Opening statement
Wow, there is so much progress lately that it's getting hard to track and compile. But for the most exciting news this week, Eriol_the_Magician has somehow (idk even know anymore) found out a way for us to physically texture and use infinite blocks! For more detailed information on how this all works and is used, look down below for the texture development section. But for now here is a quick basic summary of how it works. So basically we have figured out how to edit the hit-boxes of any block, whether that be slabs, stairs, trapdoors, flowers etc.. Using the item durability, we can essentially have as many blocks as we like.
But other than that, let's get into this weeks edition of the Times!
Whats Up?Project Progress

Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter
A lot more progress over in Dol Amroth this week. First of all the textures has been continuing with amazing haste, many have been created by @Fireinferno13 and @ArtemisiaOfCaria with things from new barrels and crates filled with stuff, to muddy puddles and mossy ground, to 3D models of cups, shelves and barrels. (check texture development for more information).
Away from the textures we have begun progress on planning the city (only with wool for now until we get the new blocks) after a little meeting this morning with the intention of organizing and discussing the planning the city, but ended up more of a off-topic fest featuring ooits trying to find AC3 on uplay for 15 minutes. At the beginning of the week I have also done some more planning for the farms, I assume they'll be done in the upcoming week.
Along with that the Tree Build for the Beech trees has been completed, thanks to everyone who participated!
Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @_Luk
Texture DevelopmentQuite some progress here this week, with @Whickery_Dickens and Jace working on some trees to be used for the vegetation.
For more information on Andrast, check out the Andrast thread.
Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801For more information on Andrast, check out the Andrast thread.
No progress here in Belfalas this week, as all of the attention has been diverted to the big elephant in the room, Dol Amroth. Regarding what is left to do, all of the building is mainly done, with just some voxel work to the north to do.
Dol Amroth (In Progress) - Lead: @Eaglz24
A lot more progress over in Dol Amroth this week. First of all the textures has been continuing with amazing haste, many have been created by @Fireinferno13 and @ArtemisiaOfCaria with things from new barrels and crates filled with stuff, to muddy puddles and mossy ground, to 3D models of cups, shelves and barrels. (check texture development for more information).
Away from the textures we have begun progress on planning the city (only with wool for now until we get the new blocks) after a little meeting this morning with the intention of organizing and discussing the planning the city, but ended up more of a off-topic fest featuring ooits trying to find AC3 on uplay for 15 minutes. At the beginning of the week I have also done some more planning for the farms, I assume they'll be done in the upcoming week.
Along with that the Tree Build for the Beech trees has been completed, thanks to everyone who participated!
None this week.
Mordor Terrain (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz
Not any progress here I believe, Tyran working on his Tolfalas village and the Mordor textures being on hold.
Moria (In Progress) - Lead: @Despot666 & @Finrod_Amandil
Some Chamber of Light progress this week with new houses popping up around the place, and some other general small work around in Moria.
Tolfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz
Some good progress in Tolfalas, the courtyard is almost done, featured with a new nice town hall at the end.
Valley of Erui (In Progress) - Lead: @Mandos
None this week that I know of.
Some items can have a custom model and texture for each so-called Damage Value (DV). That way it's possible to i.e. make half-broken swords if durability is low. Now some items have a few thousand available damage values, and shape and texture can be changed 100% freely, same as we already had it with the many new blockstates we discovered in the past weeks.
Now the problem always was, that we can not change the hitboxes of these; so you could make something look like a slab, but if you'd step on it you would walk through rather than ontop of it.
What Eriol came up with now is the following: Have one spare vanilla slab, and make it invisible. Then overlay that with a custom item model that looks like the slab you want. In order to get the item where you want it, invisible armorstands are used. As a result you get something that looks and behaves just a like a regular slab.
Of course this works with all hitbox shapes, not only slabs.
Obviously having armor stands all around the place isn't ideal, although Eriol has stress tested a mass amount of armor stands with not a lot of lag, there is a rule of thumb to only try to use these for detailing blocks, eg. barrels, flowers, crops, interior stuff etc..
For more information on the development of textures for Gondor and Dol Amroth, be sure to check out the thread. Be sure to know that we are still in desperate need of new textures, so if you think you're capable, please help out! We have also accordingly decided on a deadline of the end of december, meaning we should be able to start building at new years!
Plugin DevelopmentNow the problem always was, that we can not change the hitboxes of these; so you could make something look like a slab, but if you'd step on it you would walk through rather than ontop of it.
What Eriol came up with now is the following: Have one spare vanilla slab, and make it invisible. Then overlay that with a custom item model that looks like the slab you want. In order to get the item where you want it, invisible armorstands are used. As a result you get something that looks and behaves just a like a regular slab.
Of course this works with all hitbox shapes, not only slabs.
Obviously having armor stands all around the place isn't ideal, although Eriol has stress tested a mass amount of armor stands with not a lot of lag, there is a rule of thumb to only try to use these for detailing blocks, eg. barrels, flowers, crops, interior stuff etc..
For more information on the development of textures for Gondor and Dol Amroth, be sure to check out the thread. Be sure to know that we are still in desperate need of new textures, so if you think you're capable, please help out! We have also accordingly decided on a deadline of the end of december, meaning we should be able to start building at new years!
Animation Plugin (In Progress) - Dev: @Ivan1pl
Rank UpdatesNo progress here this week
Plotbuild, Architect & Minigames (Implemented) - Devs: @Eriol_Eandur & @Ivan1pl
Some great progress here too, here is what's new this week.
Block analyse / replace / switch Plugin (New) - Dev: @Dallen - Custom inventories with improved user interaction (scrolling items)
- Item blocks (e.g. slabs, filled barrels, window glass)
- Command '/inv save' to store your current inventory as a new custom inventory
As the URPS will come with a lot of changes to the packs, a lot of replacing and swapping out blocks will be necessary. Thus @Finrod_Amandil suggested a plugin with which it's possible to replace blocks on the entire map, or big regions, with a single command.
We have two new Artist promotions this week!
Gratz to blue and welcome to the team! And welcome back Jesia, glad to have you back!
There has been some discussion about MCME moving to Discord. For anybody who wants MCME to either move to Discord, or to stay on TS, please be sure to vote in the thread! Also, leave an input on what you think about it.
Inviting a youtuber?
As well as the discord discussion, we also have a discussion about the possibility of inviting a Youtuber by the name of 'Keralis' to a tour of MCME. Give us your thoughts in the threads!
Here is a link to the thread Inviting YouTuber Keralis for a tour?
And also, a recent new poll has been created, so leave your vote! : Poll: inviting YouTuber Keralis?
We're adding back Foreman!
As you may have heard, at our last staff meeting we discussed some possibilities and ideas for making the Guide rank better. We ultimately decided the idea of re-adding the rank of Foreman. The details for this rank are still under consideration, but look out for an update on the rank! For more information, go over to last weeks edition of the MCME Times. ~The MCME Times~ #46/16 - Staff Meeting #20
As many of you have been rumoring, well, the rumors are true! We are in fact discussing about adding back the rank of Commoner. We (staff) are currently discussing the details about the rank, alongside Foreman. For those who were not around when Commoner existed, or if you need a quick recap of what is was, basically it was an extension the adventurer rank, for those who have involved themselves into the community normally by having joined for 2 weeks and participating in jobs and themed build.
Be sure to keep an eye out for any further information in the week(s) to come!
UpcomingThere has been some discussion about MCME moving to Discord. For anybody who wants MCME to either move to Discord, or to stay on TS, please be sure to vote in the thread! Also, leave an input on what you think about it.
Inviting a youtuber?
As well as the discord discussion, we also have a discussion about the possibility of inviting a Youtuber by the name of 'Keralis' to a tour of MCME. Give us your thoughts in the threads!
Here is a link to the thread Inviting YouTuber Keralis for a tour?
And also, a recent new poll has been created, so leave your vote! : Poll: inviting YouTuber Keralis?
We're adding back Foreman!
As you may have heard, at our last staff meeting we discussed some possibilities and ideas for making the Guide rank better. We ultimately decided the idea of re-adding the rank of Foreman. The details for this rank are still under consideration, but look out for an update on the rank! For more information, go over to last weeks edition of the MCME Times. ~The MCME Times~ #46/16 - Staff Meeting #20
As many of you have been rumoring, well, the rumors are true! We are in fact discussing about adding back the rank of Commoner. We (staff) are currently discussing the details about the rank, alongside Foreman. For those who were not around when Commoner existed, or if you need a quick recap of what is was, basically it was an extension the adventurer rank, for those who have involved themselves into the community normally by having joined for 2 weeks and participating in jobs and themed build.
Be sure to keep an eye out for any further information in the week(s) to come!
Themed Build
Themed Builds are weekly build events that serve to show off your building skills and/or help you to gain the skills required to get promoted to the Artist rank! All instructions on how to participate can be found in the thread linked below.
Theme: Two Trees of Valinor
Duration: 1 week
Resource Pack: Lothlórien
Link: #40/16 - Two Trees of Valinor
Closing statementTheme: Two Trees of Valinor
Duration: 1 week
Resource Pack: Lothlórien
Link: #40/16 - Two Trees of Valinor
That's gonna do it for this, another week of fantastic progress; everyone seems to be super busy and working hard which is great! I preferably wanted to release the edition of the Times on a sunday morning (for the Europeans), but unfortunately I was rather busy with some unexpected IRL stuff so rip me. Hopefully i'll get that done next week, along with some maybe interesting content.
Thanks for tuning in on this weeks times, take it easy and have a lovely week!
*curtains close, lights slowly turn off, and the eagle flies away*
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