Is going on an adventure!
Hello everyone! One of my favorite things to do in Minecraft is use commands. With them, I've created a couple maps and posted them. I think they're of decent quality (decide for yourself) Vid of one of my maps. and I was thinking about making another one! Since I love Lord of the Rings and love making maps, I thought I'd combine the two. I was going to make a play-through of the main scenes from the Mines of Moria. The map would be possibly multiplayer (no promises) and allow the player to play as any character from the fellowship. Originally I thought I would just build my own version of Moria, but then I realized that would be a lot of wasted work considering the community has already built such an amazing version. My question for everyone is if it would be OK if I used the Moria built on the server and made an adventure map out of it. Of course I would give credit to the server, the community, and everyone who helped work on the mines. I already asked BWOT (the guy I basically believe to be the owner of the server) about it and he simply directed me here since the map belongs to the community! Thanks for reading.