The End of Ambition
New Builds Completed and Old Friends Say Farewell
New Builds Completed and Old Friends Say Farewell
Editor's Note by Mapthor
Now I know I'm always upbeat and cracking jokes with these Editor's Notes, but I'm gonna hold back today because this one is bittersweet. As most of you know, Soarz and Iru stepped down from Mod and left MCME this past week and I just wanted to say a few words. These two, along with awaywind and Shen, have kept this server so fresh the past year with the Reunion Events, Nuggie Nights, and most importantly the ASIS. This place is going to be a whole lot quieter without you two and I'm gonna miss all the fun times we've had together.
To Iru: Thanks for all the crazy stuff you roped me into. Granted I just went along for the ride while you, Shen, and Soarz did all the work, it was still a fun time. Good luck with your new job and I hope to actually sleep in my room in your house at some point.
To Soarz: Hard to believe three years have passed since we first met. We've done some hoodrat shit and I hope can do some more before April comes along. Thanks for all the MCME Memories, I'll never forget them.
On a different note, Harlond is done!!!! Mershy and his amazing team finished the revamp this week and it looks beautiful! Take a peak down below to see a picture of the completed project.
Happy Sailing,
~ Project Progress ~
Anduin - Lead: @Wyattrox03 | In Progress
Report by Wyattrox03
There has been mad progress on the Anduin these last few weeks. Maski and Stephen have built a nice marshland south of osgo. Vegetation PLOTS

Anorien - Lead: @draonic_slayer | In Progress
Report by DraonicSlayer
Over the last weeks, we have seen progress in the Pelennor and Osgo Fields reach completion. Badger has done amazing work in the area outside of Osgiliath and has brought to life a once empty land. Badger has also provided a message to summarize the project for the times:
I am delighted to announce that Osgo Fields is finished! This was supposed to be just a small project to prepare the area for the Charity Stream, but we got a bit carried away. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed, who did plots, joined jobs, and the artists and foremen who slaved away. Your help made it happen. Enjoy traveling South along the Fellowship path, through the new fields and past cute cottages.
For the Pelennor, several new hops fields have popped up around the hops kilms near the center of the project, displaying the wonderful hops texture. Topcatflap added the final details to a farm-stead in section 5, and the last major work to do is the area outside of Harlond, to tie the two projects together.
Lond Daer – Lead: @mattlego | In Progress
Report by Mattlego
Lond Daer has seen a good amount of progress recently. Rudo has led some jobs cleaning up little parts around the city as well as working on a little outpost across the river. Hypr has continued handing out plots on the canals, which are turning out quite nicely. Wyatt and Orruss have been doing a lot of work on the cothin and that it turning out nicely as well. I have also started working on the Hippodrome again and hope to get that done soon. Overall, just a huge thanks to everyone who has been helping LD get closer to being done
Harlond – Lead: @Mershy |
Report by Mershy
We only gone and done it bois
~ General Announcements ~
Become a Donor
Hey guys! As usual, we need donations to keep the server running, so please help out if you can!
Our Donors
- Guest
- Anonymous
Team Tours #4:
It's back and better than ever! This time, Nelman and Peyton take you around Weathertop and the Great East Road in another banger video edited by Ginger himself. Make sure you check it out!
MCME x Amazon Prime?!:
Crazy stuff I know. After NVIDIA and No Kid Hungry, who would've ever seen this coming? Regardless, make sure to follow us over on Twitter to keep up with all the juicy details!
~ Rank Updates ~
Report by Givet10Ayla: After a very successful application with great builds and improvements, the designers have decided to promote ayla to artist! This didn't take that long as some other applications, but ayla has shown in quite a short period how good she is at building and how to be a very active member, congrats!
_Iru: I sadly also have to announce that another manager will be leaving us this time. Iru has decided to take a break from all of MCME, this resignation was a bit unexpected and happened fast, but let's not forget Iru has been on the server for a very long time and contributed to the server in many ways. Building/guiding/helping/managing/moderating he's done it all, so here I would to thank you for all you've done for the server, and hopefully we'll see you again somewhere in the future!
Soarz9: More bad news, Soarz has also decided to step back from his moderator role and will now be focusing on his new job in the Air Force. He has also been part of the community for quite some time now and has done a lot of things that entertained us all. Thanks soarz for all the things you have done as mod, staff, and the work on all these amazing Times editions, good luck with your new job!
~ Interviews ~
Interview with @DukeOfWellington
Question 1. How did you find out about mcme and what made you stay?
I found out about MCME through the Keralis tour, don’t think I got 30 seconds into the video before joining. The 2nd day I got on there was a build day in DA sewers, after that a steady flow of jobs kept me interested until I began to make friends and eventually applied for artist.
Question 2. What build are you most proud in taking part in making?
That’s a tough one, I love Moria as a project and have done a bit in quite a number of areas, however, I have to say Harlond. It’s a great project and seeing all the new blocks used in different ways is pretty cool.
Question 3. Who has the best memes on mcme?
Mapthor for sure, his videos are always amazing and it is clear how much effort he puts into the editing as well as the ideas behind clips.
Question 4. What is your favorite experience you've had on mcme?
There is no way I could pick one specific time, though staying up all night playing games/talking with friends from MCME are always some of my favorite moments in life.
Question 5. Are you a milk or dark chocolate kind person?
As I have working taste buds, I have to go with milk chocolate
Question 6. If you could change one thing about the server, what would it be?
Think it would be pretty cool if we switched from vanilla to Conquest. Serious answer is more interior clutter for tables and walls, that is something conquest does really well in my opinion.
Question 7. If you could finish one region right now (Ie gondor, moria etc.) But you had to delete another which ones would you pick?
That’s quite simple, complete Moria, to delete it between Rohan and Dol Amroth. Rohan doesn't have much to lose though it might be fun to go for DA #4
Interviewer: Soarz9
Thank you again Duke!
~ Winners of “The Week” ~
So we got some good ones as always. Make sure you show some special recognition towards the winners of the week! They’ve presented exemplary displays of our server’s creative potential! Give a hand to these winners!MEDIA OF THE WEEK:
Welcome back to your favorite gameshow and mine, Who Wants to be a Media Winner!
Note of clarification for those of you who are relatively new to the show, the Media Winner of the bunch of shots I have collected here is the best of the bunch, while the rest of the shots, the "honorable mentions", are roughly equally-good in quality. They're not arranged according to which is better than the other, it's kinda random in fact. So there's no "3rd place" or "5th place" to speak of at play here.
And with that out of the way, let us begin our tour of the contestants!
Honorable Mention: We begin our tour of this fortnight's Media Winners with this lovely shot from Bohemian_Beetle. Pretty clouds fill the sky in this shot, and the lighting and composition aren't too shabby either. I just feel the shadows are a bit too bright for my liking and there's a strange, subtle pinkish tint all around that I don't feel fits in with the terrain.

Honorable Mention: Ahh, but Givet didn't have the only Harlond shot in the Media Winners this fortnight. Harlond's leader, Mershy, also snagged some shots shortly after (or perhaps shortly before?) its completion, including this noice lil' shot of the docks area, clearly a popular shot for screenshotters. The composition is good and the lighting well-balanced, though I feel the contrast of this shot should've been higher, as what appears to be morning fog really mixes the light and shadow together a bit much.

Honorable Mention: We begin our tour of this fortnight's Media Winners with this lovely shot from Bohemian_Beetle. Pretty clouds fill the sky in this shot, and the lighting and composition aren't too shabby either. I just feel the shadows are a bit too bright for my liking and there's a strange, subtle pinkish tint all around that I don't feel fits in with the terrain.

Honorable Mention: "But let's not give all the attention to Harlond!" HyprNinja said as he snapped a shot of this area of Lond Daer. I absolutely cannot wait for Lond Daer's completion so we can get some nice overhead shots without the planning. The lighting in this shot is well-balanced and the composition is just as good. I only wish the shadow quality was better, as we see some lines forming from the shadow edges.

Honorable Mention: And if we're giving attention to Harlond and Lond Daer, we certainly must then give attention to Annuminas! This is Ginger's Media Winners, after all. Dahlfc, fortunately, decided to get me this cool shot of about 70% of it, and I'd say the lighting is quite well-balanced and the composition very good. Just overall a good shot. Minor gripe, the shadows seem rather flat in spots, perhaps a brightness issue.

Honorable Mention: Thankfully, there's nothing bright about the shadows in this shot by TitusTheBard, and that's a very good thing considering it's a silhouette shot. I like the simple, yet effective, composition of this shot, and the sky and overall tone are very pretty. Simplistic, yet beautiful. If I had to raise any criticism, perhaps the top and bottom could've been cropped a bit, but that's a minor nitpick.

Honorable Mention: Also in Belfalas, a haven for screenshotters, we have this shot by Dahlfc which was also edited by Givet10. I'm a fan of the vibrancy and brightness of this shot. The composition is pretty good, and the lighting even better. Not too big a fan of the sky here, though, and the blurring of the left and right edges of this shot makes absolutely no sense. If you're going to edit in blur, you shouldn't just blur anything that isn't meant to be focused on in some capacity. It should work like depth of field. The rest of the shot, however, is good enough for me to overlook that.

Honorable Mention: Thought we were done with silhouette shots? Well not yet! Bohemian_Beetle had one more up his sleeve, and it's definitely an improvement over the Weathertop silhouette we saw last fortnight. I like the composition and atmosphere produced here, though I will say the cropping is a bit odd with Weathertop off-center slightly. Still works well regardless

Honorable Mention: And at last we draw near to the overall Media Winner of the fortnight! Not wanting to appear biased towards Annuminas for whatever reason, Dahlfc also snapped a shot of Fornost while he was in the area, the traitor. The composition of this shot is very nice, but the light doesn't feel bright enough. The lighting is distributed in a balanced manner on the focus, however. Only other thing I'll mention is the lack of anything behind Fornost, which at this height and angle leads to a decent few of the void.

Media Winner: Titus managed to get these mountains looking awfully crisp this fortnight. Minas Morgul stands out well here with a slight glow and clear walls, and the fog is a welcome touch. Love the composition overall. Well done, Titus!

Due to technical difficulties, Theme Build of the Week will return in the next edition
Thank you for your cooperation :3
~ Lore of the Week ~
Of Gil-galad:“His sword was long, his lance was keen.
His shining helm afar was seen;
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.”
Ereinion (Scion of Kings), later known as Gil-galad (Star of Radiance), was the fourth, and last High King of the Noldor in Middle Earth and is famous for his actions during the War of the Last Alliance. Before he went away to war, he had been the longest ruling High King of the Noldor by quite a margin: 3521 years! The nearest competitor (in Middle Earth) was Fingolfin at 449 years.
Gil-galad is a character who Tolkien moved around in the lore before he found his final role in the great events that were to unfold. In the published Silmarillion; Christopher Tolkien lists Gil-galad as the son of Fingon, but some of JRR Tolkien’s later notes changed his father to Orodreth, Finrod’s nephew, though he never incorporated this into the story properly. That being said, this later lineage better accounts for Gil-galad’s silver hair, more common in the descendants of Finarfin. Along with his shining silver armour, his hair also earned him the name “Gil-galad”, as he shone from afar.
After the destruction of Beleriand, Gil-galad established the realm of Lindon in the 2nd Age, with support from Cirdan, Celeborn and Galadriel. It was Gil-galad who first perceived a new shadow was rising in the east, and it was he and Cirdan who barred entry to Lindon to Annatar, a supposed emissary from the West. Annatar, the “Lord of Gifts” did indeed turn out to be Sauron, and was revealed when he forged the One Ring. Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion, sent Vilya, the Blue Ring to Gil-galad, who kept it secret for most of the 2nd Age. Sauron overran most of Eriador after sacking Eregion, and Gil-galad in Lindon was barely able to repel the forces of darkness, until a great fleet sent by Tar-Minastir of Numenor arrived, and together they were able to defeat the Dark Lord’s forces and route him utterly. Not even the One Ring was enough to defeat the united forces of Elves and Numenor at the height of their power.
After the Downfall of Numenor and prior to the War of the Last Alliance, Gil-galad handed Vilya to Elrond’s keeping, his Vice Regent. Together, with Elendil, Isildur, Amdir (King of Lorien) and Oropher (King of Greenwood the Great), they made a great alliance and marched on Mordor in S.A. 3434. For 7 long years they waged war on Sauron, with none able to withstand Gil-galad wielding his longsword and spear Aeglos. Barad Dur was laid siege to, and in the 7th year of the war, Sauron came forth himself, and almost broke the siege. However, on the slopes of Orodruin the Dark Lord faced down Elendil and Gil-galad, all perishing in the duel; Gil-galad being killed by the heat of Sauron’s hand. His mission however, to defeat Sauron, was accomplished, though later undone by the power of the One Ring. So ended the final High King of the Noldor, the last whose realm was fair and free, between the Mountains and the Sea.
~ Question of the Week ~
This Week's Question:{Question}
Where did Elendil wait for his friend Gil-galad as the forces of the elves came East from Lindon at the beginning of the War of the Last Alliance?
Question: {Question}
What is the only word known to us in the language of Dunland, and what does it mean?
Correct Answer: {Answer}
Forgoil - “strawheads”
What is the only word known to us in the language of Dunland, and what does it mean?
Correct Answer: {Answer}
Forgoil - “strawheads”
Presented by: TheStephen
~ More Media ~
You know us, we love sharing our progress and Twitter is the perfect place. Give us a good follow and always have something to look forward to on your daily scroll. Just to spice it up, comment your favorite parts of our builds at MinecraftMiddleEarth (@MCMiddleEarth) | Twitter. You won't be disappointed!
Sometimes you just want to enjoy some quality pictures, we got you covered. Head on over to our Facebook account, try following us there too Minecraft Middle-Earth
It doesn't matter if you just woke up or after a busy day at work; scrolling through Instagram and seeing a cool project you have worked on, or just amazing graphics from your favorite server on your favorite game- MCME's Instagram is the right place to be. Check it out at mcmiddleearth on Instagram, or this perfectly good link to take you straight there.
But of course, the most important and obviously most used social network is of course Planet Minecraft! Be sure to give us a diamond there. It costs nothing! Minecraft Middle Earth Minecraft Server
~ Closing Statement ~
Another era of MCME passes on, but the server still moves forward. We'll see you on the flip side.
Great job for the Times Team, who did what they had to do, great job!
Quote from Spike Spiegel
“There once was a tiger striped cat. This cat died a million deaths, revived and lived a million lives, and he was owned by various people who he didn’t really care for. The cat wasn’t afraid to die. Then one day the cat became a stray cat, which meant he was free. He met a white female cat, and the two of them spent their days together happily. Well, years passed, and the white cat grew weak and died of old age. The tiger striped cat cried a million times, and then he died too. Except this time, he didn’t come back to life.”
The Official MCME Times
Another era of MCME passes on, but the server still moves forward. We'll see you on the flip side.
Such a sad time to see an amazing person go. One of the first people I properly spoke with on the server and I couldn't ask for a better friend. I'll remember our late-night rocket league games with our good chats. Good luck with everything mate
Great job for the Times Team, who did what they had to do, great job!
Quote from Spike Spiegel
“There once was a tiger striped cat. This cat died a million deaths, revived and lived a million lives, and he was owned by various people who he didn’t really care for. The cat wasn’t afraid to die. Then one day the cat became a stray cat, which meant he was free. He met a white female cat, and the two of them spent their days together happily. Well, years passed, and the white cat grew weak and died of old age. The tiger striped cat cried a million times, and then he died too. Except this time, he didn’t come back to life.”
The Official MCME Times
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