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Mordor Terrain

So, someone could wonder if i'm still working or i lost myself forever and ever hunting polar bears in Zimbabwe (damn you greenpeace).
Well i might have an update for you seagulls:
So let me explain, this is a render picture made with WorldMachine. It looks fabulous from here and the overlay texture i used help aswell.
Someone then could say: "export it noww!!!11!!!" But i'm still encurring in some problems that might don't have a solution. Gorgoroth should be like at 70 medium height. Uhm well this is probably not possible, i tried but it sucks with the mountain transition so now it's like at 25. Second major problem, having a texture like that in world painter will be very very hard. If one of you is a superpro WP texturer: Teach me senpai.
But, the mountains looks very very nice and super realistic, and i'm very happy about that. I hope to be able to implent it on mcme in january if i will have enough terrain texture (so pick up your torches and forks and find @bender400 ).
Lay aside the torches and pitch forks! I'll make you your textures!

(just plox don't kill me)

If you could make me a list of exactly what you need @Tyranystrasz , then I could get 'em done fast. Over half of my trouble is figuring out what we need, so it would be really helpful if you could compile a list.
This is what is in the pack so far, as terrain goes:

So yeah, just give me an idea of what else you need.

Of course, these look pretty derpy due to the fact that there are no alternate textures except for the far right coal block, so that will need to be done, but that can come later. The middle texture seriously needs a redo too, the cracks don't even meet properly.
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Here a few new terrain textures I made today. I noticed there were several textures in gondor pack that were merely different shades of the standard stone block, so I took normal stone and edited contrast/color:

View media item 2869
I could imagine these different colors of stone in mordor, the volcanic orange/red, the volcanic black, the ash blue, the ash grey, etc.
Lay aside the torches and pitch forks! I'll make you your textures!

(just plox don't kill me)

If you could make me a list of exactly what you need @Tyranystrasz , then I could get 'em done fast. Over half of my trouble is figuring out what we need, so it would be really helpful if you could compile a list.
I love that textures you made! The main problem is the scattered terrain of gorgoroth because the dirt doesn't fit
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I love that textures you made! The main problem is the scattered terrain of gorgoroth because the dirt doesn't fit

Not sure of what you mean by scattered, like blasted piled rock and stone thrown about?
Also, are you saying the issue is that since we cannot use dirt in such rocky regions we need a different basic terrain material? Do any of the ones above suffice?

Anyhow, here are some screens of the four new textures in action (with some magma blocks for fun):

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
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Very interesting textures indeed :O I feel like the gray texture with the cracks in it stands out quite a lot in the terrain; somehow I feel like that texture would do better if only used on the ground, not within cliffs...

This is a photo of a beach in Iceland. Iceland's rivers take volcanic sediment with them, which is quite dark. We could have those kinds of beaches around Lake Nurnen, or at the north sides, near Mount Doom. It's realisticly quite certain that Nurnen's landscape had alot of volcanic sediment, also because it was said that there worked alot of slaves at fields around the lake (even after the War of the Ring) and volcanic sediment is very fertile for growing crops. So ye what do you think about it, also maybe new textures for the black sand?
This is a photo of a beach in Iceland. Iceland's rivers take volcanic sediment with them, which is quite dark. We could have those kinds of beaches around Lake Nurnen, or at the north sides, near Mount Doom. It's realisticly quite certain that Nurnen's landscape had alot of volcanic sediment, also because it was said that there worked alot of slaves at fields around the lake (even after the War of the Ring) and volcanic sediment is very fertile for growing crops. So ye what do you think about it, also maybe new textures for the black sand?
Nurn sea is over 200 miles away from Orodruin, i don't think the vulcano changed the landscape in that way. Also Mount Doom is described like a very toxic vulcano, that made water undrinkable. Sauron had to force the people of Nurn to produce and provide food for him, because in Nurn (unlike in Gorgoroth) it was possible to produce food, because it was far away from the vulcano.
It makes sense geologically (as Eyjafjallajökull showed us 200mi is a laughable distance for volcano ash, not even including wind and water) and produces some great visuals.
I like the idea - even if it's just for a part of Nurn (like the Noth-West shore as the "Black Beaches")