Opening Statement
The Summer Events were a really big deal for me, even though I initially intended not to get involved into too many things this year. Well after I literally worked the entire sunday for the Awards ceremony I can say with certainty, I totally failed at staying true to that intention. However due to that I in fact totally forgot about writing the Times, thus thanks to @TSGroot who reminded me, else these Times would still not be existant for some time...
Project Progress
Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz
@Mandos and @BeatHeav3N are working hard on the buildings in southern Andrast. The lazy T-Rex is doing Voxel everywhere so if someone crash the server, ye it's me (sorry). South and East Andrast are going very fast, West will be open soon 
- Tyranystrasz

- Tyranystrasz
Anfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @otho
The rivers down from the Pinnath Gelin have been revamped and completed. A great achievement that is, cause rivers are by far the most nasty things to handle in Minecraft.
Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @_Luk
Loads of progress once more from this fief:
@Fireinferno13 has joined this project and has invoked a lot of new terrain and even built an entire new village in just one week. Check it out at /warp Spathlin. Additionally he finally filled the gap at Calembel and filled in the fords there and added some farms and tons of fields to grow supplies for Calembel.
In the north the terraforming and materials of the Morthond valley were finished, what is still missing there are the rivers which are being dug through jobs currently under the lead of Eriol, aswell as some vegetation.
In the western half we have the village Rendûl which got its first few houses, and a bit to the east a new castle or something similar that is being planned in a very special way, check the image gallery to find out more!
Lastly some more terraforming has been done, theres a giant flat area at the moment, I'm curious what that is going to be...
Lond Daer (In Progress) - Lead: @Mandos@Fireinferno13 has joined this project and has invoked a lot of new terrain and even built an entire new village in just one week. Check it out at /warp Spathlin. Additionally he finally filled the gap at Calembel and filled in the fords there and added some farms and tons of fields to grow supplies for Calembel.
In the north the terraforming and materials of the Morthond valley were finished, what is still missing there are the rivers which are being dug through jobs currently under the lead of Eriol, aswell as some vegetation.
In the western half we have the village Rendûl which got its first few houses, and a bit to the east a new castle or something similar that is being planned in a very special way, check the image gallery to find out more!
Lastly some more terraforming has been done, theres a giant flat area at the moment, I'm curious what that is going to be...
Not much progress here. The walls are done and the temple. A new palace is under way by Bender. So it will be amazing of course.
- Mandos
Lothlórien Vegetation (In Progress) - Lead: @Eriol_Eandur- Mandos
Region 2 of Lothlórien is finished now. Thanks to @Bengberg and all who helped placing the flowers. Additionally @Ryiw finished the canopies of the trees around Cerin Amroth. They were described leaveless in the book as Frodo saw them in January, but in September when our server is set they should have leaves.
- Eriol_Eandur
Misty Mountains (In Progress) - Lead: @Emilio_ & @Finrod_Amandil- Eriol_Eandur
Once more no progress from my side due to the countless hours I worked for the summer event this year.
Emil however was busy and has started turning the result of the river dig into a naturally shaped riverbed. I flew through the area once more today and have to say to all who helped digging: The work you did there is amazing!
Additionally @q220 has updated the resource packs so that we have the textures for the High Moors ready!
Moria (In Progress) - Lead: @Despot666 & @Finrod_AmandilEmil however was busy and has started turning the result of the river dig into a naturally shaped riverbed. I flew through the area once more today and have to say to all who helped digging: The work you did there is amazing!
Additionally @q220 has updated the resource packs so that we have the textures for the High Moors ready!
Despot has switched his focus onto the Resource Pack and is adding some more textures so that the pack soon is ready to join the other Resource Packs in a proper release. If anyone wants to leave his signature all over Moria, then its now the time to contribute textures! Message @Despot666 if you want to help him in that task.
Pelargir (In Progress) - Lead: @Credoo & @kisos
Almost all normal sized houses have been built now, overall there are about OVER 9000 in Pelargir now, at least it looks like that! In front of the western city gate some new farms with fields have been built.
Public Projects:
Freca's Fortress (In Progress) - Lead: @Brazen_Helm
- no progress this week -
Mt. Gram (In Progress) - Lead: @_Thijs1801 - Reporter: @Nic1337
Massive progress under Mount Gram this week: New caves have been voxelled and many have been filled with both wooden and stony structures. Besides that Nic forced me to try the parkour tower near the gate, and I gotta say that it's most likely the hardest parkour course on the entire map right now.
Oh and most importantly: After repeated requests, the public toilets in Mt. Gram have been reestablished! Do /warp Mount Gram and give them a try!
Oh and most importantly: After repeated requests, the public toilets in Mt. Gram have been reestablished! Do /warp Mount Gram and give them a try!
Current Plotworld Jobs and Projects:
- [Freebuild] Specialty Treebuild
- [Freebuild] Pelargir House Build (second edition!)
For an always up-to-date overview, please refer to >>this<< thread.
Status Updates
- none this week. -
Media of the Week
In case you missed any of the Summer Events I had the opportunity to record all of them (River Race is recorded but not uploaded yet).
The other videos are included in >>this playlist<<.
The other videos are included in >>this playlist<<.
Themed Build
PROJECT BUILD 3 weeks - 2 weeks left
Harlond (elven haven in Lindon)
July 5th until july 26th.
>>Themed Build thread<<
Screenshots for Facebook
@Tyranystrasz now has access to the MCME Facebook page and will start to regularily upload stuff there. For that he needs of course the very best of MCME and for that he needs YOUR help! If you have a really awesome screenshot to share, submit it >>here<<!
Scheduled Tours
If you look out for a tour and never manage to catch a guide to give you one, join us on Saturday at 9pm GMT to follow the weekly tour run by all available guides. Now you can even vote which tour you'd like to see happen, simply add your choice in >>this poll<<!
Closing Statement
Planning for the Summer Events is very often accompanied with some uncertainties whether all things will work out as planned or not. Found this quote that matches that quite well, and I gotta say, throughout the past week it felt so much more like party than tragedy!
“Some things in life are out of your control. You can make it a party or a tragedy.”
Nora Roberts
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