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    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

~ The MCME Times ~ [12/05/2021]

I Got One Question!!
Who put Soarz back in charge of the Times?!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
You read the title correctly. Soarz returned to post the Times once more. Maybe Shen just got lazy, who knows really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Regardless. The past two weeks have been very hectic to say the least. We witnessed the 24 hour Charity Stream go down exactly as we would’ve expected it to, raising over $100,000 for the kids. While I didn’t get to hear it, a 3 hour staff meeting was held yesterday which will be interesting to see the outcomes of. And finally, the end of the year is upon us which means many things. Finals week, Winter Events, Year in Review, and a whole bunch of other Christmas things on MCME. Hope you all pass your finals and I’ll see you next time :D

Happy Sailing,

~ Project Progress ~

Anorien - Lead: @draonic slayer | In Progress
Report by draonic slayer

In the wake of the Charity Stream, the last few detailing parts of Section 6 have wrapped up, with the majority of what is left being taken up by the interior of the manor that Andrew created. The village in section 5 is slowly taking shape with many of the fields around it being planned out. For the OsgoFields, the first stage of building has been completed, with the second stage currently being planned out.


Cair Andros - Lead: @Andrewpioneer | In Progress
Report by Andrewpioneer

A new supporting structure was added towards the front of the fort. The cliff entrance in to the inner keep was planned out and lightly detailed. Thats about all, Its been a slow few weeks.


Harlond - Lead: @Mershy | In Progress
Report by Mershy

After we have rested our beans, we make haste with Harlond continuing the market space with some great block mixing and market stall concepts! Plots have also been handed out on the northern façade and the inner town starts to make progress also. Overall, we are getting there and possibly might get finished by end of the this year or at least January.


Lond Daer – Lead: @mattlego | In Progress
Report by mattlego

Progress in Lond Daer has slowed down a little bit. I would love to hand out some more plots soon as there are really quite few remaining. I have to give a shoutout to Hypr though who has been doing some great work on the canals, they are really looking quite lovely


Moria – Lead: @DoctorDaom | In progress
Report by aVeryAngeryBadger

Beneath the mountains Moria slumbers, waiting patiently for its time to rise again. Wander through it and marvel at its wonders and listen closely for the distant cries of a designer and he toils lonely under the arches of Westgate.


~ General Announcements ~

Become a Donor
Keeping MCME running is not free, every month we have to pay $265 to keep up all our work. Donations help us keep doing what we love and providing you with amazing builds to look at. Donations are not required but greatly accepted, if you want to help us in our feat of rebuilding Middle Earth in Minecraft you can donate here.
Viewing Donation Drive: Community Costs
Our Donors
  • Wojoku


Dev Work

Dynamic Book Plugin Fixed
Ivan1pl has updated the plugin for the server, so if you want warp locations do /library give Warps

New Minecraft Update Info
For those yet unaware the Caves and Cliffs Update Part II, aka 1.18 has just been released!:
Caves & Cliffs: Part II out today on Java

Charity Stream
Would be wrong not to have this in here, and as many of you know we raised 104,525$ for No Kid Hungry. Big shout out to those involved and all that made it work smoothly (you know who you are). If you still want to donate below is a link to the charity.

Here's a direct link to the Tiltify page for those willing to/ able to donate, any amount really can help a lot! Every dollar donated can help feed a child up to 10 meals. Tiltify - Made for Fundraisers

MCME Year In Review
Mapthor has done it again, the trailer in already out so you'll have to wait for the full video.

New Video: What Else Is In Gondor?
Shout out to Gingerlyginger and EffieFrog for amazing shots, Junoking for the music, and Sevy for overall help. Enjoy below.

~ Rank Updates ~
Report by Soarz

Sadly no updates this week, but you can hopefully expect some next week!

~ Winners of “The Week” ~

This week we have another round of amazing builds and Media posts. We only choose from the best every time, so hard work does pay off. Sometimes it can get competitive and that is what will win a place here. Please give a warm welcome to this Times, winners of this week.

MEDIA Winners:

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm finally able to devote some time to typing up captions for the Media Winners! Hope you all have been taking plenty of nice screenshots while I've been busy. Think we have one or two unexpected screenshotters that made it into the Media Winners this fortnight, so do stick around to wait for those shots to load below. You've probably heard me say this before, but just in case, if you have any questions or want to get into screenshotting, feel free to message me (GingerlyGinger1) on Discord and I'm sure I can help you out. Happy screenshotting!

Honorable Mention: Firefly956 decided to get a shot of Lindolas this fortnight. Like the lighting and composition. Might be a bit overexposed, but it's good nonetheless.
Theme 1.png

Honorable Mention: With the Black Gate springing up out of nowhere, inns are quick to follow. This might be the first one. No roof or door yet, but the bed is hard to beat around these parts. Recommended by ImpulseSV. Shot by Emeryld.

Theme 2.png

Honorable Mention: Not the most original angle, but the snow is a welcome addition. Nice lighting too. Shot by Givet10

Theme 3.png

Honorable Mention: I wonder how long it will take for all the possible good angles for Black Gate shots to be used. This shot's pretty basic, but it does what it needs to do right. Composition and lighting are quite good. The overall tone does make it somewhat bland, though. Shot by Mershy.

Theme 4.png

Honorable Mention: Think this shot looks great? There's a floating leaf block above the path. Good luck unseeing that. Still, I like the lighting and composition of the shot. Ignoring the leaf block, it's very nice. Shot by Firefly956.

Theme 5.png

Honorable Mention: Taking full advantage of planning being removed around Harlond for the stream event, Rogue_Scholar got us this shot of Harlond with Minas Tirith in the background. And it even has good lighting. I do believe this is the first revamped Harlond shot to make it to the Media Winners, so congrats to Rogue for that.

Theme 6.png

Honorable Mention: Been a while since we've seen the old Molly v3.20 shaders. The tone they provide works fairly well on MCME, but the shadows have always been annoying to deal with. Not too original an angle, but good lighting and composition. Shot by Givet10.

Theme 7.png

Honorable Mention: Finally someone managed to get a worthy shot of FreeBuild's Gondolin for the Media Winners. Surprisingly, it was TheStephen who managed to the feat. Not a fan of the rocks in the foreground, especially since they're reflecting for some reason. However, the composition of snowy Gondolin is excellent beyond that. Love the fog at the bottom.

Theme 8.png

Honorable Mention: While the shadow quality isn't too superb, the colors, balanced lighting, and composition are quite good. The subtle blur's a bonus. Shot by Firefly956.

Theme 9.png

Media Winner: Lacotax continues to impress with his editing ability. He took an average Pelargir shot from an unoriginal angle and turned it into this. Looks completely different, yet definitely still Pelargir. Congrats, Laco!

Theme 10.jpg

Honorable Mention: Felt it best to end this edition with an nice honorable mention, so here's this shot of a frog or something from TitusTheBard. Good composition, though the frog should probably be taking up a bit more of the shot. Not much to say about the lighting since it's rainy, but the atmosphere works pretty well in my opinion.

Theme 11.png


We had two insane theme these past few weeks, with that we had some that stand out. Take a look and if you wanna be on this list next edition participate in the theme-builds for a change to be on it!

FFA Mansion

FFA Greek

~ Lore of the Week ~
Strange Beginnings:
It is a little-known fact that J.R.R. Tolkien once wrote a tale about a dragon named Pryftan (Welsh for “Worm of Fire''). In this tale, the dragon Pryftan has taken up residence in the Black Mountain, east of the Wild Wood. The wizard Bladorthin has acquired a map made by the dwarf Fimbulfani, who was once King of the Black Mountain; and he enlists the aid of an unwitting adventurer in a land called the County Round to join him in helping a band of dwarves led by Fimbulfani's grandson, Gandalf, to reclaim the Black Mountain and recover their lost treasure.

The 'unwitting adventurer' is, of course, a particular Mr. Bilbo Baggins; and the tale is no doubt recognisable to anyone familiar with J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, for it is in fact the earliest known draft of that story, written by Tolkien in 1930. This early version is found in a six-page manuscript known as 'The Pryftan Fragment', currently located in the Tolkien Special Archive at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Minnesota.

Often, we grow so accustomed to the published versions of Tolkien's stories that we fail to realise (or to remember) that they usually began in a form quite different from the one with which we're familiar. Sometimes the changes were mostly superficial, having only to do with names or minor details, as was the case with The Hobbit. (Here I mean the original publication of The Hobbit. The changes made much later to integrate that story into the greater legendarium of The Lord of the Rings and the 'Silmarillion' are a topic for another discussion.) But other times, Tolkien's early drafts bear little resemblance to the finished work. This is the case with The Lord of the Rings, and we'll discuss that novel's early draft peculiarities next time!

Presented by: ExeterKered

~ Question of the Week ~

This Week's Question:{Question}
In what publication can we find the early drafts (and the later beginnings of a rewrite) of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit? (Answer must include both title and editor!)
Question: {Question}
What was said to be the origin of the name 'Bagshot Row' where the Gamgees lived in Hobbiton?

Correct Answer: {Answer}
Bagshot Row was so named because the earth removed in excavating 'Bag End' was shot over the edge into the lane below. (cf. Nomenclature of The Lord of the Rings)

Winner: HoverKing! Hey, he gets to answer the questions now that he’s not the one asking them! :D
Presented by: ExeterKered

~ More Media ~

You know us, we love sharing our progress and Twitter is the perfect place. Give us a good follow and always have something to look forward to on your daily scroll. Just to spice it up, comment your favorite parts of our builds at MinecraftMiddleEarth (@MCMiddleEarth) | Twitter. You won't be disappointed!

Sometimes you just want to enjoy some quality pictures, we got you covered. Head on over to our Facebook account, try following us there too Minecraft Middle-Earth

It doesn't matter if you just woke up or after a busy day at work; scrolling through Instagram and seeing a cool project you have worked on, or just amazing graphics from your favorite server on your favorite game- MCME's Instagram is the right place to be. Check it out at mcmiddleearth on Instagram, or this perfectly good link to take you straight there.

But of course, the most important and obviously most used social network is of course Planet Minecraft! Be sure to give us a diamond there. It costs nothing! Minecraft Middle Earth Minecraft Server

~ Closing Statement ~

I don’t know how many of you read this, but I highly recommend playing late night Halo with the boys sometime in your life. It’s an ethereal experience.
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe!

Great job for the Times Team, who did what they had to do, great job!

Quote from Yoshiya “Joshua” Kiryu
“Everyone has their own little internal world - a secret garden only they can enter. Each world follows its own internal logic - individuality. And the logic of one world means nothing in another. Understanding other people isn't hard.....It's Impossible”


The Official MCME Times


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