Opening Statement
The Valleys of Celos and Sirith are finished! The project was, in fact, finished just in time for @Fireinferno13 to kill his friends in the Summer Event Survival (coincidence?).
With that done, we've moved even closer to the completion of Gondor! YAY!
Other than that, it seems most people have been too busy playing survival, so there wasn't a whole lot of progress this week.
With that done, we've moved even closer to the completion of Gondor! YAY!
Other than that, it seems most people have been too busy playing survival, so there wasn't a whole lot of progress this week.
What's Up?
Sorry for the lack of shaders - my computer now hates them and I get 2 fps

And if you can't see the album... it's an issue with all albums, as you probably can't see other ones either.
Project Progress
Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter
Jacen was gone for most of the week, so there was no progress on Andrast.
Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801
@Eriol_Eandur finished the Lostfalls terrain! Go see it ingame or look at the screenshots in the album!
Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @_Luk
Not much progress this week. Luk blames the survival.
Misty Mountains (In Progress) - Lead: @Finrod_Amandil
No progress this week.
Valleys of Celos and Sirith (Finished) - Lead: @Fireinferno13
Soon after completing last week's edition of the Times, we were able to finish the valleys project! Huge thanks to everyone who built houses for Tumladen and Ridgewood, along with the staff who helped with mountains and various terrain here and there. The villages and surrounding area turned out awesome (in my humble opinion) so people should fly around!
Animation Plugin (In Progress) - Dev: @Ivan1pl
No progress this week.
MCME-Architect and Minigames (Ready to Implement) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur
Resource Packs
Mordor Pack (On Hold) - Lead: @bender400
Beets (Finished) - Creator: @Fireinferno13
As promised, I have finally finished the beets texture that I have been sorta kinda not really working on since this spring. They have been submitted and github and will hopefully be included in the next texture update as to remove those unsightly default ones.
Onions (New!) - Creator: @Fireinferno13-Fireinferno13
As per suggestions, I am working to retexture nether warts as onions. Currently they look a little too like the carrot textures so I will try to adjust such in my next update.
Mobs (In Progress) - Creator: @Fireinferno13-Fireinferno13
Last week I made a new orc mob texture that fits on the zombie slot. It is still a work in progress but be sure to leave feedback on the thread.
Media of the Week
We had another rare double-posting of screenshots this week! @Tyranystrasz posted another of his fabulous renders this week, this one of Moria's West Gate:
And @Czokapik also posted some screens! My favorite has got to be this one of Bywater:
And @Czokapik also posted some screens! My favorite has got to be this one of Bywater:
Themed Build
Looking at the poll, it looks like the next Themed Build will be Eldalondë!Scheduled Events
Jobs & PlotbuildsScheduled Saturday Jobs seem to be suffering a bit from @Finrod_Amandil's extra time spent studying. But, if there are to be any jobs on Saturday, they will be announced in this thread. Be sure to ask Designers for jobs at any time, maybe they can offer something!
Nic's Tours
No tours have been scheduled for the coming week. Keep an eye out on the thread for any announcements!
Builder School (In Progress)
Several players have gotten together to rebuild and update @Will_em 's famous Builder School, which sought to teach new players how to build in the distinctive "MCME Style." We are all looking forward to how this will turn out!
Facebook Page
@Fireinferno13 would like to know what YOU want to see on the MCME Facebook page. He would greatly appreciate if you would leave your feedback here or in THIS thread.
Closing Statement
Well, school starts for me this week
In my usual fashion, I went to find an XKCD to describe my situation - even though I'm not going to be in 11th grade, this one is pretty good:

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