• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

~The MCME Times~[04/19/2020]

MCME Times!
Quarantined Edition!

Editor's Note by Soarz
With all this free time it's hard to know what day it is, but that's where your favorite Times Team comes in to tell you its Sunday again! Time is flying by as we all stay home, but for us hardcore MCME players it feels like a normal day. As for this week, we have some new cool additions that are interactive and for all to participate in as well as updates on all our event winners. I hope you have your popcorn and tea nearby as we jump into this weeks edition of the MCME Times.

~ Project Progress ~

Anorien - Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress
Report by Monster_Duck

The Entwash and Fenmarch are being reworked in a project led by Darki. Multiple jobs have been run to create terrain in these areas.


Lond Daer – Lead: @Ivan1pl | In Progress
Report by Soars

Ivan is working hard on getting the Eriador RP to work on Lond Daer. After that nothing stands in the way of this wonderful city going up.

Lond Daer 30.png

Moria: Fellowship's path – Lead: @DoctorDaom | In progress
Report by Monster_Duck

Durin’s Crossroads are slowly but surely progressing. The tomb cave nearby is nearly full, and a lot of work has been done there. Nicovic is working hard to catalogue the Dwarven resource pack.

Moria 30.png

Osgiliath – Lead: @ooitsbirdo | In progress
Report by Foolhardyfish

Not much of an update this week folks, but after a rather successful job, Section 1 of Osgiliath is now clear of vegetation. There are a few structural issues I will be fixing these next few weeks, but once those are done plots should be available. Do be aware of what you are getting yourselves into when completing a plot for me, I am extremely stringent when it comes to vegetation.

Osgiliath 30.png

~ New players ~

Howdy there new players of MCME, I hope this has found you well. When you first start it can be quite confusing and that is why we are here to help. There are many resources at your disposal to help you get started. Below are a few links that will take you directly to the sources that can answer your questions and more. One of the biggest is "How do I get commoner?" Well, all you need to do is simply be friendly, helpful, and participate in jobs, events, and fun all around the server and you can get voted for by guide/artists + and with 10 votes you get commoner! If there are any questions that you need answered that you can't find here don't hesitate to ask a member of our community!

To Connect/Run the server Click HERE
For our Terms of Service and Rules Click HERE
For our Ranks and Duties Click HERE
Once you get commoner check HERE

~ General Announcements ~

Become a Donor
Keeping MCME running is not free - every month we have to pay $235 to keep up all our work. Donations help us keep doing what we love and providing you with amazing builds to look at and explore. Donations are not required but greatly accepted,so if you want to help us in our feat of rebuilding Middle Earth in Minecraft you can donate here.
Viewing Donation Drive: Community Costs

Our Donors
  • Lacotax
  • Smaug_Niphredil
  • LlamaJaden1
  • Mershy_
  • Eriol_Eandur


Events to Come

The Great Lore tour:
For those of you who live under a rock I got you covered - this is one of the guides favorite events. From the Shire to Gondor, we tour it all in the course of three days. We give out information that everyone would know as well as the useless MCME facts and secrets we all love.
  • Part 1: 04/21/2020 1pm GMT
  • Part 2: 04/22/2020 1pm GMT
  • Part 3: 04/23/2020 1pm GMT

MCME House Hunters:
MCME House Hunters is a four-part special that explores the builds on the server at a micro scale. Throughout the event you'll be shown unique dwellings from around the server and see places as you've never seen them before. Coming soon, brought to you by the Guides!
  • Episode 1: 05/15/2020
  • Episode 2: 05/22/2020
  • Episode 3: 05/29/2020
  • Episode 4: 06/05/2020

Finished Events:

The first of its kind, 24 hours of races in one day! It was an amazing time for all involved. Races were held all over the server, for all to join. With that said there has to be winners and those people are:
First: Gizid
Second: draonic_slayer
Third: Mithrilled


Special thanks to Mithrilled for the screenshot!

Scavenger Hunt
This event is what hardcore MCME players take seriously. The clues were harder and the hiding spots were more sneaky. Let that be as it is, but this round our winners are,
Winners: Smaug_Niphredil and Jonatanknalle


Special thanks to Mithrilled for the screenshot!

Puzzle Maze
Some love it some don't, but we can all agree that it is a challenge. We had quite the crowd for this one, with that many of you did complete it. Our podium finishers for this event are,
First: Xmine01
Second: Gizid
Third: Matty

fgvb cgbvh gvbh.jpg

Special thanks to Mithrilled for the screenshot!

Tolfalas Untamed
It was back for a limited time from 2018, Raffy showed us the mysteries and all the cool facts no one but our dear Head Guide would know. If you weren't there then you truly missed out, but don't worry - it will return in the future.


Special thanks to Mithrilled for the screenshot!

New Theme-Build:

This weeks themed-build is Durins Tower. Don't forget to bring out your creativity and show us what you got, remember you have a chance at winning themed-build of the fortnight!

Reference: Durin's Tower - Tolkien Gateway
Resourcepack: Gondor - /rp g
Custom Inventory: /inv b rp:g

How to participate

Use the following instructions to get your Themed Build working:

  • Get to the Themed Build area: /theme warp
  • Claim a plot: /theme
  • Go to your plot (after claiming): /theme toplot
  • Reset your plot if you want to start over: /theme resetplot

~ Rank Updates ~
Report by JarNO_WAY

Gadget271: I’m sad to announce the resignation of gadget. Work got a whole lot busier for him with recent events, so he had to let go of his rank. His amazing work on the server will not be forgotten, and we hope to see him around from time to time, still.

Ti_020601: Welcome back to the guide rank TI! It’s always a pleasure to see old faces return, and even though he had to run a trial tour he didn’t forget the trick, and it was truly like a walk in the park. Good luck with the rank, and We’ll watch your career with great interest!

Darki: The great return of Darki to MCME is now finally complete. Please welcome Darki back to the rank of Designer! He’ll always be a loved member of the community and seeing him back in green does put a smile on my face. He’s already been valuable since his promotion, running loads of jobs. Keep it up Darki, and good luck!

Maski98: After long last, one of the elder members of the commoners decided to step up and claim a rank. Maski is a great builder and he definitely deserves the artist role. We hope to see more of your skills put to great use in the world of Middle Earth!

Soarz: Soarz, one of the two managers of MCME, is now here to also manage our behavior on the server! Now that he officially is a moderator he can guard us and the server, and let’s hope he’s a great and responsible addition to the moderator ranks.

Mithrilled: All welcome the great artist Mithrilled to the rank of Moderator! Although his building skills have always been sufficient to give him a respectable position in the team, he now can add this other role to his resume, showing MCME he has an important job in safekeeping of the server’s integrity. Good luck with the new responsibility, Mith!

~ Interviews ~

Today we are having an interview with our beautiful times leader Soarz about his role on the server @Soarz

Question 1. What was your first time on the server like?
My first time on the server was a bit weird, I was stuck at bag end for like 30 minutes and when I got out someone with 666 in their name was there looking at me. This person helped me follow the foot path all the way to mount doom. He had a great grasp of Moria as well. For my first time on PC Minecraft it was a great time.

Question 2. What made you go for your current rank?
I have always loved the community, and after being a guide for sometime I felt I could be doing more. Manager would have given me the ability to impact the guides in a manner that was only positive. Also as I see it currently, guides have a glass ceiling and don't have anywhere they can go to after guide, unless we are talking manager but that is a discussion for another day.

Question 3. What is the best thing about being a Manager?
All the new things I can do. I get to work alongside the people that run our beloved server, and I see how all the tasks are dealt with. I get to work alongside Raffy, he teaches me how to manage the guides and I'm still learning how it all works but I'm doing the best I can.

Question 4. What is it like leading the MCME times?
It can be tough at times and rewarding other times. Its hard when I look over things and make silly mistakes that I regret later and spelling errors. But at the same time when a great edition comes out, it feels great to now that I have a team that can create something so great.

Question 5. What is the most important thing about the MCME times?

An amazing team, while I can put it together and post it as well as regulate it. I can't do everything by myself, and that is where my team comes in. They do all the work and deserve all the praise for it, I rely on them every week and they never let me down.

Question 6. What is your favourite thing about MCME as a whole?
Since I have joined MCME I have fallen in love with the community. The friends I have made are my favorite thing, I enjoy talking with everyone regardless of time zone. This is a place I can come to when I feel down and it will cheer me up. In the current situation I am happy to have this place to come to and be happy while so much sadness is happening in the world.

Interview by: Jonatanknalle

~ Winners of the Fortnight ~

This week we have another round of amazing builds and Media posts. We only choose from the best every time, so hard work does pay off. Sometimes it can get competitive and that is what will win a place here. Please give a warm welcome to this Times, winners of this week.

MEDIA Winners:

Could this edition be the first one since months, to announce another winner than Xmine? Perhaps.
A number of new members emerged as skilled photographers, most notably erik252525 and 2nah. Exciting. Thank you to everyone else who took screenshots as well!

There were many theme builds I had to fly through this fortnight to find the overall winner. With all of the high quality themes it was hard for me to find an absolute best, but after spending way too much time thinking about it MaximusMaxi08’s theme has taken the place of theme-build of the fortnight!
See this link for pictures of it and all other award winners:

Media-Theme of the Fortnight
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to a new part of the times which we are testing this week, the media theme of the fortnight! The idea for this part of the times is that every week a theme will be released and your job is to create a media item/screenshot which is relevant to that theme, at the end of the week we will choose a winner.

This weeks Theme:

  • The media item has to be created on the server.
  • No stealing (obviously).
  • It has to be somehow relevant on the theme.
  • To submit your theme, put a screenshot of it in the comments below.

You will be judged by three criteria, you will score points in the criteria and the one(s) with the most points will win.
  1. Quality
  2. Creativity
  3. Relevance to the theme

~ Lore of the Week ~
Of the Middle men and Númenor:

The middle men was a term used by the Númenóreans for Men who were related to the Edain, the ancestors of the Númenóreans themselves. The proper term is Men of Twilight (as opposed to the Gondorians, High Men, and the Haradrim and Easterlings, Men of Darkness). The name reflects the Gondorian attitude towards them: not enemies, but also not as noble to be counted among themselves.
Most Middle Men had kinship with the Houses of Bëor or Marach. There were also Men in Middle-earth related to the Second House (the Haladin), and the men of Enedwaith and Minhiriath, later to be known as the Dunlendings. But because they spoke a language that was unknown to the Númenóreans they were not at first recognized as Middle Men. The term referred sometimes to all the allies of the Dúnedain, such as the Northmen and especially the Rohirrim, however usually it referred specifically to the Men of Eriador.
The Edain come from the people of Men who fled Hildorien and were at war with the Men of Darkness and fled to the West. Somewhere in northern Rhûn, they had met the Dwarves.
There they were divided in two, who would later become House of Bëor and House of Marach, to the north-east of the Sea of Rhûn where they dwelt in the woods. The ancestors of the Hadorians dwelt in the north-east of the Sea, in the woods that there came near to the shores. The ancestors of the Beorians had reached the feet of the high hills to the south-west. Because of that distance, they both developed a craft of boat-building but met seldom.
The Men who did not heed the summons of the Valar and Morgoth fell back in a primitive state, having no contact with the Eldar or the Edain. Instead, some of the evil Men who escaped the destruction of Beleriand came to the east and became their Kings. For this the Men were neglected by the Valar. The Men of Eriador were mostly related to the Folk of Bëor and to a lesser degree to the Folk of Hador; some of them might be descendants of the Edain who fled the War of Wrath. They occupied mostly the shores of Lake Evendim (some Elves led by Galadriel and Celeborn for a while dwelt there side by side with the Men), the Weather Hills and the North Downs. They travelled sometimes west of the Baranduin but did not dwell there. They held the nearby Elves of Lindon in awe but were friendly to them. But they were afraid to look upon the Sea, no doubt having heard rumours of the deluge of Beleriand.

In the year S.A. 600 Vëantur first returned to Middle-earth reaching Lindon from Númenor. The news spread swiftly and filled with wonder that some of their distant kin had come, they petitioned Gil-galad to meet the mariners. Twelve messengers came and rejoiced to meet the Númenóreans on the Tower Hills. They found people who spoke languages which were distantly related to the Númenórean tongue, Adûnaic. Númenórean scholars declared that this was because these Men were descendants of the fathers of the Edain, the Atanatári, who had not crossed the Ered Luin and entered Beleriand during the First Age.
The Númenóreans set up friendly relations with them, and declared them to be Middle Men, as opposed to the High Men (the Edain) or the Men of the Shadow (those hostile to Númenor or in the service of Sauron); this classification was modeled after that for the Elves by the Edain, being the High Elves, the Middle Elves, and the Dark Elves. In the "Middle Men" they recognised the similar stature and looks, kinship of language and friendliness to the West. The Númenóreans then helped these men, cultivated them, teaching them agriculture, stonecraft, smithying and their language Adûnaic.
Sauron recruited pre-Númenóreans and in the early second millennium he increased pressure on the West, left his stronghold in Rhûn and relocated in Mordor, drawing closer to the Númenórean sphere of influence. His regular troops attempted to conquer Eriador, hunting and killing Middle Men and the Elves and by S.A. 1700 had mastered all Eriador, up to the River Lhûn and besieged Rivendell. Eriador was already ruined when the Númenórean fleet sent by king Tar-Minastir caught Mordor's troops in the rear and utterly defeated them, but brought peace in the Westlands.
As the shadow spread over Númenor, Tar-Ciryatan sailed to Middle-earth, bringing numerous treasures back to Númenor. Later more lands were occupied, plundered or forced to pay heavy tribute in return for the lives of their inhabitants. Because of these acts they were looked upon in fear, called the "Death" itself and the Men of Middle-earth trembled at the sight of a mighty Númenórean ship on the waters of Belegaer.
In the time of Ar-Adûnakhôr, the settlers of the shores from the Gulf of Lune to Pelargir refused to join the rebellion against the Valar and were joined by exiled Faithfuls who fled the persecution. The term "Middle Men" arose among them. The Númenóreans eventually ventured north of Pelargir and also met Men who had settled in valleys on either side of the White Mountains. So while the term "Middle Men" applied so far to the Men of Eriador they classified those people also as Middle Men, due to their friendliness to the West, and recognized as descendants of the Men who abjured the Shadow.
After the founding of the Realms in Exile, Arnor and Gondor, many Middle Men became subjects of the Dúnedain, and eventually intermarried with them until they became one people. The Northmen of Rhovanion were counted as Middle Men, as were most people living in Eriador. During the Third Age the term Middle Men was still applied to the Men of Bree, and the remaining Northmen, such as the Men of Dale and Esgaroth the Lake-town, and of course the Rohirrim. King Valacar of Gondor became so friendly with the Middle Men of Rhovanion that he married Vidumavi, a princess of the Northmen, and his son Eldacar was of mixed blood. This led to the disastrous Kin-strife of Gondor.
However hostility developed between the Middle Men of the Haladin branch and the Númenóreans, which would endure until the end of the Third Age. Little to nothing is known of them after the ending of the Third Age.

~ Question of the Week ~

This Week's Question:
How big was the largest Palantir?

Question: {Question}
Turin Turambar had 2 sisters. What were their names?

Correct Answer: {Answer}
They were called Nienor and Lalaith/Urwen. Fact: Lalaith died when she was four years old so you don’t hear much about her in the book.


Presented by: Smaug_Niphredil

~ More Media ~

You know us, we love sharing our progress and Twitter is the perfect place. Give us a good follow and always have something to look forward to on your daily scroll. Just to spice it up, comment your favorite parts of our builds at

MinecraftMiddleEarth (@MCMiddleEarth) | Twitter . You won't be disappointed!

Sometimes you just want to enjoy some quality pictures, we got you covered. Head on over to our Facebook account, try following us there too Minecraft Middle-Earth

It doesn't matter if you just woke up or after a busy day at work; scrolling through Instagram and seeing a cool project you have worked on, or just amazing graphics from your favorite server on your favorite game. MCME's Instagram is the right place to be. Check it out at mcmiddleearch on Instagram, or this perfectly good link to take you straight there.

But of course, the most important and obviously most used social network is of course Planet Minecraft! Be sure to give us a diamond there. It costs nothing! Minecraft Middle Earth Minecraft Server

~ Advertisements ~
Ahh yes. We all know the question. “How can I build?", As well as the responses “You can try a theme build” and “You can take part in jobs." The other answer is “Apply for Artist”, and the last option is by far the most exciting. Being able to build in your favorite places all the time. Sounds awesome. We can never have enough Artists, and with a wide range of current projects, there’s plenty for you to do!
Are you inspired to join MCME’s main build rank? You can apply for Artist/ today on the forums! The Managers, Designers and current Artists will work with you and help you on your journey.

Or perhaps, you’re not a builder. Well. That’s not a problem! Becoming A guide is obviously the better option anyway. As a Guide, you’re the forefront of MCME, and there’s no greater feeling than when someone says your tour was awesome. You don’t actually have to be a lore nerd either, you’ll pick up on lots really quickly.
When you join the Guides, you’ll be giving tours, running mini-games and testing players in lore quizzes, or if you prefer less “on the spot” stuff, Guidebooks are obviously your zen, or helping to tell MCME about MCME by writing up articles in the times. You’ll also plan help plan events such as The Summer Events and The Anniversary Events. We hope you join us soon, because us Guides really would love some more of us. What’re you waiting for?
Just click Guide and apply today!

~ Closing Statement ~

Well, another two weeks have passed in the world. For us on MCME, we've gotten swamped with a ton of new players - welcome, by the way - and continue to run events and jobs to keep up with the quarantine madness. It’s hard to think that the world is still on a sort of stand still while this virus runs its course and we try to do what we can to stop it. Alas, we must make do with what we can. Some people watch movies, some are getting outside for the first time in years, some are staying inside to play games and some people host their own internet prom. No matter what, here’s the real ending: Stay strong, stay quarantined, and goodnight!

Great job for the Times Team, who did what they had to do, great job!

Quote from JRRT
“But in the end it’s only a passing thing, this shadow; even darkness must pass.”


The Official MCME Times
Last edited:
Question 1. What was your first time on the server like?
My first time on the server was a bit weird, I was stuck at bag end for like 30 minutes and when I got out someone with 666 in their name was there looking at me. This person helped me follow the foot path all the way to mount doom. He had a great grasp of Moria as well. For my first time on PC Minecraft it was a great time.
Soarz got toured around by the god of Moria himself! I can't think of anyone else with 666 in their name. @Despot666 was the original leader of Moria and a crucial part of the crew that planned it. He was just waiting for young blood to drag to the mines. That's a crazy story imo! :P
Soarz got toured around by the god of Moria himself! I can't think of anyone else with 666 in their name. @Despot666 was the original leader of Moria and a crucial part of the crew that planned it. He was just waiting for young blood to drag to the mines. That's a crazy story imo! :p

Unless he was *very* lucky and got toured around by Wollip, although Despot is the more likely answer :)