• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

~ The MCME Times ~ [07/12/2021]

Lettuce Be Thankful!
Also, It's Coming Rome!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Well here we are again. It’s always such a pleasure to post The Times once more for you all. As of today, I’m happy to announce the kickoff of the Summer Events! Long in the making, the games have officially been kicked off with a stunning opening ceremony in Lettuce Land. We also had the skin contest right after which I can’t really speak on since I had to leave right before it happened. Regardless, there are plenty of events to participate in over the next week or two, so come on out and participate! Hope you enjoy the Mapthor Times Edition Part 2 :D

Happy Sailing,

~ Project Progress ~

Anorien - Lead: @draonic_slayer | In Progress
Report by Draonic_Slayer

Progress has been good throughout Anorien. I finally got around to handing out the terrain colouring plots, and the commoners have taken well to completing them. The hill of Amon Dîn now has some nice colouring to help emphasise the cliffs. Still lots of work to do on that though so any help is appreciated. For the Pelennor a few more house interiors have been completed, with the initial planning for section 4 being laid out ready to be built on.


Cair Andros – Lead: @Andrewpioneer | In Progress
Report by Andrewpioneer

The terrain for the project is now finished, the custom tree repository is almost completed and is completed enough to begin forest concepts and implementation. Progress has continued on structural concepts, for both interior and exterior features. Focusing mainly on interiors this past 2 weeks we have completed designs for the Feast Hall and several underground spaces, namely the kitchens. Overall the project is getting very close to beginning main world building.


Lond Daer – Lead: @mattlego | In Progress
Report by mattlego

Not too much progress has been made in Lond Daer as Luk has been busy with exams and I have been busy with the opening ceremonies and Cair Andros. That being said though, the Palace has been moved to main world and some planning in Old Town has begun.

lgrfewh bjdwslvhabj i.png

Moria – Lead: @DoctorDaom | In Progress
Report by Mershy

The only progress the past couple weeks has come from moviecave. Badger has been running around trying to get things finished as it draws to a close. Things such as the dam ruining and rock shaping are included in these final touches. Finally, Effie has also been helping out by running the large smoothing jobs to get the cave looking top tier.


~ General Announcements ~

Become a Donor
Keeping MCME running is not free, every month we have to pay $265 to keep up all our work. Donations help us keep doing what we love and providing you with amazing builds to look at. Donations are not required but greatly accepted, if you want to help us in our feat of rebuilding Middle Earth in Minecraft you can donate here.
Viewing Donation Drive: Community Costs
Our Donors
  • Marta
  • Guest
  • RedHMP
  • Boltingmouse
  • Wyattrox03

Summer Events

A whole bunch of events were announced this past two weeks regarding our annual Summer Events. For a full schedule and rundown, check out the forum post:

Event Video
Ginger has cooked up another spicy video for us, and this time it's to kickoff the Summer Events! Take a look here:

~ Rank Updates ~
Report by Givet10

Yet another times edition without promotions :(, let's see if there will finally be one again in the next one.

~ Interviews ~

Interview with @Soarz9

Question 1. What is your favorite Capri-Sun flavor?
Tropical hit different and it feels special when you drink it because it feels like Summer which is conflicting because I hate Summer. I'm a Winter kid and that's why I got a Christmas Tree still up in my room.

Question 2. What is your favorite movie in recent memory?
Top favorite movie is Bourne Legacy. Every time my Dad and I watch something, it's usually that. But, close second is a tie between Fifty Shades of Gray and 365 Days.

Question 3. If you could be a house plant, which one would you be?
The plastic plant that sits at the edge of your room.

Question 4. What's your Anthem on your Tinder account?
It "Love Me Like You Do" by Ellie Golding nowadays, but it used to be "I Fall Apart" by Post Malone.

Question 5. What type of shaving cream do you use?
It's just Harry's Shaving Cream bro, that's the whole show.

Question 6. Who were you most angry at during our GTA session last night?
I was pissed at Rockstar! They kept disconnecting me on my server. During the minigames, Shen's hacking bs got me upset. Every time man, we whips out that mod menu and it's all over after that.

Truly inspiring answers there Soarz, thank you for your time :)

Interviewer: mapthor

~ Winners of “The Week” ~

This week we have another round of amazing builds and Media posts. We only choose from the best every time, so hard work does pay off. Sometimes it can get competitive and that is what will win a place here. Please give a warm welcome to this Times, winners of this week.

MEDIA Winners:
This week is a doozy so strap in and get ready to read

The past two weeks have been exceedingly cool for screenshotters. The new Discord #screenshots-feedback channel has so far been one of my favorite channels on the Discord, and I personally am extremely surprised by how many people would've preferred just having a #screenshots channel with no proper discussion channel. From what I've seen, screenshotting has been for the past few years one of the MCME community's most popular hobbies. To me, it makes sense to have a channel dedicated to giving people feedback on their screenshots and having similar discussions; the sizable screenshotting community here deserves it. This channel also helps make screenshotting more accessible to newer members of the community who are interested, keeping the art of screenshotting alive. Not only that, it helps keep people interested in screenshotting and editing, meaning we see more screenshots from people. Needless to say, we had a small boom in screenshotting shortly after this channel was introduced, and the more screenshots, the better, I say! These weren't all just basic Sildurs/BSL shots either. We have a fair few Winners for you this edition. If you want to improve your screenshotting ability, you can feel free to come to me or ask for feedback in our new channel. Practice makes perfect. Happy screenshotting!

Honorable Mention: Continuing with what he does best, Bohemian_Beetle decided to leave the fields and forests to take shots around Osgo. The composition of this shot's very good, but I dare say the focus should be a hair higher in the shot in terms of Y-position. Beyond that, very nice shot. It's impressive how much a little blur can improve an image.

Honorable Mention: Some deep caves are best left unexplored. ...But that didn't stop our heroic explorers from braving the unknown depths of Orruss' Themebuild project! This recovered shot taken by the expedition's photographer, Orruss, shows the troupe gazing upon the colossal, Dwarven statue they encountered.

Honorable Mention: Bohemian_Blur-- er, I mean Bohemian_Beetle, took another shot of Osgo this fortnight, this time from a side-angle. Nice shot, though it's a shame the terrain just outside the west gate is unfinished. It's a bit distracting.

Honorable Mention: Powering on his new rig for the first time, Rogue_Scholar knew what he meant to do with it in the coming days. With shaders downloaded and ready to use, he logged onto MCME with one goal in-mind: become the next Media Winner. This shot isn't the Media Winner this fortnight, but it's a good attempt. Nice composition, bit of an unoriginal angle though. Not enough shadow as well in my opinion, but this was probably so that the lighting would work with the edited in clouds, which do work well with the shot.

Honorable Mention: Melkor_Belegurth, the totally ultra-famous movie producer from Hollywood, managed to capture this shot on-set during the filming of his latest movie project, Two Droogs and a Blowtorch. In it we see famous actor Emeryld posing as the ultra-evil villain of the movie, looking down upon the wealth he has recently obtained.

Honorable Mention: Not one to be outdone by Rogue, Bohemian_Beetle captured this perfect shot of That Bridge Outside Osgo™️. It's very small-scaled, but the composition and lighting are perfect. Nice, basic Chocapic V9 tone, too. This may top his Media Winner shot from last fortnight.

Honorable Mention: This shot from Rogue_Scholar reminds me of the old Kappa version, 2.2, with its colder tone and bright fog. Good composition overall, nice cropping especially. Very nice lighting as well.

Honorable Mention: Celebrating the fact that we have a specific channel for discussing screenshots in, Enenal got this shot of Pelargir partying up a storm. The only thing missing are well-deserved fireworks for the occasion.

Honorable Mention: No one can resist the Belfalas fields, including Rogue_Scholar. Nice composition, though I think the village on the left should be slightly higher up in the shot. Very nice lighting and fog, and I even like the tone.

Media Winner: Ignoring the slight graininess all over the shot, this one looks very nice and is very well done. Mount Monachus used to be a very popular spot for both screenshotters and hide-and-seekers alike. Nice to see it get a bit of love again nowadays. The contrast between the light and shadow is also quite hot. Well done, Rogue_Scholar!

Fresh off the press from my DMs with Maski!

~ Lore of the Week ~
The Aratar, part II Last time we talked about the first four of the Aratar (the High Ones): Manwë, Varda, Ulmo and Yavanna; four others remain…


The Smith of the Valar, Aulë was Yavanna’s husband. All the substances of which Arda was made were part of his domain, and in the beginning of days he laboured to fashion all the lands of the world. Many similarities could be drawn between Aulë and Melkor, in their thoughts and powers and their desire to create things that were new and unthought of by others; and Melkor was jealous of him. “But Aulë remained faithful to Eru and submitted all that he did to his will; and he did not envy the works of others, but sought and gave counsel.” (The Silmarillion, “Valaquenta”)

Mandos The Doomsman of the Valar, his actual name was Námo: “Mandos” were his halls to which he summoned the spirits of the slain, but he was most commonly known by the name of his dwelling. There, in his halls, the immortal spirits of slain Elves remain for a while to heal before being re-embodied; Men, however, would leave the Halls of Mandos on a path unknown, outside the boundaries of the world and into the care of Eru. “[Mandos] forgets nothing; and he knows all things that shall be, save only those that lie still in the freedom of Ilúvatar. He is the Doomsman of the Valar; but he pronounces his dooms and his judgements only at the bidding of Manwë.” (ibid.)


The sister of Mandos, Nienna dwelt alone in her halls upon the edge of the world, west of West. She was the Lady of Pity and Mourning, acquainted with grief and sorrow, but also with wisdom and courage. She mourned every wound inflicted upon the world, and those who listened to her learnt pity, endurance and hope - Olórin, better known as Gandalf, was her student. Her tears were used to water the Two Trees upon their creation, and they were later used again to wash off the defilement of Ungoliant following their destruction. “She goes […] to the halls of Mandos, which are near to her own; and all those who wait in Mandos cry to her, for she brings strength to the spirit and turns sorrow to wisdom.” (ibid.)


Oromë was a hunter. He loved the lands of Middle-earth and was reluctant to leave them behind when the Valar moved to Valinor, and thus he often returned to the Hither Lands with his host to ride throughout the forests on his horse, Nahar, and hunt down the vile monsters of Melkor. He loved trees, and so the Elves called him Aldaron in Quenya, and Tauron in Sindarin - the Lord of Forests. It was Oromë who first discovered the Quendi in Cuiviénen, invited them to dwell among the Valar in Valinor, and later led them on the Great Journey westwards. “The Valaróma is the name of his great horn, the sound of which is like the upgoing of the Sun in scarlet, or the sheer lightning cleaving the clouds.” (ibid.)

And thus we have accounted for all of the Aratar, the greatest of the Valar. In their own tongue - Valarin - the Aratar were called māχanumāz (sg. māχanāz); from this word came the Quenya term Máhan (“one of the eight chiefs of the Valar”), and it is related to the word Máhanaxar - the Ring of Doom, the circle of thrones where the Valar sat in council.

~ Question of the Week ~

Last time Melkor got the right answer.
Answer: The Yavannildi were Elven-women that knew the secrets to making Lembas.

This Week's Question:
In the Book of Lost Tales Oromë had a daughter - what was her name?

~ More Media ~

You know us, we love sharing our progress and Twitter is the perfect place. Give us a good follow and always have something to look forward to on your daily scroll. Just to spice it up, comment your favorite parts of our builds at MinecraftMiddleEarth (@MCMiddleEarth) | Twitter. You won't be disappointed!

Sometimes you just want to enjoy some quality pictures, we got you covered. Head on over to our Facebook account, try following us there too Minecraft Middle-Earth

It doesn't matter if you just woke up or after a busy day at work; scrolling through Instagram and seeing a cool project you have worked on, or just amazing graphics from your favorite server on your favorite game- MCME's Instagram is the right place to be. Check it out at mcmiddleearth on Instagram, or this perfectly good link to take you straight there.

But of course, the most important and obviously most used social network is of course Planet Minecraft! Be sure to give us a diamond there. It costs nothing! Minecraft Middle Earth Minecraft Server

~ Closing Statement ~

I lost a few brain cells typing up this edition, not gonna lie. With an empty interview and Hover's Microsoft Word file absolutely murdering my PC, I was not having it. Regardless, it's all said and done now. Just remember, in times of hardship, gang signs and flat lines.

Goodnight America

Excellent work, Times Team!

Quote by Yoshiya “Joshua” Kiryu
"By ourselves, we’re no one. It’s when other people look at us and see someone — that’s the moment we each start to exist. All they needed was for someone to see them, connect with them."


The Official MCME Times


  • image0 (1).webp
    image0 (1).webp
    945.6 KB · Views: 241
Map missed one of the images I sent him for the Media Winners, so here it is in all its glory.

Honorable Mention: Ah yes, Andrast. Undoubtedly Itai's territory when it comes to screenshotting, and he knows it. In this shot, a beautiful pink fog sets up camp for the night in the wide valley. Good lighting and composition.
Itai Valley.webp
Lettuce Be Thankful!
Also, It's Coming Rome!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Well here we are again. It’s always such a pleasure to post The Times once more for you all. As of today, I’m happy to announce the kickoff of the Summer Events! Long in the making, the games have officially been kicked off with a stunning opening ceremony in Lettuce Land. We also had the skin contest right after which I can’t really speak on since I had to leave right before it happened. Regardless, there are plenty of events to participate in over the next week or two, so come on out and participate! Hope you enjoy the Mapthor Times Edition Part 2 :D

Happy Sailing,

~ Project Progress ~

Anorien - Lead: @draonic_slayer | In Progress
Report by Draonic_Slayer

Progress has been good throughout Anorien. I finally got around to handing out the terrain colouring plots, and the commoners have taken well to completing them. The hill of Amon Dîn now has some nice colouring to help emphasise the cliffs. Still lots of work to do on that though so any help is appreciated. For the Pelennor a few more house interiors have been completed, with the initial planning for section 4 being laid out ready to be built on.

View attachment 23122

Cair Andros – Lead: @Andrewpioneer | In Progress
Report by Andrewpioneer

The terrain for the project is now finished, the custom tree repository is almost completed and is completed enough to begin forest concepts and implementation. Progress has continued on structural concepts, for both interior and exterior features. Focusing mainly on interiors this past 2 weeks we have completed designs for the Feast Hall and several underground spaces, namely the kitchens. Overall the project is getting very close to beginning main world building.

View attachment 23121

Lond Daer – Lead: @mattlego | In Progress
Report by mattlego

Not too much progress has been made in Lond Daer as Luk has been busy with exams and I have been busy with the opening ceremonies and Cair Andros. That being said though, the Palace has been moved to main world and some planning in Old Town has begun.

View attachment 23120

Moria – Lead: @DoctorDaom | In Progress
Report by Mershy

The only progress the past couple weeks has come from moviecave. Badger has been running around trying to get things finished as it draws to a close. Things such as the dam ruining and rock shaping are included in these final touches. Finally, Effie has also been helping out by running the large smoothing jobs to get the cave looking top tier.

View attachment 23119

~ General Announcements ~

Become a Donor
Keeping MCME running is not free, every month we have to pay $265 to keep up all our work. Donations help us keep doing what we love and providing you with amazing builds to look at. Donations are not required but greatly accepted, if you want to help us in our feat of rebuilding Middle Earth in Minecraft you can donate here.
Viewing Donation Drive: Community Costs
Our Donors
  • Marta
  • Guest
  • RedHMP
  • Boltingmouse
  • Wyattrox03

Summer Events

A whole bunch of events were announced this past two weeks regarding our annual Summer Events. For a full schedule and rundown, check out the forum post:

Event Video
Ginger has cooked up another spicy video for us, and this time it's to kickoff the Summer Events! Take a look here:

~ Rank Updates ~
Report by Givet10

Yet another times edition without promotions :(, let's see if there will finally be one again in the next one.

~ Interviews ~

Interview with @Soarz9

Question 1. What is your favorite Capri-Sun flavor?
Tropical hit different and it feels special when you drink it because it feels like Summer which is conflicting because I hate Summer. I'm a Winter kid and that's why I got a Christmas Tree still up in my room.

Question 2. What is your favorite movie in recent memory?
Top favorite movie is Bourne Legacy. Every time my Dad and I watch something, it's usually that. But, close second is a tie between Fifty Shades of Gray and 365 Days.

Question 3. If you could be a house plant, which one would you be?
The plastic plant that sits at the edge of your room.

Question 4. What's your Anthem on your Tinder account?
It "Love Me Like You Do" by Ellie Golding nowadays, but it used to be "I Fall Apart" by Post Malone.

Question 5. What type of shaving cream do you use?
It's just Harry's Shaving Cream bro, that's the whole show.

Question 6. Who were you most angry at during our GTA session last night?
I was pissed at Rockstar! They kept disconnecting me on my server. During the minigames, Shen's hacking bs got me upset. Every time man, we whips out that mod menu and it's all over after that.

Truly inspiring answers there Soarz, thank you for your time :)

Interviewer: mapthor

~ Winners of “The Week” ~

This week we have another round of amazing builds and Media posts. We only choose from the best every time, so hard work does pay off. Sometimes it can get competitive and that is what will win a place here. Please give a warm welcome to this Times, winners of this week.

MEDIA Winners:
This week is a doozy so strap in and get ready to read

The past two weeks have been exceedingly cool for screenshotters. The new Discord #screenshots-feedback channel has so far been one of my favorite channels on the Discord, and I personally am extremely surprised by how many people would've preferred just having a #screenshots channel with no proper discussion channel. From what I've seen, screenshotting has been for the past few years one of the MCME community's most popular hobbies. To me, it makes sense to have a channel dedicated to giving people feedback on their screenshots and having similar discussions; the sizable screenshotting community here deserves it. This channel also helps make screenshotting more accessible to newer members of the community who are interested, keeping the art of screenshotting alive. Not only that, it helps keep people interested in screenshotting and editing, meaning we see more screenshots from people. Needless to say, we had a small boom in screenshotting shortly after this channel was introduced, and the more screenshots, the better, I say! These weren't all just basic Sildurs/BSL shots either. We have a fair few Winners for you this edition. If you want to improve your screenshotting ability, you can feel free to come to me or ask for feedback in our new channel. Practice makes perfect. Happy screenshotting!

Honorable Mention: Continuing with what he does best, Bohemian_Beetle decided to leave the fields and forests to take shots around Osgo. The composition of this shot's very good, but I dare say the focus should be a hair higher in the shot in terms of Y-position. Beyond that, very nice shot. It's impressive how much a little blur can improve an image.

Honorable Mention: Some deep caves are best left unexplored. ...But that didn't stop our heroic explorers from braving the unknown depths of Orruss' Themebuild project! This recovered shot taken by the expedition's photographer, Orruss, shows the troupe gazing upon the colossal, Dwarven statue they encountered.

Honorable Mention: Bohemian_Blur-- er, I mean Bohemian_Beetle, took another shot of Osgo this fortnight, this time from a side-angle. Nice shot, though it's a shame the terrain just outside the west gate is unfinished. It's a bit distracting.

Honorable Mention: Powering on his new rig for the first time, Rogue_Scholar knew what he meant to do with it in the coming days. With shaders downloaded and ready to use, he logged onto MCME with one goal in-mind: become the next Media Winner. This shot isn't the Media Winner this fortnight, but it's a good attempt. Nice composition, bit of an unoriginal angle though. Not enough shadow as well in my opinion, but this was probably so that the lighting would work with the edited in clouds, which do work well with the shot.

Honorable Mention: Melkor_Belegurth, the totally ultra-famous movie producer from Hollywood, managed to capture this shot on-set during the filming of his latest movie project, Two Droogs and a Blowtorch. In it we see famous actor Emeryld posing as the ultra-evil villain of the movie, looking down upon the wealth he has recently obtained.

Honorable Mention: Not one to be outdone by Rogue, Bohemian_Beetle captured this perfect shot of That Bridge Outside Osgo™️. It's very small-scaled, but the composition and lighting are perfect. Nice, basic Chocapic V9 tone, too. This may top his Media Winner shot from last fortnight.

Honorable Mention: This shot from Rogue_Scholar reminds me of the old Kappa version, 2.2, with its colder tone and bright fog. Good composition overall, nice cropping especially. Very nice lighting as well.

Honorable Mention: Celebrating the fact that we have a specific channel for discussing screenshots in, Enenal got this shot of Pelargir partying up a storm. The only thing missing are well-deserved fireworks for the occasion.

Honorable Mention: No one can resist the Belfalas fields, including Rogue_Scholar. Nice composition, though I think the village on the left should be slightly higher up in the shot. Very nice lighting and fog, and I even like the tone.

Media Winner: Ignoring the slight graininess all over the shot, this one looks very nice and is very well done. Mount Monachus used to be a very popular spot for both screenshotters and hide-and-seekers alike. Nice to see it get a bit of love again nowadays. The contrast between the light and shadow is also quite hot. Well done, Rogue_Scholar!

Fresh off the press from my DMs with Maski!

~ Lore of the Week ~
The Aratar, part II Last time we talked about the first four of the Aratar (the High Ones): Manwë, Varda, Ulmo and Yavanna; four others remain…


The Smith of the Valar, Aulë was Yavanna’s husband. All the substances of which Arda was made were part of his domain, and in the beginning of days he laboured to fashion all the lands of the world. Many similarities could be drawn between Aulë and Melkor, in their thoughts and powers and their desire to create things that were new and unthought of by others; and Melkor was jealous of him. “But Aulë remained faithful to Eru and submitted all that he did to his will; and he did not envy the works of others, but sought and gave counsel.” (The Silmarillion, “Valaquenta”)

Mandos The Doomsman of the Valar, his actual name was Námo: “Mandos” were his halls to which he summoned the spirits of the slain, but he was most commonly known by the name of his dwelling. There, in his halls, the immortal spirits of slain Elves remain for a while to heal before being re-embodied; Men, however, would leave the Halls of Mandos on a path unknown, outside the boundaries of the world and into the care of Eru. “[Mandos] forgets nothing; and he knows all things that shall be, save only those that lie still in the freedom of Ilúvatar. He is the Doomsman of the Valar; but he pronounces his dooms and his judgements only at the bidding of Manwë.” (ibid.)


The sister of Mandos, Nienna dwelt alone in her halls upon the edge of the world, west of West. She was the Lady of Pity and Mourning, acquainted with grief and sorrow, but also with wisdom and courage. She mourned every wound inflicted upon the world, and those who listened to her learnt pity, endurance and hope - Olórin, better known as Gandalf, was her student. Her tears were used to water the Two Trees upon their creation, and they were later used again to wash off the defilement of Ungoliant following their destruction. “She goes […] to the halls of Mandos, which are near to her own; and all those who wait in Mandos cry to her, for she brings strength to the spirit and turns sorrow to wisdom.” (ibid.)


Oromë was a hunter. He loved the lands of Middle-earth and was reluctant to leave them behind when the Valar moved to Valinor, and thus he often returned to the Hither Lands with his host to ride throughout the forests on his horse, Nahar, and hunt down the vile monsters of Melkor. He loved trees, and so the Elves called him Aldaron in Quenya, and Tauron in Sindarin - the Lord of Forests. It was Oromë who first discovered the Quendi in Cuiviénen, invited them to dwell among the Valar in Valinor, and later led them on the Great Journey westwards. “The Valaróma is the name of his great horn, the sound of which is like the upgoing of the Sun in scarlet, or the sheer lightning cleaving the clouds.” (ibid.)

And thus we have accounted for all of the Aratar, the greatest of the Valar. In their own tongue - Valarin - the Aratar were called māχanumāz (sg. māχanāz); from this word came the Quenya term Máhan (“one of the eight chiefs of the Valar”), and it is related to the word Máhanaxar - the Ring of Doom, the circle of thrones where the Valar sat in council.

~ Question of the Week ~

Last time Melkor got the right answer.
Answer: The Yavannildi were Elven-women that knew the secrets to making Lembas.

This Week's Question:
In the Book of Lost Tales Oromë had a daughter - what was her name?

~ More Media ~

You know us, we love sharing our progress and Twitter is the perfect place. Give us a good follow and always have something to look forward to on your daily scroll. Just to spice it up, comment your favorite parts of our builds at MinecraftMiddleEarth (@MCMiddleEarth) | Twitter. You won't be disappointed!

Sometimes you just want to enjoy some quality pictures, we got you covered. Head on over to our Facebook account, try following us there too Minecraft Middle-Earth

It doesn't matter if you just woke up or after a busy day at work; scrolling through Instagram and seeing a cool project you have worked on, or just amazing graphics from your favorite server on your favorite game- MCME's Instagram is the right place to be. Check it out at mcmiddleearth on Instagram, or this perfectly good link to take you straight there.

But of course, the most important and obviously most used social network is of course Planet Minecraft! Be sure to give us a diamond there. It costs nothing! Minecraft Middle Earth Minecraft Server

~ Closing Statement ~

I lost a few brain cells typing up this edition, not gonna lie. With an empty interview and Hover's Microsoft Word file absolutely murdering my PC, I was not having it. Regardless, it's all said and done now. Just remember, in times of hardship, gang signs and flat lines.

Goodnight America

Excellent work, Times Team!

Quote by Yoshiya “Joshua” Kiryu
"By ourselves, we’re no one. It’s when other people look at us and see someone — that’s the moment we each start to exist. All they needed was for someone to see them, connect with them."


The Official MCME Times

Renaissance of screenshotting!