Opening statement
It's only a matter of a few days now until the new ranks will be completely set up and functioning!
For the first rank you have voted that it shall go by the name of Commoner again, so be it! The promotion from Adventurer to Commoner will happen automatically once the plugin is in place and you start getting votes. The command to vote for someone is /vote player and will be accessible by Artist, Guides, Foremen and Staff members.
For the Foremen rank I followed both the votes you gave as well as what I deemed personally the best. The rank will be a permanent non-staff rank! If you are interested in obtaining the Foreman rank you can apply from now onwards! Use the newly created Forum for the Foremen applications [Foreman], and be sure to read the "How to apply for Foreman" guide at the top of the Forum! I'll wait for probably at least a week for applications to arrive, that time shall serve to see a bit how many players are interested as well as briefing the project leaders so that there actually are some jobs available to be lead when we get our first Foreman 2.0!
In case you have any more questions about the new ranks, feel free to ask below!
Excuse me for the brevity of this weeks anyway already belated edition, but at least some official announcement for our new ranks just had to be!
Project Progress
Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @jacenpeter
Jacen's working focus currently lies on a west-slope valley, a rough 1000 blocks south of Udul, where is applying his ever-so beautiful geological features.
Belfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Thijs1801
Dol Amroth (In Progress) - Lead: @Eaglz24
The Designer team around Eaglz, including Darki, wodleth and I think also Voxel-newcomer Kjolsen aka Maagnuus have done wonders in northern Belfalas. Rolling hills, as soft as a baby's butt (ye, that's a saying in german) and somewhat crazily majestic. And the vegetation concept also is very awe-inspiring, gotta look fantastic when that is getting done!
Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @_Luk
Texture DevelopmentJacen's working focus currently lies on a west-slope valley, a rough 1000 blocks south of Udul, where is applying his ever-so beautiful geological features.
Dol Amroth (In Progress) - Lead: @Eaglz24
The Designer team around Eaglz, including Darki, wodleth and I think also Voxel-newcomer Kjolsen aka Maagnuus have done wonders in northern Belfalas. Rolling hills, as soft as a baby's butt (ye, that's a saying in german) and somewhat crazily majestic. And the vegetation concept also is very awe-inspiring, gotta look fantastic when that is getting done!
No progress this week. Luk is busy helping me with some missing textures.
Mordor Terrain (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz
@bender400 has picked up the work on the Mordor pack again in order to supply the WorldMachine team with some nice terrain textures! And yes, it's a team now as our Head Fish @Credoo has tuned into the fun of moving continents!
Moria (In Progress) - Lead: @Despot666
Some say Moria progress is slow. Prism says that only the work done in the past 2 days and 12 hours hits the limit of block-breaks prism can load at once, and that's A LOT!
Tolfalas (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz
No progress this week.
Valley of Erui (In Progress) - Lead: @Mandos
The last patches of sand have disappeared! But still some of the land lays dry, digging a stream is still left to do!
I am trying my best to get the new RP somewhere towards completion with all the very few bits of time I currently have free, but no matter what, our texturers are still in the texturing fever and are constantly submitting new things to add! Last week we especially had some very nice and new submissions by @Fireinferno13, covering a set of clothes on a clothesline, as well as some first concept for a nice curtain for the fancy new windows he made!
Animation Plugin (Testing in progress) - Dev: @Ivan1pl
Rank UpdatesForgive me for my lazyness, I can't bear it but I still havent done the testing session I so direly want to do 
Custom inventories / itemblocks (In progress) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur
This week Eriol has added a new tweak, which will most likely be used for the new clothesline, and that is randomised itemblocks!
Block analyse / replace / switch Plugin (In progress) - Dev: @Eriol_Eandur
Promotion-wise I am glad to give you back mister @Wodleth clad in green! Furthermore lofty @the_pharaohs_cat and majestic @raf_the_eagle as new animalic Artists! Congratulations to you, and welcome back to staff to wod!
Themed Build
The *new* Audiobook
The first session has not just yet attracted as many people as TI hoped for, so I ask you: Aren't you a little curious on how this might work out? Yes, of course you are! So tune in next Saturday evening (european time), probably 7pm GMT again.If you're not the one just relaxing and listening, you can take a bigger or smaller part of the fun by lending your voice to one of the following characters:
- Bilbo
- The Gaffer
- Old Noaks
- Sandyman
- Sam
- Otho
- Lobelia
- Merry
- Ted
“It's my firm conclusion that human meaning comes from humans, not from a supernatural source. After we die, our hopes for an afterlife reside in the social networks that we influenced while we were alive. If we influence people in a positive way -- even if our social web is only as big as our nuclear family -- others will want to emulate us and pass on our ideas, manners, and lifestyle to future generations. This is more than enough motivation for me to do good things in my life and teach my children to do the same.”
- Greg Graffin
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