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    Joining the server

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Accepted Mithrilled Voxel Badge Application

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Another Moria Worker
Hello there, this is my voxel badge application:

When did you join?
December of 2018
What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had the rank?
I've been a foreman for a month
How experienced are you with Voxelsniper and making terrain?
Fairly experienced, I know most of the commands I'll ever use.
Will you need instructions in using Voxelsniper once you have the badge?
Probably sometimes, I can always Google it if I need any help or ask someone who is more experienced
Why do you need this badge?
I talked to Smaug and I'd like to take over the Voxel desert next to Aldburg to clear it of all sand. I generally enjoy making terrain and vegetation and it's a useful tool to have available.
What does 'mature and responsible use of the badge' mean to you?
Not using it to troll, grief or to misuse my powers

Here are some of my terrain works:

Made on Builder's Refuge with Voxelsniper (without vegetation)


Made on Builder's Refuge with Voxel (with vegetation) (Didn't bother to make a river here, was more just about the terrain)

Cliffs made on Builder's Refuge, made with heightbrushes and Voxelsniper (vegetation not finished)


(All of these 3 pieces were made using heightbrushes and worldedit, thought Id' still show them to show that I understand terrain)
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