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Accepted Mithrilled Artist Application

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Another Moria Worker
Hello everyone!
This is my artist application.

I can't exactly remember when I joined. It was somewhere at the end of 2018. I actively started working in the march of 2019, doing some jobs and plots.

Jobs and Plotbuilds:
During my travels in MCME I came across Dol Caranthan. This was later going to be where I built most of my stuff, because Oberanio was really nice and gave me things to do and constructive feedback. But first: here are my jobs. (By the way, I don't have a powerful PC, so some of these pictures may have a poor quality.) I also highly recommend looking out for the descriptions of the Imgur posts, as they sometimes have information not given in this forumpost, as I felt it wasn't necessary.

Job 1: Fixing derps with Jonatanknalle
In my first job we fixed some derps in Dol Amroth with Jonatanknalle. Some items were messed up because some things were changed because of World-Edit. We had to manually replace the blocks that were messed up. Sadly I don't have any pictures of this.
Job 2: Making streams in a delta with Barteldvn
In this job we made some streams in a delta. I learned how to make nice circles/edges. Again, I sadly don't have any pictures of this.
Job 3: Making roads in Dol Caranthan with Oberanio
In this job we made some roads in Dol Caranthan. This was very fun, as I used what I learned in the 2nd job, and used it here. This created nice, flat roads. This was my first job where I actually built something, and it was really nice to work on. I got commoner in this job.
Job 4: Osgiliath bank with Oberanio/FoolhardyFish
In this job we worked on a bank on the side of the river Alduin running through Osgiliath. I never really built much vegetation, so this was a very fun and informative job for me. This was also the job I realized I wanted to become an artist, as some other people recommended it to me.
Job 5: Anorien roads with Oberanio/FoolhardyFish
In this job we made some more roads, this time outside of Dol Caranthan. I used the same techniques that I used during the 3rd job. We were with a lot of people in this job, so it was really fun.
Job 6: Osgiliath Ruining with OoitsBirdoTI
In this job we ruined houses in Osgiliath. Ooits was kind enough to open this job up for me, and it was really fun. Also, this house was next to the part of the bank I did in the 4th job.
Job 7: Digging out roads in Anorien with Oberanio
Oberanio asked me to dig out some roads, and later on another guy came along to help. Lindolas also helped, so thanks to them.

Next up are my plotbuilds. All of these were given to me by Oberanio, and all of them were made in Dol Caranthan. I started getting plotbuilds after the 3rd job. (or 4th, I can't exactly remember)
Plotbuild 1: Interior Anorien house (1)
This was my first plotbuild given by Oberanio, just like all the other ones. He said to make a carpenter, so I did. Around this time I didn't know how armourstands worked, so Fish did those. I got a few tips from Oberanio, and it was really nice learning.
Plotbuild 2: Exterior Anorien house (1)
This was my first exterior in Dol Caranthan. Oberanio gave me the layout (a frame to work in) and a blockpallet. I also had to plan some windows here and there. I learned a lot with the roof because Oberanio gave me some tips.
Plotbuild 3: Interior Anorien house (2)
Oberanio actually asked me to do the interior as well. I decided to make it a pottery. Oberanio showed me an example in another town. It was hard to screenshot this nicely, because the supports are in the way. I recommend taking a look at it yourself. I still didn't know how armourstands worked, so Fish did those for me. I was and still am very proud of the furnace. I think it looks really nice.
Plotbuild 4: Fixing roads in Dol Caranthan
This actually was not a plotbuild, it was a private job, but because it was private, I think it's better to include it with the plotbuilds. In the same job as my 3rd job, there was a guy that didn't really listen to Oberanio. Oberanio said he would fix it, but I offered to help him. Again, I used the same techniques that I used with the 2nd and 3rd job.
Plotbuild 5: Exterior Anorien house (2)
This was the first house I actually created from scratch in Dol Caranthan. This was actually in the same job as plotbuild 4. Oberanio gave me a blockpallet, and I created this house. It was very fun creating a house all by yourself.
Plotbuild 6: Interior Anorien house (3)
This time I actually learned how to use armourstands! I got to make an interior for the house I built. I made it a fletcher, because that wasn't used yet and it required armourstands, so it could test my capabilities. This is probably my favourite interior I built.
Plotbuild 7: Moria house (1)
At last, I built something in Moria, and it was really fun! I think it turned out great, and I am really happy NicovicTheSixth gave me this plot.
Plotbuild 8: Moria house (2)
Nic gave me another plot. This one was a bit bigger than the last one. Again, thanks to NicovicTheSixth for giving me this plot!
Plotbuild 9: Moria house (3)
Well this is becoming pretty self explainatory.

My first themed build was of Laketown. When i started out I didn't really know what I was doing, but later on I learned a lot because of my plotbuilds and jobs, and that really helped. I have a few issues with this themed build though. I think it's too linear and too much of the same. I could've switched it up a little bit more. Nonetheless I am very proud of it. I tried to take some good screenshots, but if you want to check it out here are the coordinates: -596/4/38597

Additional builds:
I will probably update this post with some additional builds I will build in the future. I did make this still-life in Freebuild with armourstands:
EDIT: I am working on a small project that's still a WIP. It is Mithrilled's School of Writing, and there'll probably be another forum post about it in the next week. Some of the interior is only for functional purposes, so I didn't make pictures of those. Phoenix108 gave me a lot of helpful tips with this one:
EDIT: I added a fishing pond and a boathouse with a restaurant to the campus. The coordinates are: -8978/4/-8856. RubenPieterMark made the two big trees, and he taught me a lot about trees and how they should be built. I will include screenshots with and without shaders.

Your interests:
I am very interested in working more in Gondor, specifically Anorien, since I already built some stuff in that style. I'd be more than happy build new things though. I would love to work in Moria sometime, because that seems very different to me.

Your motivation:
I want to become artist because I really enjoy building. When I was little I always used to play Minecraft with my friends. After that we kinda grew out of it. Last year I finally got back into Minecraft. Around that time I loved the Lord of the Rings movies and the Hobbit book, and I started reading the Lord of the Rings book. Combining the two things I love, I found this server. (I actually found this server because of the video Keralis made.) I was amazed by the huge builds, and I remember Dyno_Daring showing me around. I also remember being blown away by Isengard and Minas Tirith. The following few weeks I spent hours exploring the world of Middle-Earth. After that, I started participating in jobs and I made a lot of friends. During the Alduin bank job, some people said I should try to get artist. After that I started building more and more, and that's where we are now. I think I would be a good artist because I already have a lot of friens on MCME, and I already learned how custom inventories and armourstands work. I would still learn a lot, mainly about lore and other styles. For example I don't know much about the build style of Moria, and I would love to learn about it.

I hope I get advice on my builds, and maybe get accepted as an artist. I will continue to update this post. Also, correct some spelling or grammar mistakes if you find them, because I am not the best at English.
With kind regards,
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Added new pictures of the Freebuild build, because there was a pretty drastic overhaul.
This is a great application! A lot to see and to explore! I see a lot of stuff in your builds that is great, ofcourse there can still be improvement (but I mean, who couldnt' ;P). I am looking forward to you doing your trial build and see where you end up!
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I did a road job with Oberanio and NicovicTheSixth gave me another plot in Moria.
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I finally finished my fishing pond and boathouse in Freebuild. I included screenshots with and without shaders.
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