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"Pardon My French" A cursing thread

Fuckin hate cursin
Can I point out how hypocritical this is?

Personally, I don't swear (at all), but it doesn't bother me much. I get kinda mad when people swear at other people, but when people swear at a mistake they made or at their own stupidity, then it's fine, as long as the language isn't too strong.
Can I point out how hypocritical this is?

Personally, I don't swear (at all), but it doesn't bother me much. I get kinda mad when people swear at other people, but when people swear at a mistake they made or at their own stupidity, then it's fine, as long as the language isn't too strong.
Yeah, when people fuckin cuss it makes me so mad.
I have no problem with swearing, just so long as it's not directed with the intent of harm. I, however, personally pride myself on having never sworn at all, save a time when I was around 7, and I went through the alphabet sounding each letter with the "uck" sound.
i just laughed for like 5 minutes straight

Just please don't address the issue of the second reason people don't say f***
I've the feeling - and this is my own opinion, you can correct me on this - that the line between swearing and insulting people seems to be pretty thin in english.
By example, in dutch, when people are swearing they are saying this like crap, damn or a whole list of other words that are basicly never ment to be offensive agains anyone. It mosty has the function to colour and somewhat strengthen the language (well this is, atleast, when i litterly translate the term swearing)
When we are insulting (or any other form of this) we've a complete other list of words we use.
What I mean with "the line between swearing and insulting seems to be pretty thin" is that you use the word "fuck" for everything, well this is in my experience atleast. I've this feeling that using this work in all these circumstances makes the matter more sensitive and people react more offended whenever they see this word than when someone uses the word "crap", while it basically has the same meaning (in that context).
I've the feeling that people here are discusting the word "fuck" in all his context's, as it seems to me, that this is the only word that people are even offended by. (In the context of swearing)
Even tho there is a wide variety of words that are used for swearing. I mean captain haddock of tintin, is swearing all the time, saying things like "Billions of blistering barnacles! " and "Ten thousand thundering typhoons!" and I don't see anyone offended by that.
My solution: Don't use the word "fuck" and you're fine...

Also, once again, this is my opinion based on my experience.
I've found that not directly insulting another person with terms such as "retard", is fine. I personally never use swearing to insult people, because if I use the word "autistic" in a malicious sense, which too many people I know do, or to mean that someone is stupid, that shows that I'm ignorant of the word's meaning, and if someone who is or has a relative who is autistic and they hear me say it, that would offend them. I only use words such as "f***" in the sense to mean "Oh, f***, that was really stupid of me", or in a game, and I anger a mob that's way more powerful than me, "Oh s***, run, run, run!". I also use swearing in stories and fictions that I write, to colour the language, or to get across to the reader, "this guy is really aggressive", or, "This guy REALLY should not have done that". So, in my opinion at least, swearing is fine, as long as it's not aimed at someone in a malicious sense, or to make fun of a particular disability. If you want to insult someone you REALLY hate, like a politician or a really dickish bully, or a character in a movie or game, do it in private, please. I'm fine with swearing, mostly due to the fact that English people swear all the time. Seriously.
I've the feeling - and this is my own opinion, you can correct me on this - that the line between swearing and insulting people seems to be pretty thin in english.

You see growing up in the UK gives you pretty tough outer skin, so we honestly don't get offended by swearing.

Our culture develops alot of people like me, who just don't care about what the majority of other people think. Pretty much every British person that I speak with on Ts swears every day regularly. I mean I greet people by calling them a "faggot" and I know that word is offensive to some and I see why people get offended by it, but to us.. it's just another word, we understand it's offensive but we still use it.

But that's not to say I'd use it in a malicious way to someone who is offended by the word, I wouldn't direct it at them because I'm not a toxic person and if you think I am, then I'm sorry but I honestly don't care. I find it frustrating that some people get offended by the mere mention of some words, even when it's not directed at you.

We aren't a toxic group of people, it's just the way we've all been brought up. You can't blame us because our upbringings have made us impervious to things that others find offensive. I try to restrict it whenever possible, but you can't stop me from swearing, you can't restrict the way I talk.
Like I said previously, we are not here to restrict you or the way in which you speak. We simply ask that you tone it down a bit and that you aren't overly offensive in the teamspeak and or minecraft chat. I understand people in real life are conditioned and fine with swearing but, this community does not want to be represented in such a way. Now that we have no age limit on the server there are other people who, unlike you, do not always enjoy the catharsis of constantly cussing. It also affects our image as a reputable server if our memebers are just spouting off the cuff offensive remarks/ swearing on a constant basis. Again I'd like to reiterate my point, I have no problem with you making your own silly jokes in your channels with friends but please don't join other large channels in order to try to offend others with disgusting, cruel, and plain offensive material.
I feel swearing on either one is fine as long as it is piecemeal (small separate amounts) and not aumed at someone, like when someone repeatedly said "fuck you" after i pointed out pikes didnt beat horses at the Pelennor.
It's not about the words themselves it's how and why they are used.
This is why I don't find normal cusswords offensive in the least, when used to express surprise,happiness etc. It's just a word with nothing behind it. Being Dutch I have a tougher skin because a lot of the swear words here are not as nice and innocent.

When addressed at people who don't like it, it is of course not ok, because than the intention is to annoy or upset.

One of the few things I can not tolerate though is using the name/description of a group of people as an insult. Because now it's not just a word, it's a word that actually means something, and using it in such a way is sad and deplorable.
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If someone were to log on to TS and generally greet a channel containing only straight men with one of these, which would be most offensive and which least?
  • "sup ladies"
  • "sup b****es"
  • "sup faggots"
Is the first one offensive? It could easily be taken as sexist, as the context suggests that calling someone female is a (kind of friendly) insult. Is the second one offensive? It's a swear word, and it could also be taken as sexist and demeaning, but the first had very similar connotations by the context. Is the third one offensive? The context again suggests (more strongly here I would say) that (in this case) homosexuality is being used as an insult. [EDIT: On reflection this isn't the best example, but I think my point still stands. The other two still work, and this one still makes a point.]

If you did something really stupid, and someone else called you one of the following things, which would be most offensive and which least?
  • "you utter moron"
  • "you f***ing idiot"
  • "you total retard"
Is the first one offensive? It could easily be maliciously meant, or it could not be meant to wound at all but just blurted out in exasperation. Is the second one offensive? It's just the same as the first really, except it has a swear word in. Is the third one offensive? It's comparing them to someone who has a serious disability, and it seems very unlikely that there was no intent to hurt.

Just one more example: If someone does something cruel to you which leaves you hurt and upset, which of the following things are you justified in saying?
  • "you're a horrible person"
  • "you're a f***ing d***head"
  • "go away and die"
The first? It's not nice to be called that, even if you did do something nasty. The second? It means exactly the same thing, it's just got swearing in. The third? That's a horrible thing to wish on anybody.

The third in each of these lists, although none of them contains (what I would consider) a swear word is a much nastier thing to say and I would personally find each of them offensive/unjustified. As for the first two, whether they are offensive or not depends more on the exact context, but in my opinion it is either both or neither. I don't understand the reasoning of people who find the second in any of these lists offensive, but don't mind the first at all - they mean almost exactly the same. It's not the word, it's really not even what it means, it's what it's used to mean.
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Honestly, as an American, Im going to trash myself here for a second. We're the majority of the world's problem with swearing. Everyone remembers that a good deal of our ancestors were some of the more prudish and uptight sects of religion. (ie Quakers). I think American culture, in general is very hypocritical about such issues as swearing. It's not accepted to swear a lot, but then the people that cant tolerate it actually swear a lot. Cursing alone can change the Age rating for movies and tv shows here.