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    Joining the server

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Resolved Stuck in Beginning Quiz

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Is going on an adventure!

I'm trying right now to join the server but I have a problem:
When I open my chat via "t" to use my mouse-cursor the chat is covering the correct answer so that I can't click it.
First there is normal A, B, C answer options, when I then open chat to use my mouse only B and C are shown anymore.

What can I do, I don't want to screw up just because of this.
First don't worry to screw up. Worst thing that happens when you give wrong answers is that you have to start again from spawn location.

The first question of the quiz is just a YES or NO.
I don't get what you mean by "chat is covering the correct answers". The answers are IN chat.
First of all: thank you for the realy quick help, didn't expect it that quick with how much is going on here ;)

I'm actually already on question 4 I think, the one about the Name. There are options A, B and C when I step on the plate.
But then, when I click T and my "writing bar" pops up the most upper answer, A, is shoven out of my visibility. Is there an option to make my chat "bigger"?
Weird, I'll come online and get you through.

I can't reproduce the problem. Does it happen each time you step on the pressure plate?
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