• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

ThemedBuild Plugin


One Of Us, One of Us
ThemedBuild Plugin

It has been a long time since an automated system was used for themedbuild, meaning you guys had to manually place signs claiming your lot. However this changes today! From now on we'll be making use of a brand new ThemedBuild plugin that will make working on your themedbuild easier, more interesting and grief free. Sign up for your free trial today!


Plotclaiming. Only you can work on the plot you've claimed. No longer will there be a possibility for others to grief your Themed Build, or switch the sign to 'claim it as their own'.
PlotGeneration. The plugin starts by generating only four plots, and adding four more everytime they are needed. Though these plots have the same default model as is being used now, any model can be used.
PlotTools. The plugin will give you acces to several tools to help you build your dreambuild. Allowing you to place fire, water and lava within the confines of your lot. Additionally the plugin stops water from flowing out of your plot, no more building invisible walls to keep the water at bay.


/theme will let you claim a plot.
/theme toplot will teleport you to your plot.
/theme resetplot will clear your plot. Be careful, this is non-reversable.
Stone Sword left click will place Lava, right click places water.
Iron Sword right click places fire.

Any questions about the plugins usage can be asked here, bug reports can be commited in the Suggestion and Issues Developer subforum. Lastly I would like to say a big thank you to our developers!
There seem to be some issues with the plugin. Very likely, the theme data file is corrupted or even deleted.
Until this has been fixed, placing lava/water/fire is impossible and grief protection off.
Also new plot generation won't work and claiming of plots with /theme.
You can still build though and for new plots, you can ask staff to copy/paste.

Sorry for this problem, we hope to have this fixed soon :)
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There seem to be some issues with the plugin. Very likely, the theme data file is corrupted or even deleted.
Until this has been fixed, placing lava/water/fire is impossible and grief protection off.
Also new plot generation won't work and claiming of plots with /theme.
You can still build though and for new plots, you can ask staff to copy/paste.

Sorry for this problem, we hope to have this fixed soon :)

works now, and there is nothing wrong with data files :p
I am new and i have no idea about any commands. I want to apply as an artist and i know i have to do a free build. How do i claim a plot in the freebuild world? Also, let me know any other important rules.
thanks :)
I am new and i have no idea about any commands. I want to apply as an artist and i know i have to do a free build. How do i claim a plot in the freebuild world? Also, let me know any other important rules.
thanks :)

Themed Builds happen in the Themed Build world of the Freebuild server. Do /warp theme to teleport to the current Themed Build.

will let you claim a plot.

Learn the other commands in this thread.

Be aware that the Themed Builds change every Saturday so you might want to wait for the next Themed Build since the current one ends today.
Since you want to apply for Artist, make sure to take a screenshot of your Themed Build once you're finished. Upload them to an image hosting website, preferably imgur.com. And learn how to apply for Artist here.
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If you can't use bucket then I'm afraid it's impossible. Ask a staff member to fill it for you.
Hey, so I was going around MCME the other day and went to the themebuild and decided to started make one. As I was building I flew around a bit to look at other people's builds and I noticed that on 50% plots: nothing was happening, 30% of the plots: were poorly designed and the last 20% had potential or were good. I think this is a sign that if we want more helpers and artists we are going to have to change something. Themebuilds are the way adventurers and commoners should show their skill in MCME but instead of having them to either look for whatever the theme build is on our server, which takes usually a long time and sometimes it isn't built yet or is outdated how about if we have an example build for each one of these themebuilds.Or if there is already this build in MCME which is up to date and good standard we could copy and paste it into a plot. I think this would provide inspiration and skills to these candidates for artists or just people who want to get better at building, the standard of MCME and what we expect.

This is probably not the easiest thing to organize but I was thinking we could have a sign up sheet (google docs or mcme forums) for any artist+ to do the themebuild and set the example.
Hey, so I was going around MCME the other day and went to the themebuild and decided to started make one. As I was building I flew around a bit to look at other people's builds and I noticed that on 50% plots: nothing was happening, 30% of the plots: were poorly designed and the last 20% had potential or were good. I think this is a sign that if we want more helpers and artists we are going to have to change something. Themebuilds are the way adventurers and commoners should show their skill in MCME but instead of having them to either look for whatever the theme build is on our server, which takes usually a long time and sometimes it isn't built yet or is outdated how about if we have an example build for each one of these themebuilds.Or if there is already this build in MCME which is up to date and good standard we could copy and paste it into a plot. I think this would provide inspiration and skills to these candidates for artists or just people who want to get better at building, the standard of MCME and what we expect.

This is probably not the easiest thing to organize but I was thinking we could have a sign up sheet (google docs or mcme forums) for any artist+ to do the themebuild and set the example.

Thanks for the suggestion. I really like the idea. I claim a plot in every TB anyway to check if everything works, I might as well provide some example TB. Not for all of them because I don't have that much time but for some of them I will.
Thanks for the suggestion. I really like the idea. I claim a plot in every TB anyway to check if everything works, I might as well provide some example TB. Not for all of them because I don't have that much time but for some of them I will.
Do you want any help though ivan like if you can't do it one week or time maybe there is a way to assign somebody else to your plot so they can do it.
How can I fill Cauldrons with water?
As is already with the new Gondor pack, and will eventually with all packs, the custom inventory contains cauldrons with all water levels so everyone can place them. For TB's this should already work, with all packs: type /inv b rp:2, find the "interior" category in the top bar and then find the right pants that will place you the cauldron: