~ General Announcements ~
Build Days
Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, there will be ANOTHER build day in New town Dol Amroth! Yes, more lagg for our computers!
Time and Date: The event will be hosted at 9:00 AM GMT on Saturday morning, until 6:00 AM Sunday Morning (21 hours in total). The date is the 3rd of March!
Concept and House guide: As New Town is a different section and outside the walls of the main city of Dol Amroth, it will have a slightly different style. /warp NTtemp to see the concept and the house building guide. The foreman/co-supervisors will help you in building the houses.
Rules: As we are opening this to the public there are some rules you must follow or you will not be allowed to participate. The first rule is that you must listen to all Staff members and Co-Supervisors of the project. Saying that you should listen to all people artist+ as they are trusted members of the community and most likely know what to do and the way to do it. You need to read and follow all instructions and visit the build guide before building.
Hope to see you all there!
But no we aren’t done, yes another build day! But luckily for all of you it isn’t in Lag...I mean Dol Amroth, this time its in *Drumroll please*...The Central dwelling in Moria!
Time and Date: The event will start at 9am GMT on Sunday morning and the date will be the 4th March!
Concept: Do /warp Central dwelling to see the concept!
Rules: As we are opening this to the public there are some rules you must follow or you will not be allowed to participate. The first rule is that you must listen to all Staff members and Co-Supervisors of the project. Saying that you should listen to all people artist+ as they are trusted members of the community and most likely know what to do and the way to do it. You need to read and follow all instructions and visit the build guide before building.
If you want to ask anymore questions about the build day contact @BWOT @thomas18 or @Dav3k !
Become a Patreon
Everyone, this is a link to our patreon page, we would love to see some donations to benefit the community!
q220 is creating Minecraft Middle Earth | Patreon
Looking for Texturers
Calling out to all texturers! We need more people to make the new 32 px textures! So if any of yall are interested contact BWOT on discord or the forums (usually he replies).
Looking for experienced builders to revamp Builder School
BWOT here again looking for experienced builders, so that I can form a team with the objective of revamping the builder school. It is going to work with a program which will be released soon by the staff team. However it is not fully ready and still needs a bit more time to plan. Be ready though for some new things.
~ Rank Updates ~
No new updates to the ranks, you know what they say: no news is good news. However, @Driffen you are now on Artist Watchlist so be prepared

~ Interviews ~
Now as it will become a custom we have two interviews; the “First Impressions Interview” and the “Meet the Regulars Interview” where I (BWOT) and I (superlolster) will be interviewing a new adventurer about their experience on MCME and one of our most “funny” players on MCME. Our regular this edition is one of our newer artists; they recently got promoted and is probably the saltiest person on the server. Can you guess who it is? Its @superlolster, the salty... I mean amazing artist of Her majesty the Queen! For our “First Impressions Interview,” we would like to welcome @Efjay . We hope you enjoy!
Interview with @superlolster
Question 1: How did you find MCME?
I was bored one hot summer's day, and I was too lazy to leave my bed, I was googling Minecraft servers and by chance I found a page on planet Minecraft about MCME. I’ve always had an interest for LoTR so I opened up Minecraft and joined. Best thing that's ever happened to the server.
BWOT: I wouldn’t say the best but ok…
Question 2: What was your experience like as an Adventurer?
I hated being an adventurer, people were nice to me, but I hated being that grey colour, dunno why but that's why I was probably the most annoying adventurer ever so I could get votes to become commoner, but as an adventurer I met a lot of people who were really friendly and I did have a great laugh, I just hated being grey, I seemed invisible, and I hate being invisible (unless I’m on discord and I don’t want people annoying me)
BWOT: To be honest you still are like an annoying adventurer.
superlolster: And yet they call you king of the droogs.
Question 3: What made you want to become an Artist?
This is a good story, I wanted to become an artist because I remember seeing Didi apply for artist, I was bored one day so I decided to make an app, just because I saw didi’s. But I wanted to contribute to the server more than just in jobs so that's why I applied, also I look great in purple.
Question 4: What is your favorite thing about being an artist?
Best thing about being artist hmmmm, so much to choose from, from being a complete slave for BWOT, or having to build a hall in moria that I still need to do. No the best part about being artist is probably not having to join a job to build, and I know myself that as an artist I can help people out and help them improve (sometimes).
BWOT: Gooooo... Slaves!!!
Question 5: Where is your favorite place on MCME?
Favourite place, ummm, ohh Lothlorien or Methrast, I love those two places they are stunning and I’m pretty sure Lothlorien was one of the first places I visited when I was an adventurer.
Question 6: Who is your favorite character in LOTR or the Hobbit?
Ohhh, hmmmm, ummmm, ehhhhhh, I always loved Bilbo, I even named my cat Bilbo so, ye Bilbo.
BWOT: Now I like lore a lot, but at least I don’t name my pets after LoTR characters.
These questions were answered when super was very very stressed.
First Impressions Interview
Report by superlolster
So this week, I have the third “First Impressions Interview” with one of our “newer adventurers”: @Efjay , thank you so much for offering to do this interview and spending your time to answer these questions.
Question 1: How did you find the server?
I found the server through a Welsknight Video.
Question 2: What were your impressions of the community on the server when you first joined?
My first impressions, when I first joined, was that the community has been very friendly and helpful.
Question 3: What was your impression of our finished projects; Minas Tirith and the Shire?
The project have been absolutely top notch and absolutely to the right scale to feel amazing but not too big at the same time!
Question 4: What was your impression of our current projects such as Dol Amroth, Moria and technically Mordor?
I think the current projects are really cool! And I am really excited for the new projects and I hope to be as active as possible with them.
Question 5: So overall what was your impression of MCME ?
It is truly a dream come true to be a part of this server! It’s awesome here!
~ Winners of “The Week” ~
So we got some good ones as always. Make sure you show some special recognition towards the winners of the week! They’ve presented exemplary displays of our server’s creative potential! Give a hand to these winners!
This weeks media of the week goes to…*Drumroll please*...@Davidlsc. This is a stunning picture of the seat of seeing at Amon Hen. So congrats Davidlsc for this awesome picture.
This edition we will still have two winners as that means one for each week and therefore thembuild. For the themebuild of last week, Amon Hen we have @_Lord_Of_Squids_ .He did a great job at creating his own version of Amon Hen, well done!
Now for the winner of the Ent house theme-build …. It’s @UrmelAusDemIce. He did a magnificent job in creating this theme-build so congrats to him!
So everyone I (super) would like to remind you all that if you want to be featured in the Times FINISH YOUR THEME-BUILDS. There seems to be a lack of theme-builds at this current moment and that saddens me greatly, do a theme-build, show off your talent to the whole server!
For the editions Freebuild of the week, I (Super) would like to showcase Nidarosdomen Cathedral, built by one of our resident AFK designers @Kjolsen. You can find this amazing build near spawn in Freebuild, so go check it out! It’s in /rp e !
~ Upcoming ~
Themed Build
Theme: Palace of the Grey Havens
Resource Pack: Eriador
Duration: 1 week
Link: #9/19 - Palace of the Grey Havens
MCME Audiobook
The Audiobook, hosted by @TI_020601 is taking a break as TI has now completed reading The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and refuses to read the Silmarillion as it is “Too boring” therefore the Audiobook will not continue on Saturdays unless announced otherwise in this thread: The New Audio Book
~ Lore of the Week ~
Galadriel was the co-ruler and Lady of Lothlórien alongside her husband, Lord Celeborn - however, neither of them took royal titles, as they only saw themselves as the Guardians of The Golden Wood.
She was the only daughter and youngest child of Finarfin, prince of the Ñoldor and of Eärwen, whose cousin was Lúthien. Her elder brothers were Finrod Felagund, Orodreth, Angrod, and Aegnor. Galadriel was a niece of Fëanor, one of the most important elves of the First Age.
She was one of the greatest of the Eldar in Middle-earth, and surpassed nearly all others in beauty, knowledge, and power. She was also the bearer of Nenya, one of the three Elven rings of power. Tolkien thought of her, along with Gil-galad the Elven-king, as one of the mightiest and fairest of all the Elves left in Middle-earth.
Galadriel was born in Valinor during the Years of the Trees, before the First Age had even begun. Much of Galadriel's story is confusing, and there are several distinct tales told about her collected in the Unfinished Tales. According to the older account, used in the published Silmarillion, Galadriel was an eager participant and leader in the rebellion of the Ñoldor and their flight from Valinor due to her desire to one day rule over a patch of Middle-earth herself.
~ Breaking News from Middle-earth ~
A member of the Istari, demigod guardians recently dispatched to Middle-earth, has just flouted the strict dress code by which ordinary citizens could recognize the do-gooders.
“White is bland, and boring, and inescapably infused with associations of lawful good,” said the wizard Saruman, née Curumo, in a prepared statement. “I refuse to be bound by the strictures of a single hue any longer, and from this day forward you shall refer to me only as *drumroll* Saruman of Many Colors!”
The original parchment was enchanted with an actual drumroll for dramatic effect.
In making this statement, Saruman breaks with a long-held tradition that the leader of this immortal boy-band wears white, the backup vocalists wear gray and/or brown, and the session musicians wear blue. Instead, his trademark white wardrobe has been replaced with glowstick-studded robes that flash different colors as Saruman moves, dizzying audiences.
Sources hypothesize that in-fighting among the group itself might have prompted this surprising move. Other band members include Gandalf the Grey, formerly a Maia of Manwë and Varda; Radagast the Brown, formerly a Maia of Yavanna; and Alatar and Pallando the Variously Blue, formerly Maiar of Oromë. Of these four, only Radagast could be reached for comment; Gandalf is the focus of a current missing persons case, and Alatar and Pallando disappeared in pursuit of groupies several hundred years ago.
“He did what, now?” Radagast said when asked. “Oh, that’s actually pretty smart. Many animals adopt different colors in response to different seasons or environments, you know; it’s a camouflage technique! And I’ve told Curumo many times that his white robes really don’t match that whole black-on-black-on-black aesthetic he has going on at Isengard. I’m so happy he’s finally listening to me!”
Back in Valinor, Aule of the Valar is being investigated, as Saruman is the second of his Maiar to fall from grace. The first was Mairon, now better known as the Sauron whom the Istari were sent to oppose.
“Look, I don’t know,” Aulë said. “These kinds of things just happen around here, sometimes – it’s one of the risks associated with a creative atmosphere. Remember the Dwarves, though? At least that turned out pretty well, right?”
The Vala is referring to his slapdash creation of the Khazad, which Eru Ilúvatar only sanctioned following some serious groveling.
The sign outside Aulë’s forge in Valinor has been reset to “0 Days Since The Last Incident.”
Written by RaisinCaiin and saliache for the ‘Tater’, Beleriands finest news source!
~ More Media ~
Howdy folks, just want to let you guys know that we do have multiple platforms that represent MCME. One of those being Twitter! If you have an account, make sure to follow MinecraftMiddleEarth (@MCMiddleEarth) | Twitter for some additional content revolving around the community!
For those of you without Twitter, fear not!!! We are also represented on Facebook! Like us here: Minecraft Middle-Earth
Now, make sure you give us a diamond on Planet Minecraft! The more popular this thing is, the more help we receive

Also if you have time check out this amusing video by Shakaka:
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Want to leave your mark on MCME in a blocky way? Apply for artist on the forums today!
If you have any questions about becoming and being an Artist, then please ask any designer, we are 50% of the time willing to listen to you

Just to reiterate the message from last week, the Guides are looking for more members in the rank of teal. What could you gain from being such a rank on a BUILD server you may ask yourselves?
A plethora of things. You are the face of MCME! Without the rank of guide, we don’t attract nearly as many new players and those responsibilities are shifted onto busier shoulders. We are here to keep people interested and make MCME as fun as possible without distracting the focus of the server. Think that sounds like you?
Just click Guide and apply today!
~ Closing Statement ~
Howdy folks. Time to clear some stuff up on the server! MCME is a community-wide project. Nothing can or is solely done by one person. Everyone has a purpose on the server, but there are no rules in place to limit you on MCME so long as you keep benefiting the community. Artists are not the only ones who build on the server and guides aren’t the only ones who can help other players. Keep that in mind as you go about your time on MCME and simply try to do YOUR best to make the server as productive as possible!
What do you say, Tolkien?
“The world is full enough of hurts and mischances without wars to multiply them.”
The Official MCME Times
The Official MCME Times
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