A Storm is Approaching!
Winter Events are officially in development!
Winter Events are officially in development!
Editor's Note by Mapthor
Hello again and welcome back to another edition of The MCME Times. After the anniversary, the past two weeks have been somewhat quiet. However, there is a lot of planning going on behind the scenes and you’ll all find out soon enough. God, Black Friday can’t come any faster

Happy Sailing,
~ Project Progress ~
Anorien - Lead: @draonic_slayer | In Progress
Report by Draonic_Slayer
Yet another 2 weeks of great progress in Anorien. w0rld and his helpers have finally finished creating all the tree variants I need, from small to large, from thin to thick, and this will hopefully allow me to start getting underway with some nice forest concepts. For the freshly dubbed, OsgoFields, AVeryAngryBadger has gotten down to adding a nice network of ruined walls in the section just outside Pelennor and Osgiliath. Both HyprNinja and Rudolphius have also helped by running practice jobs on the area. P.S don’t forget to go visit the Osgo Seals. For the Pelennor more fields have been filled out, and even more planned out. Work in the Watchtower village is going smoothly with several houses being built outside of the village.
Cair Andros – Lead: @Andrewpioneer | In Progress
Report by Andrewpioneer
Both bridges have been added to main world and terrain integration will be starting soon. The secondary wall of Cair Andros is mostly finished, pending some minor changes and awaiting finer details. Work on one of the bridge forts has now begun and will be receiving revisions next week. Tree plots for the island have continued and the tree repository is close to being finished. Military camp concept development has also begun, focusing on realistic camp layout and design. We have also begun developing new siege engine concepts with the newly added beam and railing blocks.
Harlond – Lead: @Mershy | In Progress
Report by Mershy
Progress has in fact continued these past two weeks. I am finally happy with the look of the northern dock facades and will continue those into next week. 2nah and Itai are working on some concepts regarding the military area that we have, feedback has been given to lots of people so houses are starting to finish up as well. Finally, Rwyland has been creating concepts for the fishing area on the eastern side of the town.
Lond Daer – Lead: @mattlego | In Progress
Report by mattlego
The palace is getting very close to being finished with just some small parts remaining. I am planning on handing out some more plots very soon.
Moria – Lead: @DoctorDaom | In Progress
Report by Mershy
Orruss has delved his way into the depths and will support Daom in his endeavours of getting lower West Gate finished. Jona continues to still make concepts and plans for the upper West Gate and Daom has created the deepest window in Moria.
~ General Announcements ~
Become a Donor
Keeping MCME running is not free, every month we have to pay $265 to keep up all our work. Donations help us keep doing what we love and providing you with amazing builds to look at. Donations are not required but greatly accepted, if you want to help us in our feat of rebuilding Middle Earth in Minecraft you can donate here.
Viewing Donation Drive: Community Costs
Our Donors
- Colophonia
- chipped_cherry
- grub1saq
- w0rldunder
- Dahlfc
~ Rank Updates ~
Report by givet10
Report by givet10
ooitsbirdo: I have good news and bad news: we have a new Artist, but it's birdo, who resigned from Designer to the purple Builder rank. All jokes aside, birdo has been a great Designer, that has shown he's more than capable of leading projects and building stuff here and there. He'll have more time to focus on his real life, while still being able to help build. Hopefully we will see his name in green again in the future tho.

~ Winners of “The Week” ~
This week we have another round of amazing builds and Media posts. We only choose from the best every time, so hard work does pay off. Sometimes it can get competitive and that is what will win a place here. Please give a warm welcome to this Times' Winners of this Week.
Media Winners:
Another edition where I have a lot to say about the shots I picked and yet don't have time to say anything! This time, my excuses are more Video Team work, coding work, and script-writing work. And that's just MCME stuff. I'm also unpacking from a vacation that ended the day before writing this, so if you want to complain about the lack of captions, I'm sure I can schedule an appointment sometime in December. Enough justifying my actions, then. Here are the Media Winners of the past three weeks!
Honorable Mention: Givet
Honorable Mention: Firefly
Honorable Mention: Bohemian_Beetle
Honorable Mention: Givet
Honorable Mention: Adam // Aequotis
Honorable Mention: Firefly
Honorable Mention: Givet
Honorable Mention: Itai007
Honorable Mention: Firefly
Honorable Mention: Rogue_Scholar
Media Winner: Firefly
Media Winner #2: Givet

Honorable Mention: Firefly

Honorable Mention: Bohemian_Beetle

Honorable Mention: Givet

Honorable Mention: Adam // Aequotis

Honorable Mention: Firefly

Honorable Mention: Givet

Honorable Mention: Itai007

Honorable Mention: Firefly

Honorable Mention: Rogue_Scholar

Media Winner: Firefly

Media Winner #2: Givet

Theme Build Winners
Since the current theme is a 2 week special, the next winners will be featured on the next Edition!
~ Lore of the Week ~
~ Question of the Week ~
~ Question of the Week ~
The Lore and Question is delayed yet again- Hover is a busy man! In the meantime, have a picture of Soarz with his Soarbeez.

Last Week's Riddle:
Alive as you but without breath,
As cold in my life as in my death;
Never a thirst though I always drink,
Dressed in a mail but never a clink.
Correct Answer: HyprNinja answered correctly- it's a fish!
Presented by: Soarz9 a.k.a Smores9 a.k.a Snorz9 a.k.a Storez9 a.k.a Soarin a.k.a _Soarz a.k.a Tourz9 a.k.a Chorez9 a.k.a UnderScorez9
~ More Media ~
You know us, we love sharing our progress and Twitter is the perfect place. Give us a good follow and always have something to look forward to on your daily scroll. Just to spice it up, comment your favorite parts of our builds at MinecraftMiddleEarth (@MCMiddleEarth) | Twitter. You won't be disappointed!
Sometimes you just want to enjoy some quality pictures, we got you covered. Head on over to our Facebook account, try following us there too Minecraft Middle-Earth
It doesn't matter if you just woke up or after a busy day at work; scrolling through Instagram and seeing a cool project you have worked on, or just amazing graphics from your favorite server on your favorite game- MCME's Instagram is the right place to be. Check it out at mcmiddleearth on Instagram, or this perfectly good link to take you straight there.
But of course, the most important and obviously most used social network is of course Planet Minecraft! Be sure to give us a diamond there. It costs nothing! Minecraft Middle Earth Minecraft Server
~ Closing Statement ~
You know something is about to go down when two people apply for the same rank at once. But you know what? That’s where the fun begins!
Excellent work, Times Team!
Quote from Squall Leonhart
“We may never meet again, but we’ll never forget each other.”
The Official MCME Times
You know something is about to go down when two people apply for the same rank at once. But you know what? That’s where the fun begins!
Excellent work, Times Team!
Quote from Squall Leonhart
“We may never meet again, but we’ll never forget each other.”
The Official MCME Times
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