Opening Statement
Welcome back to another edition of the MCME Times! Hopefully everyone had a nice week, as there is some great progress on the server to share. A lot of really cool villages and castles have popped up over the course of the past week so be sure to check them out.
Otherwise, the server has been consistently moving forward after the massive 1.10 overhaul of an update. Hopefully this means that the new, unique MCME plugins will be implemented sometime in the near future to improve server and project functioning as a whole.
This ended up being a relatively short edition of the Times, but still just as good. As always, sit back, relax, and enjoy this week of the MCME Times.
Otherwise, the server has been consistently moving forward after the massive 1.10 overhaul of an update. Hopefully this means that the new, unique MCME plugins will be implemented sometime in the near future to improve server and project functioning as a whole.
This ended up being a relatively short edition of the Times, but still just as good. As always, sit back, relax, and enjoy this week of the MCME Times.
Project Progress
Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter
More terrain work in Andrast! Now that everything has been converted from sand to stone, the long process of making it look pretty is now underway.
Anfalas (Done) - Lead: @kisos
Annuminas (Done, yes you heard me) - Lead: @Fireinferno13With his return, Brazen managed to find a tower that was never finished north of Annuminas. Check it out in the screenshots above 
Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801
I made a lot of terrain in southern Belfalas. SmaugJuice and RubenPieterMark are digging many small streams.
@kisos and @greglas2 have both started Highcliff and Windmaw, respectively. Meanwhile @Mandos is finishing up Minas Aduial and preparing for his next village: Coaldael. @Eaglz is voxeling in the east with @ooitsbirdo making a villa near the shore.
Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @_Luk -Eriol
@kisos and @greglas2 have both started Highcliff and Windmaw, respectively. Meanwhile @Mandos is finishing up Minas Aduial and preparing for his next village: Coaldael. @Eaglz is voxeling in the east with @ooitsbirdo making a villa near the shore.
@_Luk and I are taking over Lamedon for the last stretch. I believe Luk is voxelling the Upper Ciril Valley, and I'm working on finishing minor stuff like bushes and farms. This region should be finishing up soon!
Misty Mountains (In Progress) - Lead: @Finrod_Amandil-DSE
No progress this week as Finrod is studying hard for finals.
Tolfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz
No progress this week.
Valleys of Celos and Sirith (In Progress) - Lead: @Fireinferno13
More and more terrain this week! I have been working hard, with a little help from Wraith, to continue terraforming the mountains and was able to finish about 1.5 mountains this week. Hopefully progress will speed up soon given that there is only 2 river sources remaining. If any staff are interested in helping please send me a PM on the forums!
Plugin Development
Animation Plugin (In Progress) - Dev: @Ivan1pl
I'm currently working on sort of an integrated world guard, which allows map borders to be selected from a world edit selection. I've also added an automatic resource pack switcher with the PVP plugin. Sadly, these features won't be implemented until q gets the server updated to 1.10.2.
Resource PacksNeeded a bit of rest from coding, so no progress this week. Expect big update next week.
Plotbuild Plugin (Ready to Implement) - Devs: @Eriol_Eandur & @Ivan1pl-Ivan
New New Player World (Ready to Implement) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur, Assistance: @_Luk
MCME-Architect and Minigames (Ready to Implement) - Dev: @Eriol_EandurI fixed a small issue at Architect thanks to Brazen for bringing up the issue that items in item frames need to be protected from arrows.
PvP Server - Dev: @DSESGH-Eriol
I'm currently working on sort of an integrated world guard, which allows map borders to be selected from a world edit selection. I've also added an automatic resource pack switcher with the PVP plugin. Sadly, these features won't be implemented until q gets the server updated to 1.10.2.
Mordor Pack (On Hold) - Lead: @bender400
I have decided to put my other mobs on hold given that finishing the beets are a little more important, plus I dont have much time.
Rank UpdatesNo progress.
Beets (In Progress) - Creator: @Fireinferno13
No progress this week.
Mobs (On Hold) - Creator: @Fireinferno13
I have decided to put my other mobs on hold given that finishing the beets are a little more important, plus I dont have much time.
@dav3ck has proven to be capable handling Artist task by submitting a very lovely, well actually the theme of Tol-in-Gaurhoth hasn't that much to do with love, but his build has turned out very nice!
Congratulations to you!
To all applicants that have updated their app recently and have not yet gotten any feedback: I am working on it!
- Finrod
Congratulations to you!
To all applicants that have updated their app recently and have not yet gotten any feedback: I am working on it!
- Finrod
Media of the Week
Our local T-Rex took some awesome screenshots this week that were just too good to share! Hopefully more are on the way.
Themed BuildScheduled Events
Jobs & Plotbuilds
Jobs for next Saturday will be announced in this thread over the course of the week. Be sure to ask Designers for jobs at any time, maybe they can offer something!
Nic's Planned Tours
Be sure to keep an eye on this thread, although there dont seem to be any new planned tours at the moment.
Community OutreachJobs for next Saturday will be announced in this thread over the course of the week. Be sure to ask Designers for jobs at any time, maybe they can offer something!
Nic's Planned Tours
Be sure to keep an eye on this thread, although there dont seem to be any new planned tours at the moment.
Facebook Page
We are still looking for more screenshots on the facebook so post those pretty pics here.
Thats all we got for this week! We have some great projects happening around the server as well as some even more amazing ones just around the corner

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