Opening statement
Hello everyone, I hope you've had a wonderful week, both on the server and outside. This week's edition of the Times is a day late due to a busy weekend and a day without internet. Thankfully everything is back up and running so without further ado lets get into this weeks happenings.
Project Progress
Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter
Texture DevelopmentThis week there hasn't been much progress in Andrast as exams are still keeping the project leaders busy. There has been some voxelling in the northern regions though.
Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Darki
Belfalas has seen quite a bit of progress this week. The terrain is still being worked on using building plots, but next to that there have been several stream building jobs in the north east. The road connecting much of Belfalas to the east through Linhir has been rebuilt as well, so travelling the area by road is once again possible.
Dol Amroth (On Hold) - Lead: @Thijs1801
There still isn't an agreement when it comes to the style that should be used in Dol Amroth. Until these issues are resolved there are no definite plans and work will be on hold.
Lamedon (On Hold) - Lead: @_Luk
No updates as the project is on hold.
Mordor Terrain (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz
The terrain is still being worked on in utmost secrecy. I would share more details but I'm afraid Tyran will find me and do horrible things to me.
Moria (In Progress) - Lead: @Despot666
A tavern has been built and ruined by a hard working team of Commoners and Artists. The moria team is now preparing to start work on something new as soon as they decide which halls should be tackled next.
Tolfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz
There has been some work to beautify the town of Coralia. There are some new buildings and the terrain right in front of the wall has been altered slightly to make it a little more defendable.
There have been no developments this week.
Plugin Development
Custom inventories / itemblocks (In progress) - Dev: @Eriol_EandurThere is currently no news in the development of this plugin.
Eriol is doing some more work on fixing and updating the perks plugin, with a possible future feature being automatic synchronisation with forum trophies. As far as the perks are concerned there are currently two perks working in the plugin:
- /perk horse [colour] [style]
This will summon a horse of the specified colour and style for the person to ride. - /perk fire [time in seconds]
This will light the person on fire for a certain time, a perk that will certainly make @FireFuss happy.
- Seat perk
Right click any block to sit down and take a breather. - /perk light
Summons a mage light, this is one of my personal favourites.
No updates this week.
Media of the week
After a discussion about the best time to take a screenshot @RubenPieterMark shared something he made a while back. I think it's pretty sweet to see the progression of a day. An explanation on how to do something like this yourself can be found in his post.

The Lore-Off has now begun, and the time to sign up is past. Over the next few weeks we shall see who will be victorious and claim the title in this competition of lore geekery. I for one wish all of the candidates good luck, with the exception of my opponent of course. You will go down good sir!
WANTED: Short stories!
Mapthor has had his bookstore for a few weeks now but he has got very few stories in it. Mapthor needs your stories, so if you enjoy a bit of writing or even reading, here is more information about the bookstore and how to get your books in it:
@mapthor has been making a Bookstore in Bree with stories written by you in it. If you want another one of your stories in the store, then please write your story down and message it to Finrod! The length is pretty irrelevant, all it has to be is authentic. That especially means:
- No items that would not exist in Middle-earth.
- No MCME player names.
- No conflicts with the known storylines.
Themed Build@mapthor has been making a Bookstore in Bree with stories written by you in it. If you want another one of your stories in the store, then please write your story down and message it to Finrod! The length is pretty irrelevant, all it has to be is authentic. That especially means:
- No items that would not exist in Middle-earth.
- No MCME player names.
- No conflicts with the known storylines.
MCME Audiobook
The Audiobook, hosted by @TI_020601 is taking place regularly on Saturday evenings, 8:20pm BST, unless announced otherwise in this thread: The New Audio Book
Closing statement
And that's yet another week gone. I hope y'all are back up to speed with what has happened on the server over the past week. Now I'll leave you with this final quote that I should definitely take to heart, and I will... just not right now, maybe I'll take it to heart tomorrow... for sure.. for real though tomorrow:
Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill.
-Christopher Parker