Resource Pack and Location: Eriador, flower_tulip_red
Texture description:Its a rock for the path to rivendell
Reference:Dont really have one. Just copied our stone texture and added some moss to the bottom
Forum Title: Rock/flower
Resource Pack: Eriador
Texture description: Its a flower that is a rock!
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? No has not been. Used for the path to Rivendell, cause in lore there are stones leading the way there
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Resource Pack and Location: Eriador, flower_tulip_red
Texture description:Its a rock for the path to rivendell
Reference:Dont really have one. Just copied our stone texture and added some moss to the bottom
Forum Title: Rock/flower
Resource Pack: Eriador
Texture description: Its a flower that is a rock!
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? No has not been. Used for the path to Rivendell, cause in lore there are stones leading the way there
Texture image:

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