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Youtuber and Builder Team Gathering Project

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How the hell do you plan to get all these incredible builders to want to come to our server?
Sorry, but it isn't like we're the biggest server out there, so why would they want to work with us?
How would you propose you/MCME gets them all to cooperate and come to MCME?
How the hell do you plan to get all these incredible builders to want to come to our server?
Sorry, but it isn't like we're the biggest server out there, so why would they want to work with us?
How would you propose you/MCME gets them all to cooperate and come to MCME?

Well. The first step would be trying.
Well. The first step would be trying.
That's not very specific.

When we had YouTubers like Keralis come on it took months of preparation 'and persuasion' to get him on to check us out, is this any different?
That's not very specific.

When we had YouTubers like Keralis come on it took months of preparation 'and persuasion' to get him on to check us out, is this any different?

It’s not. I don’t know how much preparation went into such meetings., as it’s staff stuff. You will find that most do not know half of what actually goes on. Do not expect non-staff to know such things when you only share it amongst yourselves.

It’s not. I don’t know how much preparation went into such meetings., as it’s staff stuff. You will find that most do not know half of what actually goes on. Do not expect non-staff to know such things when you only share it amongst yourselves.

I'm not staff so how do I share it amongst myself? And you will find that many non-staff do have some sort of understanding of organising as most of them run projects and have meetings with staff and non-staff alike to sort out projects, including the Summer Events, Anniversary events, and other events alike. Blowing it off as 'Staff stuff' doesn't exactly help

But what I'm suggesting is give us a reasonable plan for this. I understand you're thinking and all that but if we were to do such thing how would you suggest we go about this, not how the staff would go about it as it is your idea not theirs.

also, you don't abbreviate when you just state 'It is', just saying It's doesn't make sense in this context :P
I'm not staff so how do I share it amongst myself? And you will find that many non-staff do have some sort of understanding of organising as most of them run projects and have meetings with staff and non-staff alike to sort out projects, including the Summer Events, Anniversary events, and other events alike. Blowing it off as 'Staff stuff' doesn't exactly help

But what I'm suggesting is give us a reasonable plan for this. I understand you're thinking and all that but if we were to do such thing how would you suggest we go about this, not how the staff would go about it as it is your idea not theirs.

also, you don't abbreviate when you just state 'It is', just saying It's doesn't make sense in this context :p

Would you stop reeing??
Calling non-natives out on grammar... Lol. You don't even try to understand do you?
Would you stop reeing??
Calling non-natives out on grammar... Lol. You don't even try to understand do you?
Lol I was taking the piss, and if anyone is reeeing it's you lol
Thing is I've stated many times that I do understand and I could see this working, but I'm asking questions to get you to think about it in more detail, I'm actually trying to help
Lol I was taking the piss, and if anyone is reeeing it's you lol
Thing is I've stated many times that I do understand and I could see this working, but I'm asking questions to get you to think about it in more detail, I'm actually trying to help

I’m afraid I fail to see your attempts to help. Might just be me. Though, I’ve currently not seen much else than reeing.

Detail??? What do you honestly expect of a fcking commoner with quite a short time
Here?? If you want to see detail go check my sponsorship docs
I’m afraid I fail to see your attempts to help. Might just be me. Though, I’ve currently not seen much else than reeing.

Detail??? What do you honestly expect of a fcking commoner with quite a short time
Here?? If you want to see detail go check my sponsorship docs

Again am I reeing? nope
Bro I'm not expecting, its called making you think about it in more detail, I am trying to get you to think beyond the basic concept, which then shows people more than the basic idea, then actually more people will think yeah I like this idea
So before you tell me I'm reeeing, just check urself out ok?
Right you lot.


I haven't read the vast majority of posts but I already know this has escalated way too far.

No more arguments. No more bickering, This isn't helping anyone at all. Stop trying to prove each other right, It's really unneeded. I think this has gone far beyond the level it should've done.

I don't think much more is open to discussion and the whole fact of the post was adressed a while ago. If somebody could lock this that would be great.
As @TotiGonzales is the Media Assistant, he has created this following response to answer/conclude this thread:

I feel like I should have made a statement that concludes this discussion as I’m the one in charge of the promotion and partnerships programs, but I didn't get around to doing it before this escalated and Smaug had to lock this thread unfortunately.

The idea isn’t bad, as I already mentioned to Fexel, and I think that due to misunderstandings and poor communication its essence and the intention got forgotten. What Fexel was trying to do is get our server out there, and given the fact that he was missing information (information that you, super, as a former staff member and a member of the community that helped with behind the scenes stuff even before getting staff has/had), it isn’t a bad idea and definitely not something he should get criticized for. Most of you might have not taken it as seriously as you should have due to the fact that at it might seem a bit far fetched at first glance, but I think most of you didn’t take into account that getting a YouTouber like Keralis would have seemed as far fetched as getting a collaboration with these build teams 1 year ago. If you think about it Keralis came to the server mostly for one reason. Free, easy to make content that would most probably do pretty well on his channel (well you might also argue that he came because he is a huge LotR fan but imo that was a small factor in his decision). The same principle should work in the case of well known build teams and as long as we pitch and organize something like this the right way I don’t see why it won’t.

Something that I don't see why it got that much hate (especially from you super) is the fact that Fexel did not deliver any kind of strategy as to how this would be achievable. The thing is, I saw this, and I think this is the way it was intended, only as one of his ideas that he once again threw into the room so we could gather ideas on how it would work and see if the community would be open to something like it. It is rough around the edges but we could have helped to develop it instead of dragging it down. (looking at u again super :P)

Personally I think there is great potential behind this idea and a great possibility that we could undertake such a project in the future. That of course only if it's supported by the community which I couldn’t really tell from this thread so I’ll keep it in mind and reopen the discussion in the future after we addressed bigger and more urgent issues we have at the moment.

Lastly I would like to quote q from way back in May when I was in the exact same place Fexel is in and I went to him with a crazy idea: “We are always looking for new ways to get the word out there.”
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