Sunday, October 18, 2015
Opening Statement
Good morning, you wonderful people! It has been another productive week on MCME -- although maybe for you, like myself, that means it hasn’t been very productive with real-life things.
Nonetheless, take a few minutes to sit back, relax, and read this week’s Times.

Nothing to announce this week.
Project Progress
Aldburg Revamp (In Progress) - Lead: @Fireinferno13
Housing layouts have been prepared for the entire outer most ring, palisades are almost done, and work on planning the main keep has begun. Plotbuild houses should begin soon for the poor district!
- @Fireinferno13
- @Fireinferno13
Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz
More voxelling was done by @jacenpeter, including a lot more more trees being added. He experimented with large scots pines and bushes, and also added a beaver dam and lodge.
Anfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @DSESGH - Reporter and Photographer: @Durtalathion
Hello one and all, it is time for another fun installment of Anfalas news. Lets start with the obvious. There has been a great sanding of the terrain that belongs to this Gondorian province. This only means one thing: VOXELLING! (As with the past few weeks.) If any of the current fresh voxel work is proof, than the Anfalas team has a lot of surprises for us all that I will share with you weekly. This week, yet another lake popped up, a small moor, and lots of streams. Check them out! I even found a cave system in some of the newly voxelled terrain - which might have a hidden gem. Stay poised MCME, great things are to come!
Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @_Luk
It looks like some terraforming might have taken place. For a fact though, @BeatHeav3N finished his magnificent estate this week, check out the manor and its lands at /warp Cardhi Medli.
Lond Daer (In Progress) - Lead: @Mandos
Some jobs were run this week ruining the walls. Also, more ruining and planning of houses occurred.
Misty Mountains (In Progress) - Lead: @Emilio_ & @Finrod_Amandil
Emilio has made great progress on the Hollin Ridge; I would not be surprised if it claimed the title of most advanced and most carefully voxelled terrain of MCME!
I am working on the materials for the gigantic section between the High Moors and the Hollin Ridge, keep an eye on the dynmap to see how the area changes drastically in the near future!
- @Finrod_Amandil
I am working on the materials for the gigantic section between the High Moors and the Hollin Ridge, keep an eye on the dynmap to see how the area changes drastically in the near future!
- @Finrod_Amandil
Revamps (In Progress)
Fornost - Artists!!! @Demonataz is leading a revamp of Fornost, making everything a bit more ruined. There is an example and guide floating above the city; please chip in and ruin a house or two. Limit yourself to houses marked with wool.
Public Projects:
Linhir Outskirts (In Progress) - Lead: @Nic1337
Great progress around Linhir. Nic led a job for making fields and farms; two sections are now done. Eriol spent many hours voxelling terrain and rivers and running jobs on the rivers, which are now nearly finished.
- @Nic1337 & @Eriol_Eandur
Would you like to help with the Times too? Volunteer to be a project reporter! Contact one of the Times writers for details. (@Ardelenia, @DarthRagnar, @ooitsbirdo, or @Speeder45)
- @Nic1337 & @Eriol_Eandur
Would you like to help with the Times too? Volunteer to be a project reporter! Contact one of the Times writers for details. (@Ardelenia, @DarthRagnar, @ooitsbirdo, or @Speeder45)
Current Plotworld Jobs and Scheduled Jobs:
Currently no activities in the plotworld are available.
For an always up-to-date overview and a list of scheduled jobs, please refer to >>this<< subforum and look at the thread titled ”Scheduled Jobs and Open Plotbuilds”.
For an always up-to-date overview and a list of scheduled jobs, please refer to >>this<< subforum and look at the thread titled ”Scheduled Jobs and Open Plotbuilds”.
Rank Updates
- @barteldvn, @Danishkabby, and @DutchKnight1 have all been promoted to Artist. Congratulations guys!
- @Fireinferno13 is officially a Designer again. Nice try, fire, but leaving is futile.
#WeAreMCME - @Finrod_Amandil
- What story lies behind your username?
There are a lot of derpy pages about elvish out there, and one of them is a name generator that spew out Finrod Amandil when I gave my IRL name as input. Unfortunately my elvish knowledges were only mediocre at that point in time and I did not perceive that the name was a weird mixture of two different elvish languages, and also that the meaning, "golden-haired hero", does not fully apply (cuz I ain't got golden hair), but I started to like the name and I won't change it, also not to reduce the chat spam my rank + name is causing
- What was the funniest / weirdest thing / event you encountered on MCME?
Once on the survival server on the old map I and DragonHorizon were both interested in the Glittering Caves (tons of diamond ores...) and so we fought to defend the precious goods from each other. However as I really suck at PVP I mostly could not win that game, but I found a better way than breaching my way through the one and only entrance... As it was on the old map the mountains were just some boxes behind the outermost peaks, so I went over the border of the terraformed area, run through a drained vanilla minecraft ocean and made myself a secret entrance to the box in which the last cave was in: >>picture<<.
From there on, beside carrying away huge heaps of diamonds and XP it was too funny to fool Dragon: I used to enter through my secret backdoor, walk to the main entrance so that Dragon sees me, then run away through the main entrance; next time I came in through the main entrance and managed to get out of sight when he chased me through the caves, out the backdoor and then enjoy how Dragon pms me asking how the heck I got away...
- What was the funniest / weirdest thing /event you encountered in real life?
We had some very depressing and sinister looking paintings hanging in one of our class rooms. Just having learnt that Hitler has tried to get accepted to an art university (and failed) we made a bet with our history teacher: If we'd dare to fake that application letter for the art university (and make it appropriately look a bit old, with matching font and brownish paper) with a big "Refused" stamped on the letter and hang that next to these paintings, he would invite the entire class (14 pupils) to a round of pizza.
Thus in the last history lecture of the year we were watching some history-related short movies while enjoying some good pizza. (Yeah we was the best teacher we had).
- If you could bring one item from Real Life Earth to Middle-Earth to show to Middle-Earth people, which would it be and how would you present / explain it?
I'd bring a copy of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit to Middle-Earth and then compare it with the Red Book of the Westmarch and check whether Tolkien made any mistakes when writing his books. #paradoxon
- Imagine you're sailing into the Undying Lands. Which LotR / Hobbit / Silmarillion character would you want to accompany you? (optional: why?)
Gandalf, in hope he let's loose some more of his fancy quotes
- If you would be given the opportunity to lead any MCME project (regardless of being done already or not), which would you choose?
I had to realise that the Misty Mountains are and probably will stay the project I am most passionate about, I just love the landscapes of my home country, just like Tolkien
Themed Build
Media of the Week

Community Outreach
WANTED: Texturers!
As you all hopefully know already, @Despot666 has evolved into one of our most active and skilled texturers; almost the entire dwarven pack is his work. But now he is looking for helping hands as his future contributions will not only remain in the dwarven packs but also the other MCME Resource Packs. If you are not sure about your graphics skills, do not worry: Despot has offered to teach you the drills with gimp and co. So, if you are interested in influencing the look of future MCME, speak forth through a PM directed to Despot!
Screenshots for Facebook
@Tyranystrasz has access to the MCME Facebook page and will regularly upload stuff there. For that he needs, of course, the very best of MCME, and for that he needs YOUR help! If you have a really awesome screenshot to share, submit it >>here<<!
Closing Statement
It is well into Sunday by now, so I will forgo finding a quote and just say, have a good week and see you next time!
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