The Official MCME Times
The Big Waste Of Times!
Spring is coming right around the corner so get your shorts and hat on!
Editor's Note by BWOT
The reason I love this job is that I can put my own name in the title

~ Project Progress ~
Andrast - Lead: @jacenpeter | In Progress
Report by LegoCellist and BWOT
No progress has been made in the last two weeks which is a shame due to the amount of planning which was put in. I hope we can get this back on track.
Belfalas – Lead: @Darki In Progress
Report by Eriol
No progress as far as I know.
Dol Amroth – Lead: @Thijs1801 In Progress
Report by BWOT
Tremendous progress all over Dol Amroth, planning on sewers is underway because guess what…. Drum roll… all the houses in Dol Amroth have been built and finished. Derp checking still needs to be done across the city, however the end is near. The palace is getting its interior done by Eriol, Thijs and a whole team. Surprised it's not finished already

Mordor Terrain - Lead: @BWOT + @Eriol_Eandur | In Progress
Report by Pants
No progress has been made these last two weeks.
The Noman Lands and Dagorlad – Lead: TBD In Progress
Report by Pants
No progress has been made these last two weeks.
Moria – Lead: @Despot In progress
Report by awaywind
Progress in Moria seems a little slow, though it did take many years to build in the ‘actual’ Middle Earth. The trials seem to be now that halls lay empty, waiting to be filled by the imagination of builders.
BWOT: All lies, the central dwelling is getting a significant amount done which makes me very happy. Thank you Jesia and Nap!
Tolfalas - Lead: TBD In Progress
Report by Pants
No progress has been made these last two weeks.
Ship Build - Lead: @BWOT | In Progress
Report by Pants and Super
Wow, check out this awesome warp and maybe do some building as well!
There has been some progress with @didi45 finishing another ship, expect awesome builds to come!
Tree Build - Lead: @RubenPieterMark | In Progress
Report by Super
No progress has been made these last two weeks. Note to @RubenPieterMark : please direct message me (BWOT) if you still plan on continuing this
~ Texture Development ~
Report by FinrodGondor RP merge
I am sorry that I have to admit that I was not able to make any major progress since the last Times on the RP’s. But I am looking forward for the couple of free days around Easter to make a huge leap forward in this.
To get the latest infos about this process, check out this thread: Gondor RP Update Thread [v2.4]
~ Plug-in Development ~
Report by EriolMCME Badges
I spent some time to configure the dev server for badges players can get additionally to their main role (rank). In this way a Guide with good building skills could get building permissions like an Artist. Other badges could give access to World-Edit, Voxel, Minigames, Jobs and some more.
**DISCLAIMER by BWOT** The idea of badges is still being decided on with the structure, should it be done and etc. This was just a test / step to see if it was possible
Job announcements on Discord
@Merlinc01 was nagging me over the last weeks to get automatic job announcements on Discord. Just kidding, thanks a lot for your input @Merlinc01

He also did quite some research how to implement his idea and now it’s working fine at the dev server. There is just one issue, I can’t manage to put newlines into the discord message. So if anyone has an idea please send me a pm.
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