Friday, January 1, 2016 barely
Opening Statement
Hello everyone, and Happy New Year from the MCME Times Team! Welcome one and all to the very first edition of the Times, your favorite news source, in what I am certain will be a momentous year for our server, full of great changes for the better, tons of projects being started and completed, old friends returning, new members becoming friends, and people who have just stuck around for the duration. Join us, as @Finrod_Amandil leads us all in a crusade into the very psyche of the collective internet, in an attempt to make the server more exciting. Watch as Gondor is at last laid to a peaceful slumber while we valiantly brighten the long dark of Moria with our building, and maybe, just maybe, cultivate the barren Plateau of Gorgoroth into a realm blooming with our labor. No doubt, there will be many promotions and resignations, good times and bad, but as we look upon this new year, let us only maintain our hopes. And, though this is less important by far, I hope that each and every one of you has a fantastic year in your own, real, personal lives.
None right now.
Project Progress
Alas! This first edition has one flaw. We are unable to take screenshots, so you had better hop online and check this all out yourself. If you want nice pictures, take a look at @Fireinferno13 's thread >>here<<.
Aldburg Revamp (In Progress) - Lead: @Fireinferno13
Congratulations to Thijs, Gene, Eaglz, and Beat for winning the Aldburg keep competition based on their superb organization and clean layout. That being said, the decision was by no means easy, a huge shout out goes to Cred, Despot, and Luk for their hard work as well as stunning final product.
Otherwise, layout and construction of the middle district has started and should be completed relatively soon, marking the end of this project.
- Fire
Otherwise, layout and construction of the middle district has started and should be completed relatively soon, marking the end of this project.
- Fire
Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter
Lately I have just been trying to work out the shapes of andrast's eastern arm of mountains, and once I am content with what I have they should start to look more mountainy, you know like stone and grass
- jacen

- jacen
Anfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @DSESGH - Reporter @Durtalathion
Welcome back, everyone, for another exciting episode of Anfalas news.
Big news, actually! The voxelling is nearly done and all the waiting that everyone has been doing to put in their time on the province will soon have their opportunity! In a huge report to me by the project staff, "There's been quite a bit of progress in Anfalas this week. On my [unspecified speaker, maybe Dse?] end, I finished up a coastal area in the south-east, and with it another beautiful lake and streams (check that out). I've also started working on the transition between the forest biome in the north and the desert biome in the south. Additionally, we are aiming to finish terrain by the end of the holiday season. Then we'll be moving on to villages - look for more job opportunities soon!" Stick with it everyone, the time will soon be nigh!
Big news, actually! The voxelling is nearly done and all the waiting that everyone has been doing to put in their time on the province will soon have their opportunity! In a huge report to me by the project staff, "There's been quite a bit of progress in Anfalas this week. On my [unspecified speaker, maybe Dse?] end, I finished up a coastal area in the south-east, and with it another beautiful lake and streams (check that out). I've also started working on the transition between the forest biome in the north and the desert biome in the south. Additionally, we are aiming to finish terrain by the end of the holiday season. Then we'll be moving on to villages - look for more job opportunities soon!" Stick with it everyone, the time will soon be nigh!
Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @Eriol_Eandur
Very good progress at the central mountains of Lamedon these past weeks, quite a lot of jobs there. I think we can make the last streams there next week. Meanwhile, some Artists worked on the last few houses in Rendul. @Mandos is also about to finish the Ringlo Vale.
- Eriol
- Eriol
Misty Mountains (In Progress) - Lead: @Emilio_ & @Finrod_Amandil
There was very little progress on Fin’s side (that is, the main part of the Misties). He did get a little bit of the High Moors done in jobs, however. Emil also had no progress on the Hollin Ridge.
Revamps (In Progress)
Fornost (@Demonataz) - Keep on ruining; this city will get done eventually.
Public Projects:
Linhir Outskirts (In Progress) - Lead: @Nic1337
No progress this week.
- Nic
- Nic
House of Tarannon Falastur (In Progress) - Lead: @Wroxxite
Lots of progress got done this week. I completed the lower docks and also began on the upper baths. Huge thanks to @Mandos for leading a group of artists on the interior work. At this rate, I only expect the project to go about one to two more weeks.
- Wrox
- Wrox
Scheduled Events:
Upcoming Tours:
None right now!
For an always up-to-date overview, please refer to >>this<< thread.
Plotworld Builds:
I am unclear on if the Gondor Treebuild is still going on, so you should probably just do /mvtp plotworld, /warp treebuild, and see for yourself.
For an always up-to-date overview and a list of scheduled jobs, please refer to >>this<< subforum and look at the thread titled “Scheduled Jobs and Open Plotbuilds”.
None right now!
For an always up-to-date overview, please refer to >>this<< thread.
Plotworld Builds:
I am unclear on if the Gondor Treebuild is still going on, so you should probably just do /mvtp plotworld, /warp treebuild, and see for yourself.
For an always up-to-date overview and a list of scheduled jobs, please refer to >>this<< subforum and look at the thread titled “Scheduled Jobs and Open Plotbuilds”.
Rank Updates
- @_Luk felt that he need a break and thus resigned from Designer. He will, eventually, take up the rank again.
- @ReniMarus has been promoted to Artist, good job!
Year In Review
As we announced a few weeks ago, we are here presenting all of the important events, etc. that happened in 2015. If you feel we left anything out, feel free to comment on this thread with your addition!
It is rather a theme that things take longer than I thought and the Times gets out later than intended. I had meant to format this nicely and put it in chronological order, but I didn't get around to it. So for now, enjoy this wall of text and maybe I'll come back later and make it better. Apologies, Ardelenia.
It is rather a theme that things take longer than I thought and the Times gets out later than intended. I had meant to format this nicely and put it in chronological order, but I didn't get around to it. So for now, enjoy this wall of text and maybe I'll come back later and make it better. Apologies, Ardelenia.
- 2015 started with a bad event: Resignation from Head Enforcer by @Iru. To quote @DynoDaring, “The last of those aptly named original Kings of MCME” has now left. Speaking of Dyno, however:
- Promotion to Head Enforcer of @DynoDaring, an old member who has borne the filling of a rank most dutifully and justly.
- @Finrod_Amandil took @MaDIIReD ’s jobs as writer of the MCME Times and Themed Build creator.
- Warp changes: Introduction of /mvtp worldname, and /warp list only displays warps in that world. Leads to organization and a little confusion.
- Short story contest organized by @Tyranystrasz. One of few times in my memory that we tried forums-based events.
- Easter festivities -- special Gandalf-themed tour hosted by @DarthRagnar and Easter egg hunt by @DSESGH
- Introduction of new bbcodes on the Forums
- Summer Event 2015 and Awards Ceremony: Organized by way too many people to tag, included fireworks competitions, pig races, spleef, parkour challenges, skin competitions, The River Race, boat races, tours, challenges, and server-voted awards, presented in an epic closing ceremony in a beautiful theatre built largely by @jacenpeter.
- Forums Update: Profile post comments improvements, two steps verification, thread tagging,link title conversation, new post sidebar, social account integration, new website layout
- Resignation from Head Designer by @Credoo. Met with grief and hesitation about the future.
- Promotion to Head Designer of @Finrod_Amandil, who has proven himself to be as good at leading as at Elvish.
- Freebuild Closure due to costs, social and management aspects. The Themed-Builds world was uploaded to the Build Server.
- New MCME Times writer Team, started by @Ardelenia but with support (thank you all who have helped so far!) in order to relieve @Finrod_Amandil after his promotion.
- Creation of new Community Goals by @Finrod_Amandil
- Return of PVP, ushered in by @DSESGH.
- 5th Anniversary Celebration, featuring the opening of PVP and nostalgic jobs, organized by @lizzy_ and @Iru
- Halloween festivities -- 5spooky10me decorations in Annuminas and a special PVP event, courtesy of the Guides
- Winter festivities -- Christmas present scavenger hunt from @kisos
- @Lady_of_Rohan sparks much conversation with her concerns “about the way projects are prioritized here.” You may wonder that I would include a source of contention and possible ill feelings, but I applaud her for keeping us an active, aware, and thoughtful community with such discussions.
- The first community-led projects were successfully completed.
- We swept through Arnor, finishing up the Lake Evendim area.
- Many cities and regions in Gondor were built.
- @Finrod_Amandil finished up one section of his great terraforming quest in the Misties and moved on, also recruiting other staff.
- Moria was started and, regretfully but logically, put on hold.
- Cinematic server is opened for a select few. Far-rendered screenshots ensue.
- Themed builds get a plugin to make it easier to run and participate in.
- Mention in the Guinness Book of World Records
>>MCME Time Machine<<
>>MCME Travel Guide<<
>>Times Review<<
Themed Build
Media of the Week
@SmaugJuice made his first foray into the world of serious screenshots this week (as opposed to funny quotes).
Glittering Caves, or Aglarond
Glittering Caves, or Aglarond
Community Outreach
Screenshots for Facebook
@Tyranystrasz has access to the MCME Facebook page and will regularly upload stuff there. For that he needs, of course, the very best of MCME, and for that he needs YOUR help! If you have a really awesome screenshot to share, submit it >>here<<!
Closing Statement
I did all my waxing poetic in the Opening Statement, so here I will just say again:
Happy new year! I hope you all continue to enjoy MCME and keep coming back. Also, don’t forget to comment below if you think we left anything out from the Year in Review. And so, I present you with this quote from someone I’ve never heard of but found amusing:
Happy new year! I hope you all continue to enjoy MCME and keep coming back. Also, don’t forget to comment below if you think we left anything out from the Year in Review. And so, I present you with this quote from someone I’ve never heard of but found amusing:
May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall!
— Aleister Crowley