as summer ends, more and more of us are falling to the great beast known as education, and while this may hinder build progress for a little bit our spirits are never daunted! Besides, what better thing to do after a long day at school or university than relax and explore (or build) Middle-earth? So sit back, put your reading glasses on, lower your chair, raise it because you lowered it a...

~The New MCME Times~[8/25/2019]

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We can rest MCME!
The hype has finally started to go down!

Editor's Note by Soarz
Another great two weeks have just flown by and lots of progress has been made. Things have begun to slow down but work is still being done all around the map. Many are off to school and that means less time for what we love, but regardless MCME players will always find a way to get on and have the time of their lives. Be sure keep a look out for jobs and different activities that happen on the server, and don't forget to have a wonderful day!

~ Project Progress ~

Anorien – Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress
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~The New MCME Times~[7/28/2019]

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Media MiddleEarth
We've gone viral

Editor's Note by Soarz
The last two weeks have been pretty crazy, to say the least. After Node came on we have had a consistent one hundred people on at a time. We have been on not just YouTube, but Reddit, Instagram, and Facebook! We haven't seen these kind of stats in years and progress has boomed! More is being worked on and many adventurers are joining in. To all new players, welcome to MCME! We are glad you could join us in our great feat, and I hope you find a place in the community. Whether its building or sharing your knowledge with the world, I hope you have the time of your life.

~ Project Progress ~