Hey everyone, it’s waz. You all might have noticed I have been a bit inactive recently on the server. Schoolwork came down hard recently and I have multiple exams coming up that in April and May that I really need to pass. That, on top of family is the main reason behind my inactivity. So, I am handing in my resignation for guide. I know I am not currently able to fulfill my requirements as a guide on our server. If that weren’t the case I would’ve simply taken a break. You guys have been such good friends to me and have brought me so much joy over the past 7 months. I know my time was shorter than most. But this server has helped me through many issues and problems I wouldn’t be able to get through on my own. I would really, really, really like to thank Matthew for being one of the closest friends I have ever had. Along with many other players, he has helped me through so much and I hope we can continue our friendship. I would like to thank Ben, Mithrilled, Xmine, Darki, and Arkengard (thanks for the help on those riddles ark lol). I might be on from time to time. Who knows, I might come back sooner or later, but for right now, goodbye MCME. Thanks for the laughs.
Your friendly neighborhood magical green ball,
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