Yeah I am late, I know, but hey I just did not want to release these Times without the two brand new videos I recorded just for you! So I hope the longer wait was worth it, now have a nice read and watch!
@q220 has just updated the download links for the Gondor, Eriador, Lothlórien and Rohan pack! The new textures are listed below. For all those who switch the RP's manually: Make sure you download yourself the newest version. For everyone else using the automic RP feature: The update will happen automatically.
@kisos: The Red Cobblestone texture is now placed on the Redstone Ore and not the Red Sandstone. Make sure to adjust Aelhroth!
@Tyranystrasz: Your two new stone variants are located on Andesite and Red Sand! Make sure the river delta you created gets adjusted accordingly.
@jacenpeter: Your rubble texture is located on Granite! Feel free to use it in your mountains now!
@Ryiw: The Hobbit door textures are now in the pack! Feel free to upgrade our Bagend with them!
@kisos: The Red Cobblestone texture is now placed on the Redstone Ore and not the Red Sandstone. Make sure to adjust Aelhroth!
@Tyranystrasz: Your two new stone variants are located on Andesite and Red Sand! Make sure the river delta you created gets adjusted accordingly.
@jacenpeter: Your rubble texture is located on Granite! Feel free to use it in your mountains now!
@Ryiw: The Hobbit door textures are now in the pack! Feel free to upgrade our Bagend with them!
Project Progress
Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter
Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801
No progress this week.
Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @Eriol_Eandur
Valleys of Celos and Sirith (New) - Lead: @Fireinferno13
Progress has gone from 0-60mph in just a brief span of a week. The terrain for the town of Tumladen is complete and the project team is currently working to prepare all the necessary layouts and planning before opening jobs for the community which should be expected somewhat soon. Otherwise, voxel work continues on the nearby mountain ranges and will eventually move to the valley around the Celos river
- Fireinferno13
[Public Project] Fennas Drúnin (In Progress) - Lead: @thomasd16
The last few houses have been built, and also a more sinister item: A triple-gallows... Furthermore upon many a request from the Designers, they tweaked the proportions of the town's wall by making it a bit thinner.
Terraformed the southern foothills/plains area just because I really wanted to get some quick, but seemingly large amount of progress in this week and that was the place to do it. Once that gets done I will either move to Ras Morthil and shape that area or continue working with the fjords.
- Jacenpeter
Anfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @kisos- Jacenpeter
The pain train continues in Anfalas with farms and terrain getting slapped into the "Done" column of my spreadsheet. @Daddlio 's farm is done courtesy of @Darki190. And @Wroxxite has finished his village, but will continue working in Anfalas on the salt flats. I knocked out a massive amount of terrain, finishing up the mountains and the rivers in the northern portion of Anfalas. Im pretty sure I voxeled for over 24 hours this weekend combined. Me and @Darki190 also ran a big road job, but there are still more roads to do. @NicTheFifth has started he elvish ruins. Me and @Darki190 are totally locked in to finish Anfalas within 2 weeks at this point.
- kisos
Images by@Darki190@Thijs1801.
- kisos
Images by
Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801
No progress this week.
Eriol and Ryiw have been fixing small things throughout Lamedon this weeks, partly through jobs, partly on their own they improved rivers, trees, fields and probably even more things!
Misty Mountains (In Progress) - Lead: @Emilio_ (Eregion), @Finrod_Amandil (Misties), @Mandos (Gladden Fields)
No progress this week.
Tolfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz
Still improving and finding new ways to mold mountains.
I exported the world machine map into minecraft, it's just stone and grass and world machine editing it's just basic but I like the result, some screenshots here:
- Tyranystrasz
I exported the world machine map into minecraft, it's just stone and grass and world machine editing it's just basic but I like the result, some screenshots here:
- Tyranystrasz
Valleys of Celos and Sirith (New) - Lead: @Fireinferno13
Progress has gone from 0-60mph in just a brief span of a week. The terrain for the town of Tumladen is complete and the project team is currently working to prepare all the necessary layouts and planning before opening jobs for the community which should be expected somewhat soon. Otherwise, voxel work continues on the nearby mountain ranges and will eventually move to the valley around the Celos river
- Fireinferno13
The last few houses have been built, and also a more sinister item: A triple-gallows... Furthermore upon many a request from the Designers, they tweaked the proportions of the town's wall by making it a bit thinner.
Plugin Development
Animation Plugin (In Progress) - Dev: @Ivan1pl
The Plotbuild Plugin will make it possible to make plots on the main map that can be claimed and be built on by anyone and then be easily reviewed and managed by staff.
No changes since last week.
New New Player World (Testing in progress) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur, Assistance: @_Luk
Minigames Plugin (Small fixes in progress) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur
MCME-Architect (Testing in progress) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur
A plugin to animate small parts of builds, mainly doors and gates.
No changes since last week.
Plotbuild Plugin (Testing in progress) - Devs: @Eriol_Eandur & @Ivan1plNo changes since last week.
The Plotbuild Plugin will make it possible to make plots on the main map that can be claimed and be built on by anyone and then be easily reviewed and managed by staff.
No changes since last week.
A new Intro Quiz for new players.
The new New Player World is currently being tested on the dev server, here's how it currently looks:
The new New Player World is currently being tested on the dev server, here's how it currently looks:
Minigames Plugin (Small fixes in progress) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur
A plugin to easily run various minigames like Hide and Seek, Races and Quizzes.
I am currently rereading the Hobbit to gain some more questions in that category. Other than that the plugin is already working like a charm, take away the graphical bugs there still are with special characters...
I am currently rereading the Hobbit to gain some more questions in that category. Other than that the plugin is already working like a charm, take away the graphical bugs there still are with special characters...
MCME-Architect (Testing in progress) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur
MCME-Architect is an assortment of small plugins of all kinds that make building on MCME easier and more enjoyable.
I can bring you, especially to the Artists though, the bright news of that most likely along with the release of the Architect plugin some changes will come regarding the block restrictions that we currently have. You hopefully will have unrestricted access to many of the currently locked blocks and hopefully will not have to rely on Designers voxelling in stuff any more.
I can bring you, especially to the Artists though, the bright news of that most likely along with the release of the Architect plugin some changes will come regarding the block restrictions that we currently have. You hopefully will have unrestricted access to many of the currently locked blocks and hopefully will not have to rely on Designers voxelling in stuff any more.
Resource Packs
Mordor Pack (In Progress) - Lead: @bender400
Hobbit Door (Eriador Pack) - Creator: @Ryiw
Tower Window (Gondor Pack) - Creator: @Tyranystrasz
All these textures have now been added to Github and the packs have been prepared for an update which I hope happens very soon.
Edit: Packs have been updated!
Rank UpdatesWork on the pack continues. Notably @Ryiw has made a fantastic texture for gondor ruins/orc confiscated forts:
- bender400
New Stone Variants (all Packs) - Creators: @Tyranystrasz and @jacenpeter

Edit: Packs have been updated!
@NicTheFifth is back as Artist!
Other news
Audiobook review
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its Gandalf the White! It would have been interesting if Aragorn and Co. would have managed to kill who they mistook for Saruman
. However finally we could leave Fangorn behind and move on over the plains of Rohan to its capital Edoras where we had a lovely meeting with our friend Gríma Wormtongue.
UpcomingIs it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its Gandalf the White! It would have been interesting if Aragorn and Co. would have managed to kill who they mistook for Saruman

Themed Build
Scheduled Events
Audiobook session 13
Closing statementMake sure your helmet sits tightly because next week stuff is about to get heavy: Saruman's orcs already started marching towards the fortress of Helm's Deep...
Be sure to be on MCME on Saturday 19:00 BST if you want to help blowing up the Deeping Wall (yeah I think we'll do that again
Jobs & PlotbuildsBe sure to be on MCME on Saturday 19:00 BST if you want to help blowing up the Deeping Wall (yeah I think we'll do that again

Jobs for next Saturday will be announced in this thread over the course of the week. Be sure to ask Designers for jobs at any time, maybe they can offer something!

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