Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.
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Grey havens is way too big.The Grey Havens
Rhosgobel (is that how it's spelled?)
Umbar architecture (Umbarchitecture, if you will)
People would just build a part of it. Lake Town, Rammas Echor, and the 21st Hall are also way too big, but we did those.Grey havens is way too big.
Ok. if you want to see one, Do /warp GreyHavens and you will be warped to one that I started and with other people helped me with!People would just build a part of it. Lake Town, Rammas Echor, and the 21st Hall are also way too big, but we did those.
How would we do Thorin's Halls in a Theme Build? One big singular pillar and some market-stalls beside it?Gondor:
- Edhellond (harbor, lighthouse(?), house concepts)
- Linhir
- Tirith Aear
- Dol Amroth (Tower, Wall, Gate, House, Palace, Harbor)
- Paths of the Dead concepts (as soon as scooby releases his awesome textures)
- Carn Dûm
- Annúminas
- Thorin's Halls
- Forlond
- Harlond
- Dáin's halls
- Dale
- Forest Gate
- Framsburg
- Great House (Esgaroth)
- (intact) Bridge of the Old Ford
Southern Lands:
- White pillar
- Umbar
btw: I had a spontanous idea that with every themed build post @MaDIIReD could include a survey where people can vote for one of three Themed Build topics for the next Themed Build.
wow never heard of that beforei say we do Mar Vanwa Tyalieva, the cottage of Lost Play. An interesting challenge.
i say we do Mar Vanwa Tyalieva, the cottage of Lost Play. An interesting challenge.
Yeah I did not hear that name before, but ofc I looked it up immidiately-snip-