~ General Announcements ~
BadgesWe have a couple badges coming out soon in the coming days:
- WE: Unrestricted FAWE
- WE-: World Edit, limited to i.e. 100’000 blocks per operation.
- VX: VoxelSniper
- T: Hosting tours
- MG: Hosting minigames
The MCME public meeting #no.3
As you are all probably aware there was a public meeting last night where we discussed some very important topics and changes that will be implemented into the server in the near future. Notes and recording will come out as soon as possible.
Become a Donor
Hey guys! As usual we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can!
The official MCME intro video
Calling all artists, foreman and (mainly) designers! We need you! We need all you artists, designers and foreman out there, who are willing to not be lazy, to build a Dol Amroth styled street at /warp ringintro. This will be used for the introduction for all the MCME related videos released by us. So please if you can build a house there, do it!
Forum post:The official MCME ring intro video
~ Rank Updates ~
Report by Super and BWOTPants_of_Sindar: Congratulations must be said to Pants as he was promoted to the laziest rank on the server, Yay! I hope you won’t follow the example set by other foreman and actually run jobs

Henryengerd: Another foreman, wow the droogs are so blessed. Congrats Henry you are now one of the Bois in blue, I think that’s what you said in one of the times

Gary_Baggins: Oo, a new enforcer :O Congrats to Gary for managing to keep his enforcer application a complete secret and we hope you won’t be too harsh on us all

Mandos: Sadly we have had a resignation and we will see Mandos leave the Staff and Designer Team. Thanks for your work but I think hopefully when you get more time you can join us back again. We will be waiting with open arms. resignation
Mr_Smithz: I regret to inform that we have another resignation from the Staff and Designer Team. Smithz, its was great having you on board and and we will miss you. Thanks for all your work and your attempt of coming back into the game. resignation
Extra Rank information:
-We are moving @Oberanio, @Jonatanknalle and @Travallin to the Artist watchlist Congratulations! watchlist
-We are moving forwards with @NicTheFifth application to foreman and he will be mentored by @barteldvn trial
~ Interviews ~
As custom we have two interviews; the “First Impressions Interview” and the “Meet the Regulars Interview”. LegoCellist will be interviewing a new adventurer about their experience on MCME. But on this edition of the Times, I (superlolster), will be interviewing our regular. Our regular this edition is one of our newly promoted guides,and I’ll give you a hint I like to call him Raffywaffy, @Raffyyy.Interview with @Raffyyy
Question 1: How did you find MCME?
Back when I was a young, I wanted to have a change in Minecraft. I had been playing on more community based servers but I wanted a more build based one. I was already a big fan of LOTR by this point and looking on server lists, all I saw was this new fangled game of thrones thing. Then, i noticed a little advert for MCME in the Related column. I thought what have I got to lose, and joined. I'm proud to report so far I've only lost a bit of my sanity
Question 2: What was your experience like as an Adventurer?
Well, considering I was an adventurer pretty recently, this will be interesting. My experience as an adventurer was, "challenging". I remember I joined back in February this year and just saying hello to people. I remember my first theme build Amon Hen, A certain artist who I won't name told me to use vanilla trees instead of custom ones. As a joke obviously. I was a bit like whut after that. I also remember back in 2016 making a river thing. It was rubbish.
Question 3: What made you want to become a Guide?
I like the colour Cyan and I can't build...
Superlolster: But...but...It’s Teal not Cyan...TI will be upset with you now Raffy.
...In all seriousness, I couldn't build for peanuts so when I got commoner, I realistically had 2 options. I already got on well with Smaug and TI by this point as we all have a common love for The Beatles. I loved the community already and really wanted to make my mark on it. I wasn't clear on what a guide actually did but with a bit of Premium Quality guidance from Away and TI (Best councilors in the server) I had my mind set on being a guide.
Question 4: What is your favorite thing about being an Guide?
How long do you want this to be...
A better question would be what don't you like about being a guide, because I love everything about it. From minigames to guidebooks and even tours are enjoyable. Gotta steal this from Map though, I love the guides as people more than anything. They're the funniest, hard working, awesomest (I did just invent a new word there) people you could ever meet. Be it Ark's "questionable" bathroom selfies to Mando just being Mando. They're all awesome and I don't regret a single thing about becoming a guide. Nothing.
Superlolster: Again...Am I not the funniest person ever ?? If not then I need to up my game, can’t have you guides overtaking me now can I?!

Question 5: Where is your favorite place on MCME?
Ooh. If you know one thing about me it's that I love Gondor to bits. There's this one tiny village that I really like in the middle of nowhere because it reminds me so much of where I live in real life. (Warp to ridgewood, find the beacon then go directly south until you get to the village). I love Salt Flats, Calembel and Mount Monachus. Tolfalas is also amazing, but I'd say that unnamed village is probably my number 1.
Superlolster: Ohh that unnamed village is so cool!
Question 6: Who is your favorite character in LOTR or the Hobbit?
You gotta love Gimli to be fair. How isn't he the main character?! Why is the book not called The Lord Of The Gimli?!. He's just a cool geezer. Best dwarf in the fellowship by far.
First Impressions Interview
Here we have another First Impressions Interview, by LegoCellist. Thank you @stephen761 for answering these questions, it is always good to know from the new players perspective how the server is looking.
Question 1: How did you find the server?
I watched a video on YouTube dated around the 8th. of April.
Question 2: What were your impressions of the community on the server when you first joined?
Um, I found the community un-interested in their new arrivals. While I am aware folk are busy, I guess there should be some guides etc.
Question 3: What was your impression of our finished projects; Minas Tirith and the Shire?
The finished projects are awesome totally hooked me.
Question 4: What was your impression of our current projects such as Dol Amroth, Moria and technically Mordor?
I don't have strong impressions as I have not seen them yet on my own and the map is to big to find them on my own.
Question 5: So overall what was your impression of MCME?
The community isn't really what interested in me becoming a part of the server.
Personal observation: I was sent to the Themed world and told to build the "Forsaken Inn" I have built two variations and have been well critiqued.However since completing my entry it's like I barely exist again. I know this may sound harsh but it is honest as I would love to learn from y'all and be contributing partner.
LegoCellist: I am sorry that we have left that impression, we really are interested in new players becoming a contributing part of the server. I hope we can show that more in the future.
Thank you again @stephen761!
~ Winners of “The Week” ~
So we got some good ones as always. Make sure you show some special recognition towards the winners of the week! They’ve presented exemplary displays of our server’s creative potential! Give a hand to these winners!MEDIA OF THE WEEK:
This time, the Media of the Week award goes to… *pause for dramatic effect* @Raffyyy, yes Raffy got shaders and this is an amazing picture of the glittering caves, well done!
So in this edition of the times, there will be two winners again, one for last weeks project build, Orthanc, and one for this weeks theme, The forsaken inn. And we have a change, our beloved superlolster did not choose the Theme-build winners, I know it’s a shocker, instead I (JustJoren) have chosen the winners.
So first up is The project build Orthanc, and this one goes to… @Tarvallin, he built a really awesome Orthanc, congrats!
And the winner of the forsaken inn theme-build goes to *drumroll please* @BoiaS2, he did a great job on this theme-build so congrats!
This week’s feature freebuild is made by the extraordinary @NicTheFifth. An unruined Barad Eglan. What could go wrong? Nothing by the looks of it! Awesome job @NicTheFifth, keep up the amazing work!
~ Upcoming ~
Themed BuildTheme: [FFA] Forest
Resource Pack: Any
Duration: 1 week
Link: #15/18 - [FFA] Forest
~ Lore of the Week ~
Thorongil (Eagle of the Star)In his youth Aragorn served under this name in the armies of boths Rohan and Gondor at the time of King Thengel, father of Theoden and steward Ecthelion II., father of Denethor II. He became an important counsellor of Ecthelion and advised him to act against the Corsairs of Umbar. In 2980 T.A. he came to Umbar by night with a small fleet and burned a great part of the ships of the Corsairs. He overthrew the Captain of the Haven himself and retreated back to Pelargir with small loss. But instead of returning to Minas Tirith he left Gondor and went to Lothlorien where he and Arwen plight their troth upon the hill of Cerin Amroth in the same year.
Many people in Gondor believed Aragorn left because of young Denethor who was born just one year after Aragorn and became a rival to Aragorn in Ecthelion’s council. They said that Aragorn left before his rival became his master.
~ Breaking News from Middle-earth ~
LOCAL FAMILY BANNED FROM FORESTElu Thingol, king of Doriath and current record holder for most marriages to a Maia, issued a ban last Tuesday barring the House of Fëanor from entering the forests of Neldoreth, Region, and Nivrim.
“I don’t know why they thought they could just come over here and set themselves up in my woods,” Thingol said earlier in a prepared statement. “But we’ve recently discovered that they are all kinslayers, and Doriath has a zero-tolerance no-murderers policy.”
The royal family’s spokesman and bard Daeron corroborated the statement yesterday, adding, “This has been an enormous affair for all of us. Discovering the truth about these new neighbors of ours has been an enormous letdown, but rest assured that we will do our best to get to the bottom of this. This ban will be modified as more details are discovered.”
Experts believe Thingol’s statements are due to a combination of societal pressures from his new neighbors, increased Orc raids from the north, and persistent rumors that the entire continent was doomed by the gods. Nonetheless, they remain hopeful that relationships can be repaired.
No Fëanorians could be reached for comment.
Written by RaisinCaiin and saliache for the ‘Tater’, Beleriands finest news source!
~ More Media ~
Howdy folks, just want to let you guys know that we do have multiple platforms that represent MCME. One of those being Twitter! If you have an account, make sure to follow MinecraftMiddleEarth (@MCMiddleEarth) | Twitter for some additional content revolving around the community!
For those of you without Twitter, fear not!!! We are also represented on Facebook! Like us here: Minecraft Middle-Earth
Now, make sure you give us a diamond on Planet Minecraft! The more popular this thing is, the more help we receive

~ Advertisements ~
Building is one of the fundamental parts of Minecraft Middle Earth, and it is done by the the amazing Artists on the server. Many times we are asked how can I build and we have an answer for you: Become an Artist! Working on all the new projects with Designers and Foremen while furthering your building skills in this community is something all Artists get to take part in!
Does this sound like something that you would like to do? You can apply for Artist today on the forums! The Designers and current Artists will work with you and help you on your journey.
You’ve joined MCME but you have a knack for something else than building? But how can you do something different on a build server? Become a Guide! There are many things other than building that help the server and one of those things is guiding people:
As a guide, you are the face of MCME! Without the rank of guide, we don’t attract nearly as many new players and those responsibilities are shifted onto busier shoulders. We are here to keep people interested and make MCME as fun as possible without distracting the focus of the server. Think that sounds like something you would want to do?
Just click Guide and apply today!
~ Closing Statement ~
And on that Note, Goodbye everyone! Nah, not just yet but, there really isn’t that much to say. Good luck, farewell, adios. Hope you all have lots of fun because once Mordor starts it back to back-breaking work once again

Never knew Tolkien was snoop dogg but here we go:
“Every morning I wake up and think good, another 24 hours’ pipe-smoking.”
“Every morning I wake up and think good, another 24 hours’ pipe-smoking.”
The Official MCME Times