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Resource Packs Derp Thread

I found a derp with the fishing rod texture. See how one of the pixels are transparent whilst the line is reeled in? That has to be a derp right?
Found this in Moria right next to the second hall.

It seems to be caused by straight pink stained glass panes. Model mishap perhaps? IDK.
I know that some ice may look greenish but this is ridiculous. It looks like it's supposed to be used in the City of the Dead but it's in the Rohan pack so that wouldn't make sense. Maybe change it to a more natural ice color?
(also, why can't I all of a sudden not upload a minecraft screenshot even after I have compromised it? I had to compromise it twice in order to make the file small enough to upload.)
I know that some ice may look greenish but this is ridiculous. It looks like it's supposed to be used in the City of the Dead but it's in the Rohan pack so that wouldn't make sense. Maybe change it to a more natural ice color?
(also, why can't I all of a sudden not upload a minecraft screenshot even after I have compromised it? I had to compromise it twice in order to make the file small enough to upload.)
Hmm has been like that for a very long time... Thanks for the input, will consider changing it to the texture we use in the other RP's...
Today I realized something about the iron doors in the new Gondor pack. Their vertical bars are cut off at multiple places.

Is it really supposed to be like that? Because that doesn't make sense to me.

EDIT: Okay. I guess that is how it's supposed to be since the prison door texture in all of the rps looks like that but it still looks weird to me.
I believe it's meant to be a more decorative door. But I agree it's weird for prison cells. Would be a very easy fix if we would decide to change.
I guess this is the correct place for this post. While trying to build with /rp g and using the grass on mud block I found that the grass texture on the blocks disappears when additional blocks of the same type are placed nearby. Is there any way to correct or prevent this?

Texture 1.webp
Texture 2.webp
I guess this is the correct place for this post. While trying to build with /rp g and using the grass on mud block I found that the grass texture on the blocks disappears when additional blocks of the same type are placed nearby. Is there any way to correct or prevent this?
I believe this is an issue with optifine's connected textures. Try do disable that feature in video options.
That did not work. I found that the grass on alluvium blocks do not have this effect so I'll use them.
It's definitely an optifine issue. With a vanilla client everything is fine. So far I wasn't able to identify an optifine configuration to solve this.
It affects blocks at random positions only (with a very high probability). At some locations textures are always ok. Looks like some random alternative feature of optifine. Is there such a feature?
Not sure if someone mentioned it already, but it's been bothering me for quite a while now. The Green Stone Wedges (both upper and lower) sometimes have the black and purple texture.